Project for organizing work with preschoolers in the winter season “Winter fun holidays for preschoolers”

Creative holidays as an environment for the development of a creative personality

Novelty of the project

is that it is planned to organize an educational environment (platform) of a practice-oriented nature, active cooperation of students from children's associations from educational organizations based on innovative approaches.

During the implementation of the project the following will be used:

principles of creating temporary creative teams;

new types of techniques and materials for creating art objects;

modern educational technologies (elements of art therapy, design technology, professional tests, ICT).

2. Main part

Statement and justification of the problem

School holidays are students' favorite time. This is a time of rest, and a period of significant expansion of practical experience, creative development of new knowledge, skills, and competencies. This is a time of free communication, but without knowing and understanding many of the laws of human relations, a person will not be able to become a full-fledged member of society, for example, make his professional choice. Who to be and what to be is a problem that is eternal at all times for every person. It is education that helps a person make this choice. The long-term goals of children's associations can help children find the application of their strengths and capabilities and fill the vacuum in the realization of children's interests.

One of such children's associations in Russia is the Association of Children's Creative Associations "Golden Needle". Since 2006, the Golden Needle club has become a full member.

Problem solving: how to form and develop in students a readiness for creativity, self-organization, cooperation, and a healthy lifestyle has since been the focus of the club. Since, in our opinion, only the formation of social skills plus professional skills are a condition for achieving success in life.

At some stage of development, innovative activity becomes an obligatory component of the development of children's communities.

Promising sources of innovation in this area may be:

Partnership and joint projects with other educational organizations as a condition and means of attracting additional resources to the activities of the children's community.

The use of modern educational technologies (design and research activities, modular programs) when creating a collection of clothing models, items of decorative and applied art.

Identifying and offering students interesting topics for creative and project work in the district.

Caring for the health of students in difficult climatic conditions of the region.

New for the community of children's associations will be the environment (platform) as a form for organizing educational and creative activities through workshops, fairs, project defense, exhibitions, professional tests, and competitions. The use of modern educational technologies and resources will be aimed at improving knowledge, skills, personal competencies and healthy habits for maintaining health.

Plan for holding special moments during the winter holidays (middle group)

Ekaterina Smirnova

Plan for holding special moments during the winter holidays (middle group)

Plan for the New Year holidays in the middle group

25.12.2017 «Winter's Tale»

Objectives: creating an emotionally positive mood, developing interest in fairy tales and fairy-tale characters on a winter theme .

Conversation “Signs of Winter”

.Goal: to activate the vocabulary, develop thinking and memory.

R/R game “Find the Snowman”

.Goal: to develop interest in what is happening, to teach how to use prepositions correctly.

Modeling "Snowman"

.Goal: to develop fine motor skills of the hands, learn to roll a ball in the palms of various shapes.
from various parts .

Reading fiction “Zayushkina’s hut”

.Goal: to teach to listen to a work, to understand its meaning. Be able to identify the heroes of a fairy tale.

Outdoor game “Shaggy Dog”

.Goal: learn to run without bumping into each other. Listen to the teacher's signal.

Mathematical game "Fourth wheel"

.Goal: to consolidate knowledge about basic colors and shapes.

Walk: card 1

Observation of the plant world. Objectives: to consolidate children’s knowledge about the structure of a tree. Foster a caring attitude towards nature.

Labor activity. Caring for broken branches. Tasks: to encourage children to independently carry out basic tasks. Cultivate a desire to care for plants.

Outdoor games. "At the Bear's Forest"

.Objectives: learn to play group games. Develop agility and self-confidence. Develop a reaction to the teacher’s signal.

26.12.2017 "Heroes of Fairy Tales"

Objectives: to activate the memory of your favorite heroes and characters from fairy tales. Develop an interest in literary works and a desire to listen to them.

Conversation “My favorite fairy-tale hero”

.Goal: to activate children's vocabulary.
To cultivate a feeling of beauty from a new meeting with a hero. Learn to write a short story (2-3 sentences)
about your hero.

Music "My favorite songs"

.Goal: listen to songs from your favorite children's films and cartoons. Create a sense of beauty. Encourage singing.

Drawing "Fairy Tale"

.Goal: to develop interest in drawing.
Learn to choose the right color to paint a workpiece. Draw without pressing on the pencil (wax crayon)

Outdoor game “Catch up with the snowman”

.Goal: to form the desire to achieve the goal. Learn to run without bumping into each other.

Reading fiction “Geese and Swans”

.Goal: to instill a love of literature. Learn to listen to a piece until the end. Be able to identify good and bad actions of heroes. Create a desire to express your opinion.

Walk: card 2

Observing a sparrow. Tasks: expand children's understanding of bullfinches. Cultivate a kind attitude towards feathered friends. Continue bird watching in the area.

Labor activity. Feeding birds. Tasks: to cultivate the desire to do good deeds. Encourage them to carry out basic tasks independently.

Outdoor games. "Birds in Nests"

.Objectives: teach to walk and run in all directions without bumping into each other. Respond quickly to the teacher's signal. Instill goodwill towards friends during the game.

27.12.2017 "What is good and what is bad"

Objectives: to develop the communication skills of students. Instill friendliness in the team, teach sharing toys. Cultivate politeness towards each other.

Conversation “Good and bad deeds”

.Goal: to form the concepts of good and bad deeds. Correctly convey their meaning to the child.

Reading fiction “What is good and what is bad?”

.Goal: to introduce a new work, to instill a desire to listen to a poem. Learn to identify good and bad deeds.

Application "Snowman"

.Goal: to generate interest in the application. Learn to use glue and a napkin when working. Learn to create an applique from several parts. Evoke a feeling of beauty from the work done.

Dance game “Our children have a big Christmas tree”

.Goal: to consolidate the ability to dance in a round dance. Sing along to a familiar song according to the music. Instill friendliness in the team.

R/R game “Tell a friend a compliment”

.Goal: to give meaning to the word
. Learn to compliment each other. Inspire joy in what is happening.

Construction of a “Ladder for a Cockerel”

.Goal: to develop the ability to make basic construction using a wooden construction set. Be able to name construction parts. Learn to share with friends.

Walk: card 3

Observing the roadway. Tasks: to consolidate children’s knowledge about the roadway. Reinforce the concepts of trucks and cars. Learn to identify special equipment.

Labor activity. Collecting toys on the site using trucks. Tasks: develop feasible work skills.

Outdoor games. "Sparrows and the car"

.Objectives: learn to hear a signal and respond to it. Strengthen your knowledge of traffic rules.

28.12.2017 "New Year is coming soon"

Objectives: to evoke joy from the imminent arrival of the holiday. Create a desire to please Father Frost and Snow Maiden.

Conversation “How we prepare for the Holiday”

.Goal: learn to write a short descriptive story together with the teacher. Express your thoughts through a story.

Construction of the "House"

.Goal: to develop the ability to make basic construction using a wooden construction set. Be able to name construction parts. Learn to share with friends.

Reading fiction “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”

.Goal: to instill a love for books. Create a desire to hear a new fairy tale. Learn to identify the heroes of the work and characterize their actions.

Outdoor relay game “Bring a snowflake”

.Goal: to teach the rules of the relay race. Foster team spirit and the ability to play in a team.

R/R game “Where is Santa Claus hiding?”

Goal: to develop attention and logic. Learn to use prepositions correctly. Instill interest in the game.

Modeling "Kolobok"

.Goal: remember your favorite character, develop fine motor skills. Learn to roll a ball in your hands.

Dance game “Let’s go through the raspberries to the garden”

.Goal: to consolidate the ability to dance in a round dance. Sing along to a familiar song according to the music. Instill friendliness in the team.

Walk: card 4

Observing the work of a janitor. Tasks: to cultivate respect for people’s work, teach them to come to the aid of others.

Labor activity. Sweeping paths in the play area with a broom. Tasks: teach how to use brooms correctly. Finish what you start.

Outdoor games. "Mice in the Pantry"

.Objectives: learn to hear a signal and respond to it. Learn to quickly change direction without bumping into each other.

29.12.2017 «Holidays»

Objectives: create an emotionally positive holiday mood.

Conversation " Holidays "

.Goal: develop speech, activate vocabulary. Remember what we can do at home during our holidays. Learn to write a short descriptive story about your favorite household chore.

Reading fiction “New Year’s poems”

.Goal: repeat memorized poems, develop memory and speech. Evoke a feeling of beauty from the upcoming holiday.

Drawing “Balls on the Christmas tree”

.Goal: to teach how to hold a pencil correctly and draw without pressing on the paper. Evoke a feeling of beauty from what is happening.

Reading fiction “The Snow Maiden”

.Goal: to create interest in the book. Be able to identify the main characters. Learn to understand the content of the work.

R/R game “Guess the Fairy Tale”

.Goal: to develop attention, memory, speech. Develop the ability to analyze what you hear. Learn to answer questions with complete answers.

Walk: Card 5

Observation of the first frosts. Tasks: to form an idea of ​​ice as one of the states of water. Form ideas about changes in nature in autumn.

Labor activity. Sweeping sand on the site. Tasks: learn to use brooms and brooms. Instill a love of work.

Outdoor games. "Catch up with your mate"

.Objectives: learn to run around the territory without bumping into each other. React to the teacher's signal. Clearly navigate when finding your match.

09.01.2018 “Kindergarten, kindergarten - I’m so glad to see you!”

Objectives: formation of an emotionally positive attitude.

Conversation “My holidays

.Goal: learn to write a short descriptive story about
the holidays . Remember the brightest New Year's moments .
R/R game "Where I've been - where I've gone"

.Goal: to be able to highlight the main thing, learn to compose a story together with the teacher. Evoke a feeling of beauty from what is happening.

D/game “Fold the picture”

.Goal: to learn how to put together a picture from several parts, following a pattern.

Dance game “Let’s go through the raspberries to the garden”

.Goal: to consolidate the ability to dance in a round dance. Sing along to a familiar song according to the music. Instill friendliness in the team.

Reading fiction “New Year’s poems”

.Goal: repeat memorized poems, develop memory and speech. Evoke a feeling of beauty from the upcoming holiday.

Drawing “Balls on the Christmas tree”

.Goal: to teach how to hold a pencil correctly and draw without pressing on the paper. Evoke a feeling of beauty from what is happening.

Mathematical game "Fourth wheel"

.Goal: to consolidate knowledge about basic colors and shapes.

Walk: card 1

Observation of the plant world. Objectives: to consolidate children’s knowledge about the structure of a tree. Foster a caring attitude towards nature.

Labor activity. Caring for broken branches. Tasks: to encourage children to independently carry out basic tasks. Cultivate a desire to care for plants.

Outdoor games. "At the Bear's Forest"

.Objectives: learn to play group games. Develop agility and self-confidence. Develop a reaction to the teacher’s signal.

10.01.2018 “On a visit to the baby book”

Objectives: to create interest in the book. Learn to express your thoughts through speech.

Conversation “My favorite fairy tale”

.Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about already known fairy tales. To form a desire to learn new fairy tales, new heroes. Learn to characterize heroes.

Outdoor game “At the bear in the forest”

.Goal: to hear the teacher’s signal. Be able to run without bumping into other children.

R/R game “Guess the Fairy Tale”

.Goal: to develop attention, memory, speech. Develop the ability to analyze what you hear. Learn to answer questions with complete answers.

Modeling "Kolobok"

.Goal: remember your favorite character, develop fine motor skills. Learn to roll a ball in your hands.

Reading fiction “Geese and Swans”

.Goal: to instill a love of literature. Learn to listen to a piece until the end. Be able to identify good and bad actions of heroes. Create a desire to express your opinion.

Construction of a “Ladder for a Cockerel”

.Goal: to develop the ability to make basic construction using a wooden construction set. Be able to name construction parts. Learn to share with friends.

Walk: card 2

Observing a sparrow. Tasks: expand children's understanding of bullfinches. Cultivate a kind attitude towards feathered friends. Continue bird watching in the area.

Labor activity. Feeding birds. Tasks: to cultivate the desire to do good deeds. Encourage them to carry out basic tasks independently.

Outdoor games. "Birds in Nests"

.Objectives: teach to walk and run in all directions without bumping into each other. Respond quickly to the teacher's signal. Instill goodwill towards friends during the game.

11.01.2018 "Snowy Forest"

Tasks: remember what animals live in the forest. How they spend the winter, what changes in their behavior and appearance.

Conversation “Wild Animals”

.Goal: to consolidate knowledge about wild animals. Be able to name baby animals. Activate the dictionary. Develop imagination and memory.

Outdoor game “Show the beast”

.Goal: to develop the ability to convey the habits of animals. Convey their characteristic features.

Reading fiction “Frost, Red Nose”

.Goal: to introduce a new work. To form knowledge of why the nose turned red.

Mathematical game "Count how many"

.Goal: to consolidate counting skills and knowledge of numbers. Teach ratios and counting. Develop logic, thinking, attention.

D/game “Fold the picture”

.Goal: to learn how to put together a picture from several parts, following a pattern.

Music "My favorite songs"

.Goal: listen to songs from your favorite children's films and cartoons. Create a sense of beauty. Encourage singing.

Drawing "Fairy Tale"

.Goal: to develop interest in drawing.
Learn to choose the right color to paint a workpiece. Draw without pressing on the pencil (wax crayon)

Walk: card 3

Observing the roadway. Tasks: to consolidate children’s knowledge about the roadway. Reinforce the concepts of trucks and cars. Learn to identify special equipment.

Labor activity. Collecting toys on the site using trucks. Tasks: develop feasible work skills.

Outdoor games. "Sparrows and the car"

.Objectives: learn to hear a signal and respond to it. Strengthen your knowledge of traffic rules.

12.01.2018 «Winter adventures»

Objectives: creating an emotionally positive mood, developing interest in fairy tales and fairy-tale characters on a winter theme .

Conversation “Nature in winter”

.Goal: to activate the vocabulary, develop thinking and memory. Strengthen the ability to write a short story.

R/R game “Find the cockerel”

.Goal: to develop interest in what is happening, to teach how to use prepositions correctly.

Modeling "Bunny"

.Goal: to develop fine motor skills of the hands, learn to roll a ball in the palms of various shapes.
from various parts .

Reading fiction "Teremok"

.Goal: to teach to listen to a work, to understand its meaning. Be able to identify the heroes of a fairy tale.

Outdoor game “Sparrows and a car”

.Goal: learn to run without bumping into each other. Listen to the teacher's signal.

R/R game “Where is Santa Claus hiding?”

Goal: to develop attention and logic. Learn to use prepositions correctly. Instill interest in the game.

Walk: card 4

Observing the work of a janitor. Tasks: to cultivate respect for people’s work, teach them to come to the aid of others.

Labor activity. Sweeping paths in the play area with a broom. Tasks: teach how to use brooms correctly. Finish what you start.

Outdoor games. "Mice in the Pantry"

.Objectives: learn to hear a signal and respond to it. Learn to quickly change direction without bumping into each other.

Planning joint activities in the senior group on the theme of the week “New Year holidays”

Menshikova Lyudmila Viktorovna

Planning joint activities in the senior group on the theme of the week “New Year holidays”

from December 26, 2016 to December 30, 2016

Topic of the week : New Year holidays


26.12.16. Monday


1. Conversation with children on the topic: New Year holidays , what will we do?”

Goal: to summarize children’s understanding of the topic , to develop speech and thinking.

2. Game exercise “Charging Santa Claus”

Goal: to develop creativity in motor activity .

3. Duty: in a corner of nature.

Goal: to promote the desire to care for indoor plants.

4. Examination of cards and conversation about birds on the topic: “Birds of the Perm Territory”


Goal: to expand children’s understanding of the wintering birds of the Perm region, to develop the ability to recognize birds by appearance and name them.

5. Drawing “Titmouse and Bullfinch”


Goal: to promote the ability to convey the image of a tit and a bullfinch in a drawing, select the appropriate color scheme, and beautifully arrange birds on a sheet of paper.


1. Bird watching.

Goal: to create a desire to take care of wintering birds, pour food into the feeders; expand knowledge about wintering birds.

2. P/i “Over the bumps”

Goal: practice jumping on 2 legs.

3. Clearing snow from paths for Santa Claus on the site.

Goal: to promote hard work and communication skills.

4. Outdoor games “The deer has a big house”


Goal: to consolidate the ability to correlate movement with text.

5. Independent activities : children playing with snow, sledding, sculpting figures from snow.


1. D/i “Make a Christmas tree”


Goal: to help consolidate the concept of “top”


2. Guessing riddles from Santa Claus's envelope.

Goal: to promote the development of logic, ingenuity, and thinking.

3. Reading the poem by A. Stern “Our Christmas Tree”

Goal: to instill in children an interest in works of literature, poetry, teach them to perceive a poem holistically, and retell their favorite passages in their own words.

4.Creative workshop: designing a letter to Santa Claus.

Goal: To form ideas about the work of the postal service and develop creativity. Promote a positive attitude and anticipation of the holiday.

12/27/16 Tuesday


1. Conversation with children on the topic “How people congratulate each other on New Year’s Day”

(give gifts, send greeting cards, parcels, letters, etc.).

Goal: to improve knowledge about celebration traditions.

2. D/i “Find the extra object”

the topic “Decorating the Christmas tree”
Purpose: To teach children to classify objects based on a given characteristic, independently identify a classification characteristic, and choose an object that does not have these qualities.

3. Applique “Snow Maiden in a beautiful fur coat”


Goal: to promote the development of the ability to compose a human figure, correctly conveying the shape of clothing and body parts, observing proportions.

“Yolki” by V. Suteev


Purpose: to introduce children to the work and invite them to express their opinion about the story.


1.Building from snow: a house for Santa Claus.

Goal: Teach children to build a house out of snow, decorate the building using waste material (tinsel, colored circles, etc.)

2. P/i “Frost, Red Nose”


Goal: to develop motor activity of children while walking.

3. P/n “I’ll freeze”

Goal: to develop motor activity, to lift children into a festive mood.

4. Experimentation “Ice-strongman”

Purpose: To draw children's attention to a tightly closed plastic bottle filled to the top with water, invite them to make a proposal about what will happen to the water if it freezes. Offer to conduct an experiment.


1. Narration of A. Usachev’s poem “Where does the New Year come from?”

Goal: Continue to introduce children to New Year's works , teach them to reason, and follow the course of reasoning of the author of the poem. Develop imagination.

2. Creative workshop: painting with paints, gouache “Let’s decorate the Christmas tree”


Goal: to continue to introduce children to various ways of decorating a Christmas tree, to tell about the history of the appearance of Christmas tree decorations in Rus'.

3. Game-dramatization by S. Marshak “Twelve Months”


Goal: To encourage improvisation in children, to develop the ability to feel free in a role. Offer children the opportunity to perform in front of their peers.

4. Dining duty: we set the tables beautifully for dinner.

5.Offer children coloring books on the theme: New Year

12/28/16. Wednesday


1. “How many colored balls are there on the Christmas tree?”


Goal: to practice counting objects, to develop the ability to compare sets. 2. Conversation “How are Father Frost and Santa Claus different and similar”


Goal: to develop attention and memory.

3. Canteen duty.

Goal: education of CGN, a culture of behavior and self-service skills: to consolidate the skills of a culture of behavior at the table.

4. Didactic game “What did the artist mix up”


Goal: to develop logical thinking and attention.

5. Create conditions for independent production of New Year's cards .


1. Observe trees in winter, tell how to protect them from severe frosts.

Goal: to promote knowledge about preserving trees during the cold season.

2. Games with snow. Strengthening young trees with snow.

3. Hanging feeders on the site.

Goal: to promote caring for birds in the winter season.

4. Individual work on physical education: exercise in walking “footprint”

Goal: practice balance.

5. P\i “Birds and the Cuckoo”


Goal: develop agility and speed.

6. Organize sledding.

Goal: to promote the development of motor activity.


1. Practice counting objects ( Christmas toys )


2. Didactic game “What’s in Santa Claus’s bag?”

Goal: to help children recognize objects by their characteristic features using tactile sensations.

3. Opening of Father Frost’s workshop: selection of patterns for making Christmas tree decorations.

Goal: to promote the creation of homemade New Year's decorations .

4. Reading the fairy tale “Snow Maiden”


Goal: to consolidate knowledge about the features of the fairy tale genre.

5. D/i “Who does what?”


Purpose: to practice selecting verbs that correspond to winter phenomena.

6. Games in centers of the child’s choice.

29.11.16. Thursday


1. D/i “What kind of bird is this?”

— continue to fix the names of wintering birds in the Perm region.

2. Conversation on the topic “A good deed”


Goal: to promote a desire to help people, to consider situations in which help is needed.

3. Finger games “Snowflakes”

Goal: development of fine motor skills of the hands.

4. D/i “I’m going for a walk”


Purpose: to promote memorization of the sequence of actions when dressing for a walk.

5. Examination of illustrations of Father Frost and Snow Maiden.


1. "Funny drawings in the snow"

- monitoring traces.

Goal: to improve the ability to think about whose footprints remain in the snow.

2. Throwing snowballs at a target.

Goal: develop accuracy.

3. P/i "Metelitsa"

- perform movements according to the content of the game.

Labor activity : clearing paths.

Goal: to promote the desire to provide all possible assistance to adults.

4. Pour food into bird feeders. Purpose: to promote the desire to take care of birds.

5. Independent activities of children .


1. compiling a story based on a series of plot paintings for the New Year.

Goal: to create conditions for mastering the ability to write a story.

2. Role-playing game “Family”

: plot
“Preparing for the holiday”

Goal: to lead children to independently create a game plan, to develop the ability to use substitute objects.

3. Outdoor game “Owl and the Birds”


Goal: practice running in all directions.

4. Learn the poem by N. Artyukhova “Hello, Grandfather Frost...”


Goal: to promote memory development, enrich children's vocabulary.

5. Games with building materials.

Goal: to create conditions for the development of imagination and fantasy.

6. Printed board games at the request of children.

Goal: to promote the ability to play together by agreeing on the course of the game.

11/30/16. Friday


1. Conversation “A kind word to a friend brings joy...”


Goal: to create conditions for increasing the level of knowledge about kind and polite words, about their “magic”


2. D/i “What kind of bird is this?”


Goal: to create conditions for consolidating the names of birds.

3. Finger game “Herringbone”


Goal: to develop fine motor skills of the hands.

“Do it yourself”
books (cut out and paste)
“Here, the New Year is coming

Purpose: to promote the development of creative abilities, safety when working with scissors.

5. Drawing “Decorative painting “Gorodets horse painting”


Goal: to practice the ability to paint a template based on Gorodets painting.


1. Observing the wind.

Goal: expand and deepen knowledge about inanimate nature; develop interest in natural phenomena.

2. "running along a winding path"

Purpose: to exercise the ability to maintain direction.

3. Labor activity : clean the path leading to the veranda.

Goal: improve the ability to work with a shovel correctly and throw snow in the right direction.

4. P/i “Red, yellow, green”


Goal: act on a signal, reinforce the rules of behavior on the street.

5. Constructive game “Snow Gate”


Goal: create structures and heroes of New Year's fairy tales from snow .


1. Reading p. n. fairy tales "Morozko"


Goal: to continue to acquaint children with works of oral folk art, teach them to evaluate the actions of heroes, and express their attitude towards them. Conversation on content.

2. Low mobility game “Find what you describe”


Goal: improve the ability to find an object by description, practice orientation in a group , develop attention.

3. Labor activity group’s play areas on holiday weekends.

Goal: to promote the ability to maintain order.

4. Creative workshop made of pine cones, plasticine and gouache: “Let’s paint the Christmas tree and decorate it with toys”


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