Board-printed didactic game “Exploring the Universe” or “Space Travel”

Board-printed didactic game “Exploring the Universe” or “Space Travel”

Authors of the game:

Belova Olga Alekseevna – Deputy Head of MMR

Tokareva Oksana Gennadiena – teacher

Sitnikova Ekaterina Viktorovna - teacher

MADOU d/s No. 146 of the city of Tyumen

Didactic game “Exploring the Universe” or “Space Travel”

Purpose of the game: development of children's cognitive interests, mastering constructive ways and means of interaction with others.

Educational objectives:

"Cognitive Development"

To form an idea of ​​the structure of the solar system, the importance of space exploration for modern humanity: there are hundreds of artificial satellites in space that perform a variety of jobs -

study stars and planets; they study our planet - they find deposits of oil, gas, ore in the ground; telegrams, telephone conversations, television broadcasts are carried throughout the land; help predict the weather; they give signals if the ship is in distress, and satellites do many other necessary and useful things. Give knowledge about the feat of Yu.A. Gagarin and other space heroes, about the significance of Russia’s achievements in space exploration.

Continue to learn how to navigate in a limited space, place objects (missiles) and their images in the indicated direction: left, right, up, down. Improve quantitative skills.

"Speech development"

Continue work to enrich children's social science vocabulary (names of planets, their characteristics, the purpose of artificial earth satellites, the purpose of space exploration, etc.). Improve dialogic and monologue forms of speech, the ability to compose stories on a given topic and, from personal experience (information about planets, artificial satellites of the Earth, astronauts - from the Internet, television programs, etc.) Reflect in speech the spatial arrangement of objects and their images ( the rocket flies left, right, up, down); the rocket landed on the planet Mars, etc. During games, develop forms of free communication with adults and children

"Social and communicative development"

Develop forms of free communication and interaction between the child and adults and peers, and develop readiness for joint activities. Foster friendly relationships between children, develop the ability to independently unite for joint play. Based on expanding knowledge about the country, its achievements in the field of space, develop social and emotional intelligence, cultivate patriotic feelings, love for the Motherland.

"Artistic and aesthetic development"

Develop aesthetic perception and aesthetic attitude towards the environment.

"Physical Culture"

Create conditions for children’s physical activity (creating a playing field from large elements makes it necessary to move throughout the entire space around this field)

The game “Space -” is made with your own hands, this is one multifunctional game, it is two-sided, one surface is space puzzles, and on the other side there are arrows with rockets.

Game material:

Puzzles (36 pieces, size 15*20), with a double-sided image, i.e. 2 playing fields:

1 side - map of the planets of the Solar system, didactic game “Describe and find the planet”, 2 side – playing field, didactic game “Launch the Rocket”, toy rocket - 1 pc., chips - 54 pcs.

Appendix – album “Conquerors of Space” with images of Soviet and Russian cosmonauts.

Didactic game “Exploring the Universe”

The first playing field consists of separate fragments (36 pieces), by adding them, children create an image of a map of the planets of the solar system + a toy rocket.

Progress of the game:

1 difficulty level:

Children create a map of the planets of the solar system from individual fragments. Participants in the game can demonstrate their knowledge about the planets and artificial satellites of the Earth. The number of participants can vary from one child to 36 children.

Difficulty level 2:

The presenter (at the first stage - a teacher, then - a child) characterizes the planet, the player determines the planet in question and lowers a rocket onto it. Players can change roles.

Didactic game "Space travel"

The second playing field consists:

- cards with arrows - 18 pieces: 6 pieces red, 6 pieces yellow, 6 pieces green. Of these, 9 pieces have 1 stripe, 9 pieces have 2 stripes.

- cards with rockets - 18 pieces: 6 pieces red, 6 pieces yellow, 6 pieces green. Of these, 9 pieces have 1 porthole, 9 pieces have 2 portholes.

Progress of the game:

1 difficulty level:

The participants in the game distribute the sequence of participation among themselves: players who have puzzles with an image of an arrow give a task to players who have puzzles with rockets; During the game, players can change roles. The first one places an arrow indicating the direction of the rocket and says “Send the rocket where the arrow points”; the second player selects and places the rocket in accordance with the direction and characteristics of the arrow (direction up or down, left, right; the number of arrow strips corresponds to the number of portholes on the rocket). The child accompanies the completed action with comments, for example: “A green rocket with two windows is flying to the left” or “A red rocket with one window is flying up”, etc. (18 arrows

different directions, 18 missiles). When the playing field is full, the task is given: “Count how many rockets are flying to the right, left, up, down.”

The number of participants can be from 2 to 36, there can be a team with arrows and a team with rockets.

Difficulty level 2:

“Complete the task without error”: if the participants in the game complete the task correctly, they gain points (chips) - 1 or 2 chips (the number of chips depends on the number of portholes on the rocket). If a participant in the game makes a mistake, a “missile got lost” signal is received and he gives away 1 chip. When the playing field is full, the participants in the game count how many rockets are flying to the right, left, up, down, and count the points.

The optimal number of participants is from 2 to 6 players.


Didactic game “Arrange the planets correctly”

Topic: “Arrange the planets correctly”

Goal: To consolidate knowledge about the main planets.

Didactic material: Belt with sewn rays - ribbons of different lengths (9 pieces). Caps with images of planets.

It's so hot on this planet

That it’s dangerous to be there, friends.

-What is our hottest planet, where is it located? (Mercury because it is closest to the sun).

And this planet was shackled by a terrible cold,

The sun's rays did not reach her with warmth.

-What kind of planet is this? (Pluto because it is farthest from the sun and the smallest of all the planets).

A child in a Pluto cap takes hold of the longest ribbon No. 9.

And this planet is dear to us all.

The planet gave us life... (all: Earth)

-In what orbit does planet Earth rotate? Where is our planet from the sun? (On the 3rd).

A child in an “Earth” cap takes hold of ribbon No. 3.

Two planets are close to planet Earth.

My friend, name them quickly. (Venus and Mars).

Children wearing “Venus” and “Mars” hats occupy the 2nd and 4th orbits, respectively.

And this planet is proud of itself because it is considered the largest.

-What kind of planet is this? What orbit is it in? (Jupiter, orbit No. 5).

The child in the Jupiter cap takes place No. 5.

The planet is surrounded by rings

And this made her different from everyone else. (Saturn)

Child - Saturn occupies orbit No. 6.

What kind of green planets are they? (Uranus)

A child wearing a matching Neptune cap occupies orbit #8.

All the children took their places and began to revolve around the “Sun”.

The round dance of the planets is spinning.

Each has its own size and color.

For each the path is determined,

But only on Earth is the world inhabited by life.

To reinforce the material, you can make riddles about the planets.

A yellow circle is visible in the sky

And the rays are like threads. The Earth spins around, As if on a magnet. Although I am not old yet, But I am already a scientist - I know that it is not a circle, but a ball, Very hot... (Sun)

Six sons and two daughters are running around the light, Years and days will flash by, But they will not meet... (Planets)

Here is the planets little brother,

The size is too small. He is closest to the sun, that’s why he’s hot... (Mercury)

The tiny planet is first warmed by the Sun, And agile - the year on it is Eighty-eight days... (Mercury)

I often glow in the sky,

Your next door neighbor. I am Mercury’s sister, And I’m always hot... (Venus)

Only the Sun and Moon in the sky are brighter than her. And there is no hot planet in the solar system... (Venus)

Planet blue,

Beloved, dear, She is yours, she is mine, And it’s called... (Earth)

There are miracles on the planet: Oceans and forests, Oxygen is in the atmosphere, People and animals breathe it... (Earth)

Kamenyuki Fear and Horror are circling over the red planet. There is no mountain anywhere in the world Higher than on that planet... (Mars)

A heavyweight giant Throws lightning from the sky, He is striped like a cat, It’s a pity he’s losing weight little by little... (Jupiter)

This is the red planet

Next door to us. And in winter and even in summer it freezes with ice. It’s strange, no matter what you say, - Ice is not on top, but inside... (Mars)

Take a quick look through the telescope

He walks in orbit. There he is the boss over everyone, More than all other planets. There is no one larger in our solar system... (Jupiter)

All planets with poles,

Everyone has an equator. But you won’t find another planet with belts. In these rings he is alone, a very important gentleman... (Saturn).

Lush gas giant Brother of Jupiter and dandy He loves to have Rings of ice and dust nearby... (Saturn)

Lush gas giant

Brother of Jupiter and dandy He loves to have Rings of ice and dust nearby... (Uranus)

On the planet blue-blue

The wind is blowing very strong. It’s very cold on it - It consists of water, gas and ice... (Neptune)

He has been a Greek among his Roman brothers for many centuries, And rushes through the melancholy of space, lying on his side... (Uranus)

It takes five hours for the light to reach that planet, and therefore it is not visible in telescopes... (Pluto)

On a distant tiny planet,

There is no status of a “Big” planet. And offended, she is not visible through telescopes... (Pluto)

This yellow star

Always warms us, illuminates all planets, protects us from other stars... (Sun)

Sometimes he loses weight, sometimes he gets fatter,

It shines from the sky, but does not warm, And always looks at the Earth with only one side... (Moon)

Between Jupiter and Mars

It wouldn’t hurt to clean up - There are fragments from the planet, But there’s no broom... (Asteroid belt)

In space through the thickness of years

An icy flying object. Its tail is a strip of light, And the name of the object is... (Comet)

All the zodiac signs are there—

Aquarius, Virgo, Cancer. They glow both night and day, The astronomer looks there... (Space)

Fight for the galaxy

Age: from 12 years Price: from 1290 rubles

You have to create the most prosperous state in the Universe. Each round consists of five main phases: search, improvement, development, consumption and production. This is a deep board game that can be played by two. Quite complex rules and many nuances; the game reveals itself only after several games. There are complaints about the quality of the components, but not about the thoughtfulness of the plot. A very interesting game for teenagers and adults.

Space Truckers

Age: from 13 years Price: from 2990 rubles

This is a game about assembling a spaceship from a bunch of parts of sewer systems, smart houses, as well as a lot of engines, guns and cargo compartments. The faster you navigate and select the elements of the future ship, the better prepared you will be for the journey. Whoever finished assembling the ship the fastest takes off first. If you're lucky, the ship will reach the destination planet. Spoiler: almost everyone reaches the final, as a rule, with partially damaged ships, but with the received cargo and a reward for the speed of delivery.

It's up to you to give or not to give the game. Because besides games, you can choose a cool gift for Cosmonautics Day. For example, these T-shirts from Odevayka will not leave any space lover indifferent.

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