PERSPECTIVE PLAN FOR APPLIQUE IN THE SENIOR GROUP calendar and thematic planning for application, modeling (senior group) on the topic

Hedgehog made from autumn leaves

It is difficult for preschoolers of the younger group to sit still for a long time, so they have to use technically simple but exciting activities. One of these crafts is a funny hedgehog. This animal, associated with autumn and mushroom season, is easy to make from fallen leaves. First, you and your children need to collect leaves from the yard; they must be clean and fresh. They must be dried under a press so that the ornamental material turns out smooth and neat.

To create an application, prepare:

  • dried leaves;
  • landscape or thick colored paper;
  • office glue;
  • black or dark brown half bead;
  • toy eye.

Instructions for creating an application:

  • Prepare natural material, select leaves suitable for making the animal. One leaf should have a pointed tip - this will be the face of the hedgehog. A linden or birch leaf will do. For a back with thorns, maple specimens are optimal, but you can choose others at your discretion. Handle dried material carefully, as it is fragile.

  • Glue a sharp piece of paper – a muzzle – onto a horizontal piece of paper, slightly moving it to the side from the center of the composition.

  • On the back side of the tip of the nose, glue maple leaves to the muzzle. The number of copies can be any, depending on the size of the application. The main thing is that the leaves should be directed with their carved ends up and to the sides; they should not cover the hedgehog’s nose, but can overlap each other.

  • Glue a black bead onto the tip of the muzzle to create a nose. Also glue on a toy eye. If you can't find it, cut out an eye from colored paper.

Snow collecting machine

Boys will appreciate the snow blower. To make this craft you will need colored paper, a cardboard sleeve, cotton wool and bubble wrap. To create a background, the air film is painted with white paint. The material is tightly fixed on the blue sheet.

When the paint is dry, the car applique is placed on the background. The transport bucket can be made from a cut bushing. Cotton wool is used to imitate snow.

Application “Autumn” in the younger group

The tool for creating an applique can be the hands of children. For the lesson, prepare a set of colored paper, stationery glue, scissors and decorative cardboard for the base.


  • Select brown, red, orange and yellow paper from the paper set.
  • Cut out the trunk and branches of an autumn tree from brown paper and glue it to the cardboard.

  • Let the children place their hands on the other colors of paper and trace with a pencil.

  • Cut out the pencil sketches.
  • Invite students to glue paper blanks to tree branches.

Autumn tree

Preschoolers of the younger group are interested in the use of various creative techniques. One of these involves the use of cotton pads.

Making a bright autumn tree is quite simple:

  1. Prepare your watercolors. Draw the trunk and branches of a tree on watercolor paper with brown paint.
  2. Provide children with cotton pads and pipettes. If necessary, teach how to use this medical device.
  3. Dilute the watercolor paint with water so that it becomes convenient for drawing into the pipette. Each color requires a separate glass. It is important that kids choose colors typical for autumn: red, yellow, orange, burgundy, light green.
  4. Show the students the image technique: they should dip a pipette into glasses with watercolor solutions, then pour it onto a cotton pad. One disc can be pigmented with different colors, resulting in beautiful color transitions.
  5. When the painted discs are dry, children glue them to the trunk and form the crown of the tree.

Application in the middle group on the theme “Autumn”

Preschoolers of the middle age group begin to get acquainted with geometric shapes, they form the idea that the outlines of natural objects can be similar to figures. For the lesson, prepare a set of colored paper, PVA and scissors. The cardboard base can be of any color.

Application technology "Autumn":

  • Cut a strip of green paper and glue it to the bottom edge of a thick base - this will be grass-covered ground.

  • Choose from a selection of paper in fall colors: red, purple, yellow, light brown, burgundy, orange.
  • Encourage children to cut out different geometric shapes. Emphasize that the shapes must correspond to the actual shapes of the trees. Let the pupils look out the window and say what shape the crowns have: triangular, oval, round. Moreover, it is not the same, but in some trees it is more elongated or wider.

  • Once the shapes are cut out, have the children glue them onto the cardboard along the center axis, parallel to the previously glued “ground”. Some figures should be slightly higher - these will be tall trees, others lower. They can be partially overlapped.

  • When all the figures are glued, all that remains is to draw on the trunk and branches with a felt-tip pen.

Night in winter

A wide variety of materials are used for winter nights. Therefore, this application is suitable for schoolchildren. For better results, just watch the video and repeat the finished master class. The result will be a nice decoration for your apartment.

At the initial stage, you should decide what will be depicted in the picture. On a winter night there is always a birch tree with a house and a fence, and everything is covered with snow. The desired idea should be sketched on cardboard.

The next step is to prepare a mass of papier-mâché. To do this, napkins are manually crushed and filled with hot water and finally beaten with a blender. Excess moisture is removed by normal squeezing.

PVA glue is added to the finished material until a plastic consistency is formed. The mass is thoroughly mixed and oil is added.

Using plasticine, snowdrifts, logs and branches are formed. The entire drawing is processed with the finished mass. The top of the product is coated with PVA glue. The work must dry well.

The final stage will be painting with gouache. Blue or black would be perfect for it. For snow, you should choose white, and light blue should be used as a shadow. Draw black stripes on white birch. For the house and fence you should choose the desired shade of brown.


Autumn is associated with the harvest and Halloween. You can make a bright applique on this topic for the middle group of kindergarten.

For work, prepare:

  • template – outline image of a pumpkin with leaves;
  • pumpkin seeds;
  • gouache paints;
  • office glue.

Instructions for creating the “Pumpkin” applique:

  • Glue the pumpkin template onto the cardboard base.

  • Place the seeds on the table, after covering it with film or newspapers.

  • Color most of the seeds orange, the smaller part green. Leave to dry.

  • Carefully glue the dried seeds to the template image: orange ones to the pumpkin itself, green ones to its leaves.

Cheerful lion

In the middle age group, preschoolers learn about the world around them, get acquainted with different types of animals and their characteristics. An applique using maple leaves can help with this.

For the lesson, prepare:

  • press-dried maple leaves of yellow and red shades;
  • cardboard for the base;
  • yellow or light orange colored paper;
  • office glue;
  • pink and black markers;
  • plastic toy eyes.

Step-by-step instructions:

  • Glue the leaves onto the cardboard radially so that their sharp ends stick out in different directions. It is advisable to glue them in 2-3 layers to make the applique voluminous. The glued leaves will become the lion's mane. Explain to the children that these African animals have thick manes.

  • Draw the kennels of a lion's face on yellow paper. Use a black felt-tip pen to draw on the nose, mustache, and mouth. Color the inside of the mouth with a pink felt-tip pen. Cut out the outline.

  • Separately cut out the ears, and paint their central part pink too.

  • Glue a lion's face into the center of the foliage ring. Glue the ears a little higher between the leaves.

  • To finish the job, glue on the toy eyes. If there are none, you can cut out eyes from white paper and draw on the irises and pupils.


Disposable plates are very good as an applique on the winter theme. You can easily make a Christmas reindeer out of them. The plate is painted brown. Horns are created using handprints.

Cardboard rectangles are suitable for paws. All parts are cut out and attached to each other. Eyes made of beads or paper are glued onto the muzzle.

Autumn landscape

This leaf applique on the theme “Autumn” is intended for older preschoolers. The task greatly develops imagination; autumn leaves in the composition turn into bushes and trees: the leaf plate is the crown, the petiole is the trunk.

For work take:

  • press-dried leaves of different types of trees;
  • white cardboard for the base;
  • PVA;
  • watercolor.

Step-by-step work:

  1. Using watercolor paints, depict the main composition on cardboard, for example, the sky, a lake, and a strip of shore between them. Wait for the painting to dry.
  2. Select leaves in pairs. That is, the leaves in a pair should be as similar as possible.
  3. Create a forest on the shore. Glue the leaves one at a time from a pair. Glue at random, with one leaf partially overlapping another. The effect will be as if the trees are standing close to each other, the forest approaches the water itself.
  4. Don't forget about the reflection in the water. Glue the second pair of leaves upside down onto the image of the lake. Straight and inverted paired leaves should be joined by petioles.

Hat with mittens

An applique is created from winter accessories. To make the details more realistic, they are decorated with pom-poms made from cotton wool. You can decorate the mittens with felt, bugles or beads.

Application “Autumn” in the senior group made of colored paper

One of the associations with autumn is drizzling rains and bright umbrellas. Older preschoolers will certainly enjoy the beautiful “Autumn” applique made from colored paper. Take a set of paper, stationery glue and scissors for the lesson.

Make the application like this:

  • Draw a circle of any size on colored paper, which determines the size of the composition. Divide the circle into 4 equal parts and cut them out.

  • Twist the blanks into cones and secure with glue. Their color can be any, the same or different. In the second case, you will either have to cut out parts of the circles from different papers, or use white paper, then color it.

  • Glue the finished cones onto a cardboard base so that they meet at their sharp ends. You will get a half-opened umbrella.

  • Cut out a handle with a curved knob. Glue to the base of the umbrella.

  • Cut out colorful autumn leaves using templates. Insert them into the cones and secure.

Forest and trees

Branches are glued onto a colored sheet. You can create an imitation of snow using cotton wool or fur. And with the help of cut rain or silver beads it is easy to depict snowflakes. On the finished sheet you can draw trees, placing a tubercle with cotton wool between them, and you will get a den.


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Mushroom time

A wonderful three-dimensional applique on the theme “Autumn” in kindergarten makes you want to go to the autumn forest to pick mushrooms.

For work, prepare:

  • set of colored paper;
  • templates - contour images of mushrooms and leaves;
  • decorative cardboard for the base;
  • office glue;
  • scissors.


  • Take light brown and dark brown paper. Cut out strips 7x1.5 cm. Ask the students to glue each one into a ring. This is a fun activity that develops perseverance.

  • Make a basket from the finished paper rings. Glue the rings to the cardboard, alternating dark and light copies: it will turn out more interesting. First, make a semicircle - this is the bottom and sides of the basket. Then fill the middle tightly with rings. Finally, make a semi-circular handle for the basket.

Cut out mushrooms and leaves of the corresponding colors according to the templates. Butt glue to the top edge of the basket.

Winter house

The white sheet is torn into small pieces - this will be snow. This activity is great for developing fingers. Ready-made house templates are printed and cut out. The house is pasted onto the main background, the roof is decorated with cotton wool. Nearby, snowdrifts are created with cotton material.

And at the final stage it is decorated with a previously prepared paper snowball.

Application “Autumn” in the preparatory group of kindergarten

Preschoolers 6-7 years old can be taught to work with salt dough. It is more interesting for children to sculpt figures from it than from plasticine. The work is painstaking, teaches patience and perseverance, and develops imagination.

Step by step execution:

  1. Prepare a dough from white flour, fine salt and water. It should be dense enough for modeling.
  2. Place the finished dough in a cool place for 1.5-2 hours.
  3. Make out of it any two-dimensional, that is, flattened figures associated with autumn: fallen leaves, mushrooms, ripe fruits. Make a beautiful composition out of them. You can, for example, make a vase with leaves, you will get a wonderful still life.
  4. Place the composition in the oven. Heat for 30 minutes at 130°.
  5. Paint the frozen dough with gouache paint.
  6. Glue the finished autumn composition to decorative cardboard using a hot glue gun.


To form a snowman, you will need to cut out the base from a white sheet. Cotton balls are glued to the prepared material. A cap, eyes and a nose are attached to the snowman. Handles and pom-poms can be added if desired.

Origami “Maple Leaf”

Preschoolers in the preparatory group will be interested in learning about the Japanese art of origami. Making an applique is not difficult, the main thing is accuracy. The work requires 3 paper squares of autumn colors and stationery glue. The preferred size of the squares is 8x8 cm.


  • Take a square. Fold diagonally. Expand.

  • Place the square so that the fold is directed vertically. From its top point, fold the “wings” towards the fold. The result will be a rhombus with a more elongated upper part.

  • Turn the workpiece over with the extended end down.

  • Fold the protruding upper triangle under the “wings”.

  • Fold the top corners towards the center line. You will get a rhombus with two small triangles.

  • Return the triangles to their original state. Then remove them along the folds inside the diamond.

  • Fold the top corners of the diamond down. The result was a third of a maple leaf.

  • Perform similar actions with 2 other squares. Then connect them with the side edges.

The carved maple leaf is ready. All that remains is to glue it to the decorative cardboard and paint on the petiole. You can decorate walls and windows in a kindergarten with ready-made origami maple leaves.

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