"This is my child". Joint event for parents and children of the preparatory group

Scenarios with the participation of parents. Joint entertainment with parents

Do not hold joint events with parents of students without first reading the useful publications in this section.
Having looked through its pages, you will easily find interesting ideas and “tips”, thanks to which your “children-adults” holiday will become even livelier, brighter, more diverse! Here are ready-made scenarios for physical education, theatrical, environmental, literary, local history and God knows what other joint entertainment and leisure activities with the participation of parents. This section also collects and summarizes the positive experience of teachers in organizing such holidays dedicated to various calendar holidays and memorable dates.

Let's make together a magnificent, memorable holiday for children and parents!

Contained in sections:

Includes sections:

Scenario of an entertaining event for children and parents “Visiting summer” Scenario of an entertaining event for children and parents : “Visiting summer”

. Children with a teacher, accompanied by beautiful light music, enter the hall and stop in a large circle. Presenter: We are celebrating the holiday of summer, the holiday of the sun, the holiday of light. Sun, sun, brighter, it will be.

Speech entertainment “We're going to play” for children and parents of the older group as part of the parent club GOAL. Consolidating pronunciation skills acquired in remedial classes through game situations. TASKS Corrective and developmental . 1. Strengthen the skills of self-control of speech in skit dialogues . 2. Strengthen motor coordination skills through the game “Living Letters”

3. Develop .
Methodological development of a sports festival for children and parents of the senior group “Different mothers are needed, but sports are important!” Methodological development of a sports festival for children and parents of the senior group “Different mothers are needed, but sports are important!” Author of the abstract: Andronova Olga Nikolaevna. Position: physical education instructor. Qualification category: first qualification category.

Summary of the entertainment game “Field of Miracles”, with the participation of parents and children “Space” Theme: “Space”. Goal: To introduce children to the concept of “Space”, to give ideas about outer space, the planets of the solar system, and the stars. Objectives: 1. Consolidate knowledge about the solar system. 2. Learn to answer questions with complete answers. 3. Develop attention and memory.

Article “Scenario of sports leisure for children and parents at the Strana sports and recreation center. » Goal: to create conditions that encourage children and parents to be physically active and to encourage them to adopt a healthy lifestyle. Objectives: to bring children and parents joy from participating in joint games and relay races; develop speed, accuracy, and dexterity in children.

Entertainment scenario for children and parents in the middle group for Cosmonautics Day

ENTERTAINMENT SCENARIO FOR CHILDREN and parents in the middle group dedicated to Cosmonautics Day Goals and objectives: • To introduce children to Cosmonautics Day. Give initial information about the planets, the Sun, space and astronauts. Learn to express your thoughts. Cultivate kindness and feeling.

Scenario of the fairy tale “Teremok in a new way” with the participation of parents

“A fairy tale is the joy of thinking, and by creating a fairy tale, a child asserts his ability to think creatively” (V.A. Sukhomlinsky) As part of the project “The Role of Fairy Tales in Children’s Lives,” the group “Yagodki” hosted a parent club for fairy tale lovers, in which Active participation.

Sports entertainment in the senior group with the participation of parents “Dad can do anything!” Goal: promoting a healthy lifestyle, patriotism; strengthening parent-child relationships, developing integrative qualities in children. Equipment: whistle; music equipment; chocolate medals; gifts for dads, attributes for competitions. Venue: sports ground.


Organization of joint activities of children and parents in preschool educational institutions

Elizaveta Melnikova

Organization of joint activities of children and parents in preschool educational institutions

The most difficult thing about working with children is working with their parents.

The priority activity of our preschool educational institution is to preserve and strengthen the health of pupils.

The search for effective ways to preserve and strengthen the health of preschool children involves increasing the role of parents in matters of children's health, introducing them to a healthy lifestyle, and creating family traditions of physical education. An important way to realize cooperation between teachers and parents is to organize their joint activities, in which parents are not passive observers of the pedagogical process, but its active participants, i.e., the inclusion of parents in the activities of a preschool institution. Only subject to the implementation of continuity of physical education and health work in a preschool institution and the family, and the targeted activities of parents and teachers, can positive dynamics of indicators characterizing the health of children be ensured.

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