Distribution of children into groups according to age

Many parents often wonder at what age to send their child to kindergarten, what groups are there in public kindergartens and what is the fundamental difference between them.

Depending on the age, the child will fall into one group or another. There are 5 age groups in public kindergartens.

  • A short-term stay group is open for children 1-3 years old;
  • children from 3 to 4 years old fall into the younger age group;
  • The middle group includes children 4-5 years old;
  • the senior group is attended by children aged five and six;
  • and boys and girls aged 6 and 7 years old go to the preparatory group.

Short stay group (STG)

As a rule, very young children from 1 to 3 years old are enrolled in the short-stay group. This service can be used by any interested parent who has submitted the necessary documents and joined the queue. Such groups work 3 times a week for 3 hours in total.

Classes there start at 8:30 and last until 11:30. There is also an evening shift from 16:00 to 19:00. It all depends on the schedule of classes at the educational institution, so always check the opening hours at your garden.

Note to parents

Most often, parents worry about at what age to send their child to kindergarten and whether it is worth doing it so early, because children from 1 to 3 years old still need their mother’s presence. It is especially difficult for parents to make a decision if this is the first baby in the family.

Staying in kindergarten is the very first and most important experience for every child. Here he learns to show his personal qualities and communicate with peers.

If we omit the details, the opinion of many experts agree on one thing: from a psychological point of view, meeting and communicating with children in a playful and relaxed manner helps the child adapt and enter society. After all, in this society the child will grow and develop, gain experience and experience different stages of personality development. And the sooner the child begins to adapt, the better it will be for his psychological health.

It should be noted that young mothers and fathers should also be prepared for such a responsible step.

And before you send your child to a short-stay group, make sure that this is exactly the place where your son or daughter will be comfortable.

Today you can quickly find reviews on the Internet about any product or service. Look for reviews and comments about your kindergarten. And you probably know mothers whose children also go to this kindergarten. You can also come to the kindergarten and see everything with your own eyes, and chat with the nannies and teachers.

What activities are conducted with children in short-stay groups?

Typically, such groups have 2 classes a week of physical education and music and once a week classes in drawing, modeling, literature and design.

It’s also not difficult to sign up for GKP groups. They are available in almost all preschool institutions. To be included in the group, you must:

  • contact the head of the kindergarten with a request to enroll the child in the GKP. If there are places in the group, you will definitely be accepted;
  • if there are no free places, contact the so-called “Mini-OSIP” (this is the district information support service).
  • You can also sign up for the group through the city services portal

When you have found a place, you need to worry about documents for the garden. There are not many of them, but you will have to collect them quickly:

  • passport of the parent or legal representative of the child;
  • baby's birth certificate;
  • child registration in the city;
  • if you have benefits, also provide a document for inclusion in the preferential category;

Enrollment in the GKP occurs in the same way as in a regular kindergarten group. You are put on a waiting list and when a place becomes available, they call you and inform you that your child can go to kindergarten.

Procedure for enrollment in a short-stay group.

When there are few free places in a group, the head of the kindergarten must follow certain rules when enrolling a child in the group. For example, your child will be accepted faster if:

  • your family (or child) lives/is registered in this area;
  • preferential categories of children

If all children from this list are enrolled, then in order of priority the following are enrolled:

  • children with temporary registration
  • kids from other areas

A parent does not have to go to the daycare every week or month to find out if a place has become available. Typically, parents are sent an email notification or receive a call on their cell phone.

When enrolling in kindergarten, check the availability of a medical card, and immediately before enrollment you must provide:

  • contacts of the child and his parents;
  • complete blood count and urine test;
  • analysis for enterobiasis and worm eggs

Before enrolling a child in a kindergarten group, the parent will have to sign a service agreement, which will spell out all the rights and responsibilities of both parents and teachers.

As a rule, documents of this kind protect both parties from possible claims. Therefore, every parent should not be lazy and read this agreement carefully.

Features of children staying in a short-term group

The child is not in kindergarten all day, but only for some part of the day, so meals are not provided here. But any baby can freely ask for water. So before you send your son or daughter to kindergarten, don't forget to feed him.

Adaptation in the group is quite smooth. Any parent can go to the group and see how their child feels there. This makes it easier for the baby to survive a long separation from his parents and get comfortable in a new environment. Remember also that the child’s psyche is quite vulnerable at this age, and any innovation can have a bad effect on his emotional state. But if you prepare your baby and send him to a short-term group, you can avoid negative emotions on the part of the baby.

The first days in the GKP last only half an hour for a child. Then the stay time becomes longer, but it all depends on the child’s behavior and addiction. Often educators recommend starting with half an hour and adding only 15 minutes every few days so as not to escalate the situation.

Approximate schedule for short-stay groups:

  • Monday - 9:00-9:10 music games; 10:10-10:20 didactic games;
  • Tuesday—10:00-10:10 movement development, 10:30-10:40—artistic creativity (drawing, modeling, appliqué, coloring must alternate here);
  • Wednesday—9:00-9:10 didactic game, 10:00-10:10 speech development;
  • Thursday—9:00-9:10 outdoor game; 10:00-10:10 games with building materials;
  • Friday—9:10-9:20 educational game; 10:00-10:10 music game

The average monthly cost of GKP is about 1,500 rubles. However, if you have benefits, you can write an application for payment compensation (or part of the compensation).

What additional expenses does the parent expect?

Many kindergartens and groups also have additional expenses, which most often depend on the director of the kindergarten. This point should also be discussed in advance, and it is best to do this at the time of signing the contract with the garden. Although, the times when huge gatherings were held in gardens are long gone.

However, some parents face actual extortion. In this case, you should contact the anti-corruption hotline.

How to behave as an adult?

Both the teacher and the parent can contribute to a favorable adaptation to the nursery. Appropriate help and support can alleviate the psycho-emotional state of the child.

The main task of the parent is to prepare the baby in advance for visiting the nursery.

You cannot place a child in an unfamiliar environment just like that, without prior preparation.

  1. It is advisable to start the stay in a preschool institution with several hours and subsequently increase this time gradually.
  2. Parents are advised to teach their child all the rules of personal hygiene at home. This will make it easier for him to get used to the teacher’s requirements.
  3. It is advisable to develop a certain diet, give up snacks, and also instill skills in using cutlery. It is important to explain to the child that he needs to eat the whole portion - otherwise he simply will not have enough energy, and he will not be able to explain the physical discomfort he experiences.
  4. Daytime naps are an integral part of preparing to attend kindergarten, and you will also have to get used to this. Children sleep in nurseries because their leisure time is dynamic, rich, and varied. If a child refuses to nap at home during the day, you should take a more responsible approach to organizing your free time.
  5. Clothes and shoes should be comfortable and practical. The baby should not be afraid to get it dirty or wrinkled. Movements should not be constrained, and if necessary, the child should be able to take care of himself independently - it is advisable to abandon complex lacing, fasteners, and fastenings.
  6. You should be allowed to take with you to the nursery only those toys that he is ready to share and that he does not mind spoiling or losing.

We must not forget that deception, even due to a sharp change in circumstances, can become a very difficult truth for a child, shake his trust in his parent and negate all efforts to successfully adapt to the kindergarten.

The teacher also plays an important role in the child’s adaptation process. The quality of interaction with the baby and with the parents affects how the whole process will go overall and how quickly it will end.

In order for the adaptation to be painless, the teacher, first of all, needs to establish contact with the parents and agree that they bring the children at intervals of 10 minutes. This will allow you to meet each child and find a common language with him, making the process of parting with the parent easier.

It is important to establish trusting relationships with children so that they feel safe:

  • show affection, kindness, interest;
  • offer help;
  • smile more often;
  • tactile contact;
  • involvement in group games;
  • inquire about your mood and well-being.

The interior of the room should be cozy - decorative items, corners for privacy, a clean, soft carpet, a variety of toys.

Junior groups for children 3-4 years old

Junior groups are open 5 days a week (Monday-Friday) from 7 am to 19:00 pm. Children aged 3 and 4 years old are enrolled in this group.

At this age, every child goes through a period of personality formation, habits and character traits are formed.

In the younger group, children get acquainted with the outside world, make new acquaintances and learn new skills. Sometimes children learn many times more in kindergarten, communicating with peers, than sitting at home with their mother.

Teachers conduct many developmental activities. This has become especially true nowadays. So children, visiting the younger group:

  • recognize the world around them;
  • learn correct speech;
  • read fiction (in particular fairy tales and short stories);
  • learn letters and numbers, get acquainted with counting;
  • engaged in modeling and design;
  • learn the basics of drawing and appliqué

Features of the younger group:

  • at 3-4 years old, the child is already actively developing and this development is radically different from what it was in the nursery. Up to 3 years of age, children need close attention and affection, and after 3 years of age, children develop curiosity about the world around them;
  • At the age of 3, children begin to show interest in group games. The child begins to become more actively acquainted with peers and communicate in society. Teachers can only help and encourage children to communicate. This is how the first independence appears.
  • Many teachers and psychologists are sure that the development of children at 3 and 4 years old is the most crucial period. Let us note that it is at this age that children often suffer from colds and viral diseases when they come into contact with each other. Here you will have to be patient, because the baby’s young body is faced with many types of bacteria and viruses. But it’s a completely different matter when nannies and kindergarten teachers are negligent and the kids get sick.
  • For the first time, children show their intellectual development in society. It should be noted that it is different for each baby. Some people understand faster what teachers are talking about, while others are a little slower. Here everything is in the hands of the teachers, because they must find an individual approach to each child. If you come across just such nannies and teachers, rest assured - you have chosen the right kindergarten.
  • Most often, in the younger group, children acquire self-service skills: they learn to dress and undress themselves, go to the toilet and wash themselves, and even try to eat on their own;

What children learn in the younger group of kindergarten

  • at this age, the child learns to dress and undress, put on and take off his shoes;
  • hold cutlery and eat independently;
  • they understand that they need to finish the soup and then start the second course;
  • ask to use the potty, go to the toilet independently and wash their hands before and after using the toilet and playing.

Basic educational skills in the junior group:

  • The child knows how to navigate around. He understands that left and right are different directions, and clothes have a front side and a back side;
  • the child is oriented in the concepts of space and time. For example, a child will understand if you say: under the bed, in front of him, near the table, and so on.
  • distinguishes geometric shapes: circle, square, triangle and rectangle;
  • distinguishes colors;
  • a child can use a model (looking at an adult) to build a pyramid from cubes of the same color, arrange objects by color;
  • at this age, children strive to help adults: bring plates to the table, water or sprinkle flowers, carry a bag, etc.;

What classes are taught to children of the younger group in kindergartens?

Whatever activity the teacher conducts, it should be done in a playful way. Under no circumstances should you force your child to play or do anything. All this is necessary in order to develop a child’s interest in activities. This is how the baby develops independence and the desire to do everything as best as possible.

Features of classes in junior groups:

  • At this age, the child does not yet know how to maintain concentration for a long time, therefore, classes should last no more than 15 minutes. Otherwise, you will lose the child’s attention and the baby will simply lose interest;
  • At 3 years of age, the focus is on fine motor skills and motor coordination. It will be great if you allow your baby to tie his own shoelaces and fasten the buttons on his clothes;
  • Children's oral speech is actively developing. Teachers read fairy tales and stories that set the child up to learn and memorize new words and phrases. It is also important to show pictures to the baby and give him the opportunity to repeat all the recently learned words;
  • the child also develops his aesthetic skills through modeling and drawing;
  • at the same age, physical exercises are introduced to develop flexibility, agility, endurance and speed in children;
  • There is also music education, where children learn to distinguish sounds by pitch and intensity, and also become familiar with musical rhythm;
  • At this time, costume performances begin to take place in the garden.

Regulations on different age groups

Elena Barukova

Regulations on different age groups



about the mixed age group

1. General Provisions

1.1 This provision has been developed for the municipal educational institution ___, in which preschool groups of different ages (hereinafter referred to as the municipal educational institution)

in accordance with the following regulatory legal acts:

— Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, maintenance and organization of the operating mode of preschool educational institutions.


— Charter of the Institution;

1.2 The Regulations regulate the activities of multi-age groups with a general developmental focus for children from 1.5 to 7 years old (hereinafter referred to as the multi-age group )


1.3 The regulations are adopted by the Pedagogical Council of the educational institution and approved by order of the head. Changes and additions to these Regulations are made by the Pedagogical Council and approved by order of the head of the educational institution;

1.4 The duration of this provision is unlimited . This Regulation is valid until a new one is adopted.

2. The procedure for recruiting a group of different ages .

2.1 Admission of children to a multi-age group of educational institutions is formalized by order of the head on the basis of documents in accordance with the Regulations on the recruitment of pupils of local educational institutions implementing pre-school education programs and is intended to ensure the principle of universal access and free pre-school education.

2.2 In multi-age groups with a general developmental focus, the maximum capacity is, if there are children in the group : from 1.5 years to 3 – no more than 17 people. If there are children of any 4 ages the group

3. Organization of the development environment.

3.1 The developmental environment for a mixed-age group should be organized taking into account the following principles:

3.1.1 The principle of respect for the needs of movement and communication. In knowledge. Equipment selection

and materials for the group is determined by the developmental characteristics of children of a particular age and the sensitive periods characteristic of this age. The developmental environment must have free space, which should occupy no less than a third and no more than half of the total space of the group room . Free space is created with the help of low screens or shelving with open shelves, which both delimit the space and leave it freer for observation. The height of the furniture in the group room should be such that the child can reach the toy from the highest shelf (approximately 75cm)

. When planning the interior, non-rigid centering is used (zoning; the following centers of activity are created:

— Center for Cognition (Solving problems of cognitive and research activities (educational and logical games; speech games; games with letters, sounds and syllables; experiences and experiments);

— Creativity Center (Solving problems of activating children’s creativity (directing and theatrical, musical games and improvisation games, artistic, speech and visual activities);

— Game center (provides the organization of independent role-playing games)


— Literary Center (provides literary development for preschoolers)


— Sports center (provides physical activity and organization of health-saving activities for children).

3.1.2. The principle of functionality. The room environment should contain only those materials that are needed by children and perform a developmental function. Games and aids that are included in the group must be multifunctional, combinatorial, and variable.

3.1.3. The principle of the advanced nature of educational content. In addition to materials that are intended for children of a certain age, approximately 15% of materials aimed at older children (approximately one year old)


3.1.4. The principle of dynamism - static environment. The developmental environment cannot be built completely. Some materials need to be replaced and equipment rearranged at least once every two months.

3.2. Tables should be arranged according to age groups . This makes it possible to differentiate the duration of regime processes, to impose the same requirements on children of the same age, and vice versa, to diversify the activities of children of different ages . When placing tables, the following must be taken into account:

- children should be able to clearly see and hear the teacher;

- they can freely get up and leave the table without disturbing others.

3.3. Designations on cabinets and towel must be changed as children move into an older age subgroup . For kids, pictures are used, for children of middle preschool age - geometric shapes, for older children - letters and numbers from 0 to 9.

4. Organization and implementation of regime moments

4.1. If there are children of two adjacent ages in the group , the daily routine of older children is taken as a basis; routine moments with younger children should begin 5 - 10 minutes earlier than with older ones.

4.2. When getting children up after a nap, the older children get up first.

4.3. Outdoor walks for children of different age groups

4.4. A walk on the street is not carried out when the air temperature is lower and the wind speed is higher than the indicators established in the schedule for the age of children of the younger subgroup of different age groups .

4.5. In the methodology for guiding morning and evening gymnastics, when selecting exercises, you should proceed from the existing general guidelines, while taking into account the age composition of your group .

4.5.1. When organizing morning exercises, it is necessary to take into account different requirements for the quality, pace, and duration of exercises. Younger children perform exercises fewer times. Older children are required to perform movements more accurately and efficiently. In order for older children to be able to perform the exercises more times, they are asked to start doing the exercises and show the younger ones how to do it correctly, then they perform the same exercise with the younger children.

4.5.2. There may be cases when more complex exercises are introduced into gymnastics complexes only for older people. While the elders perform such exercises, the younger ones observe and rest.

4.6. Organization of dressing.

4.6.1. In a mixed-age group, the attention of teachers and junior teachers is drawn primarily to younger children: they are taught to undress while sitting on chairs, in a certain sequence, without unnecessary fuss, haste and pranks. The teacher invites older children to help the younger ones.

4.6.2. When getting ready for a walk, it is advisable to dress children gradually and in subgroups . The teacher himself trains the younger children in the skills of proper and consistent dressing, carrying out targeted work in this regard.

4.7. In the process of daily activities, the formation of cultural and hygienic skills necessary for children of every age is ensured in accordance with program requirements, habits of correct behavior in a team, and friendly relationships are cultivated. The teacher clearly understands the scope of program requirements for each group .

4.7.1.When developing a skill, you should:

- use an individual approach to each child;

- create a favorable environment for developing personal hygiene skills (calm tone of an adult, etc.)


- observe the principle of gradualism - from simple to complex (children 3-5 years old are taught to dress and undress correctly, and older ones are tasked with doing this quickly);

- focus children’s attention on improving individual skills, primarily those that children still have little or no command of;

- depending on the specific tasks in relation to the students of your group , select a method of pedagogical influence (in some cases a demonstration, in others a reminder, etc.)


— teach younger children to be independent, using the child’s desire to do everything himself;

- control the quality of skills performed by older children: do everything thoroughly, quickly, accurately, without prompting from adults;

— observe the principle of constancy and unity of requirements

— requirements for children must be constant and the same for all adults raising children.

5. Planning and organization of the educational process

5.1. The content of the educational process in groups of different ages is built in accordance with the educational program developed at the Municipal Educational Institution and approved by the Council of Teachers.

5.2. The educational process in groups of different ages includes flexible content and pedagogical technologies that ensure the individual, personality-oriented development of the child and the fulfillment of state requirements.

5.3.Planning of the educational process:

5.3.1. When developing a curriculum for a multi-age group, the hours of teaching load are calculated for each age subgroup of children separately .

5.3.2. In the regulations for continuous educational activities for different age groups :

— Classes on physical development of the educational program for children aged 3 to 7 years are organized at least 3 times a week. The duration of physical development classes depends on the age of the children and is:

— in the younger group — 15 min . ,

— in the middle group — 20 min . ,

— in the senior group — 25 min . ,

— in the preparatory group — 30 min .

Twice a week for children 5 - 7 years old, classes on the physical development of children in the open air should be organized year-round. They are carried out only if the children have no medical contraindications and the children have sportswear appropriate for weather conditions. In the warm season, under favorable meteorological conditions, educational activities on physical development are recommended to be organized in the open air. (12.5. SanPiN

for the older age
subgroup ;
— the time for conducting cognitive cycle classes is calculated in accordance with the requirements of SanPiN for each age subgroup separately .

5.3.3. When scheduling classes, interdisciplinary connections and connections with children’s play activities should be provided.

5.4. The basis for organizing the learning process in a multi-age group is the planning of continuous educational activities on one topic, providing for differentiated solutions to educational problems for each age group .

5.5. The forms of organizing the educational process in groups of different ages are frontal, subgroup , individual lessons, and play activities.

5.6. To rationally structure the educational process, the teacher creates lists of subgroups indicating the date of birth and age of the children.

5.7. Physical education, music classes, and visual arts classes are organized front-to-back.

5.7.1. When organizing frontal classes, educational objectives are set for the older and younger subgroups separately in accordance with the objectives and content of the educational program for a given age.

5.7.2. The duration of the lesson should be differentiated according to the age of the children. You should start with older children, gradually including younger ones in the activity. If starting at the same time, the lesson for younger children should end 5 minutes earlier.

5.7.3. When organizing joint activities for children of different ages in classes, the teacher seats them in pairs (the older and younger ones together, taking into account the individual characteristics of each child and mutual sympathies. If the educational institution does not have single tables, then when combining children, the teacher should keep in mind their indicators growth.

5.8. Planning and organization of physical education classes.

5.8.1. It is advisable physical education classes with all children at the same time. Children must be divided into subgroups according to age.

5.8.2. The introductory part of the physical education lesson is planned as follows:

- the same tasks for all children: exercises for attention, for developing reaction speed, exercises with changing the pace and direction of movements (walking, stopping at a signal and taking a given pose; alternating walking and running, walking in all directions and forming a column, pairs, etc. );

- exercises that are the same in content, but different in degree of difficulty (stepping over objects of different heights ; walking on planks of different widths ; running like a snake between objects that are located at different distances , etc.);

- the same movements, but with different dosages or methods of execution (jumping on two legs with moving forward at different distances : the first subgroup performs jumping on two legs with moving forward, the second - jumping on one leg; walking: the younger ones walk on their toes, the older ones - cross step, etc.);

— learning complex exercises only for the second subgroup . In this case, the lesson begins with older children, and then younger children are included, the latter performing general exercises in the introductory part of the lesson.

5.8.3. The main part of the lesson includes general developmental exercises. 4-5 general developmental exercises are selected that affect various muscle groups . Increasing the load for older preschoolers is achieved by complicating the starting position and involving other parts of the body in the work. Other options are also used, the older ones perform the exercises standing in pairs, the younger ones individually. The number of repetitions of the general developmental exercise can be the same: exercises for the muscles of the upper shoulder girdle are repeated 6 times in a row or 8 times with rest; exercises for the muscles of the torso and legs are repeated only 5-6 times, since they place a large load on the body. In cases where an exercise provides a significant physiological load, younger preschoolers finish it earlier. When learning general developmental exercises, the following techniques are used:

— showing a movement that is new in structure;

- explanation or instructions when children perform new general developmental exercises, consisting of elements familiar to preschoolers;

- task children to choose a starting position for performing a certain exercise.

— partial regulation of the task;

— multiple repetitions of practiced movements (important for children of middle preschool age, who are just beginning to develop spatial orientation);

- performing exercises with the same structure with different aids: with flags, with balls, with a stick, with a hoop, with a rope (relieves monotony in repetition, hones accuracy and freedom of movement). The main part of the lesson involves teaching basic movements, sports exercises and elements of sports games, introducing children to rational ways of performing them. Training is aimed at developing the ability to correctly and quickly perform a motor action, and quickly make a decision in a given situation. Basic movements, sports exercises, elements of sports games are included in the lesson in the form of specific tasks (jumping over the track, jumping from hoop to hoop, as well as in the form of an outdoor game ( “Wolf in the Moat”

etc.).The main movements in classes can be performed in various combinations:

— one movement is used (children of the younger subgroup get acquainted with the execution of individual elements of movement, children of the older subgroup improve motor skills or consolidate the continuous execution of the constituent elements of a motor action);

- one movement is used, the methods of its implementation vary (younger ones consolidate the skills of crawling under the cord on their palms and knees, older ones are asked to choose the appropriate method of crawling depending on the height of the obstacle);

— for each subgroup, different basic movements are used , taking into account that some exercises are available only to older preschoolers (high jumps, long jumps, learning elements of the game of basketball, etc.) Initial learning of the movement is carried out with one subgroup . At this time, the rest of the children independently practice performing familiar movements or learn to act in unusual conditions, choosing the most appropriate method of execution. For this purpose, movements are selected that do not require safety nets. When performing paired exercises, it is possible to pair children from the older and younger subgroups (the older child will have the opportunity to control the actions of the younger one and suggest how to perform it correctly).

5.8.4. During the lesson, preference is given to conducting a general outdoor game for both subgroups , with options depending on the age of the children. Throwing at a moving target is assigned only to older preschoolers. When a younger child plays the role of driver, for older children a complication in performing the movement should be introduced. When an older child plays the role of a driver, a complication is provided for both him and other children of this age; the younger ones act in easier conditions.

5.8.5. In the final part of the lesson, a gradual transition to quiet motor activity is ensured (walking, games of medium and low mobility provide the solution to these problems).

5.8.6. Under appropriate weather conditions, outdoor physical education activities are combined with indoor activities. Outdoor classes, during walking hours, are conducted with each age subgroup separately and on different days (training in sports exercises, elements of sports games)


5.9. Planning children's independent motor activity corresponds to the content of organized forms of work in physical education classes.

5.9.1. The tasks solved in the lesson determine the content of children’s independent activities. The content of independent activity is supplemented and enriched due to the variability of exercises, the variety of equipment , and the introduction of game elements.

5.9.2. Planning appointments is based on the individual characteristics of the children and their level of physical fitness.

5.10. Planning and organizing classes in visual arts.

5.10.1. In a multi-age group, classes in drawing, modeling and appliqué are held with all children at the same time. At the same time, the content of classes for younger and older preschoolers remains the same, but the program tasks are different .

5.10.2. The selection of topics for classes is carried out in the following areas:

- complication of the visual task that the teacher sets for the children;

— teaching children to use various expressive means in their work.

5.10.3. When solving the same visual task, each age subgroup performs a different amount of work; younger children depict one object, and older children - 2, 3 or more. Children are given the same object for drawing, sculpting, and appliqué, but with different requirements for its image. The complexity of visual tasks is also achieved by increasing the requirements for drawing, sculpting and appliqué techniques or by using different visual materials. In the process of continuous educational activities on one topic, program tasks are differentiated due to various expressive means, which include: shape, volume, color, line, composition, plasticity of the molded image, etc. At each age stage, children master certain expressive means, which is necessarily taken into account when planning lessons. When carrying out continuous educational activities on one topic, different types of visual activities are used in a comprehensive manner (younger children draw Kolobok, seniors draw forests and animals using the appliqué method). For each age subgroup, a type of visual activity is selected that best matches the level of children’s skills and abilities.

5.10.4. Methodology for conducting continuous educational activities on one topic. The introductory part of the lesson is organized by the teacher with all children at the same time, or with the gradual inclusion of different age subgroups . All children take part in examining the subject, the younger children answer first, and if the younger children have difficulty, the older children come to their aid. The perception of toys and pictures is carried out differentially by preschoolers of each age under the guidance of a teacher. When examining an object, older children analyze it from a distance; for younger children, visual perception and touch are organized.

The structure of the introductory part of the lesson is as follows: the teacher relies on the experience of older preschoolers (invites children five to six years old to prepare a surprise for the kids, to learn a nursery rhyme containing a description of the toy with which they will be introduced). The main part of the lesson outlines the stages of transition from leading one age subgroup to another . The teacher focuses on working with younger children during initial acquaintance with the form, examination of objects, and demonstration of depiction methods. If the task is completed correctly by young children, the teacher organizes an additional exercise (draw a lot of apples, a lot of Christmas trees)

and moves on to direct the activities of older children.
At the end of the lesson, children of each age subgroup are involved in evaluating and analyzing the results of their own activities and the work of the entire group .
Lessons are planned independently. 5.10.5. Organization of interaction between children during continuous educational activities on one topic. In the process of directly organized educational activities on one topic, preschoolers all participate together in one type of activity, cooperation of children of different ages . The forms of participation of older and younger preschoolers in cooperation are different:

- older children show the younger ones how to complete the task;

- explain;

- control actions.

- juniors use the actions of seniors as a model;

— borrow ways and techniques of work from their elders. During the classes, joint activities of children of different ages . A feature of joint activities is the presence of a common result, which is obtained in three ways:

- by combining individual images, relatively complete and independent (all children cut out flowers for the rug, acting independently from each other, and the result of each child’s activity is clearly visible in the overall work).

- by combining parts that individually do not represent a complete semantic whole (in modeling classes, one child makes a cup, and another a saucer)


- the result of the work of one serves as the basis for the start of the work of the other (in applique classes, one child traces a stencil with a pencil, another cuts it out, and a third sticks it on).

5.11. Planning and organizing classes in design and manual labor.

5.11.1. for all age subgroups .

5.11.2. The organization of classes provides for the gradual inclusion of children of different ages (when teaching children how to analyze a building sample, older children are invited first, then younger ones). Program tasks for two subgroups that are similar in content are solved with some complexity in their designs.

5.11.3. The seating of children in class depends on the content of the program material:

- when an age subgroup an independent task, children are seated at tables arranged in the shape of the letter P,

- each subgroup on one side of the table.

— when an age subgroup a single task, children sit at common tables.

5.11.4. During manual labor classes, the teacher creates a trusting, calm environment.

5.12. Cognitive cycle classes are organized for each age subgroup separately in accordance with the objectives and content of the educational program for a given age.

5.13. Planning and organizing role-playing games.

5.13.1. Teachers draw up a brief work plan for the development of role-playing games. In accordance with the brief plan for the development of role-playing games, thematic planning is carried out in the calendar plan of educational work, which determines the content and development of specific role-playing games. Thematic planning involves carrying out work on those sections of the program that contribute to enriching the content of role-playing games (familiarization with the environment, speech development, design, manual labor, etc.). Thematic planning takes into account the relationship between individual activities (learning, work and play)


Middle groups in kindergarten

The middle groups accept children 4-5 years old. Parents can bring their children daily from Monday to Friday from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm.

By the age of 4-5, a child is already developing as a personality. Kids know how to evaluate themselves and other children. The guys try to keep up with their peers. In addition, children can already notice individual character traits.

You can easily notice how your child tries to copy your actions. And if he has any difficulties, he tries to solve the problem on his own. The child still actively communicates with other children in the group (or even in kindergarten), actively shares his skills and gains new knowledge from his peers. All this helps the comprehensive development of the child and expands the baby’s horizons.

By the age of 4-5, the child is already practically formed. At the same time, you may notice that each child is individual: each has his own character, interests, tastes and preferences. Children at this age are quite active and mobile, they regularly make new acquaintances. Sometimes parents begin to worry when they see their son or daughter being excessively active. There is no need to worry, much less limit the child’s activity. In this case, the parent can only help the baby develop correctly, creating comfortable conditions for growing up. For example, a child must be enrolled in a kindergarten, where he fulfills all his needs by communicating with peers and teachers. And at home the child will behave calmer and more relaxed.

What main classes should be included in the middle group of kindergarten?

  • getting to know the world around us (what objects surround us, what is happening around us, what “friendship” and “family” are)
  • elementary mathematical processes (children learn to count from one to 10, and also learn addition and subtraction);
  • speech development (children learn to retell short tales and stories, enrich their vocabulary, learn to speak correctly);
  • get acquainted with literary works and authors of favorite fairy tales and stories;
  • attend lessons in modeling, drawing, and design (thanks to this, the baby develops imaginative and spatial thinking);
  • music lessons (children continue to become familiar with pieces of music, rhythm and tempo);
  • engage in physical exercise (just 10-20 minutes of exercise will help the child develop endurance and speed). In general, at this age, sports are extremely useful for children. You can enroll your son or daughter in gymnastics or dance classes. Typically, children are happy to engage in their chosen activities and communicate with a new team. It is not so important here whether your child is the best. Here the process of training itself is beneficial. Your child will grow up healthy and confident, he will be able to achieve any goal and learn to solve any problems on his own;

What is the psychological atmosphere in the middle group?

Every parent should understand that all of the above activities should be carried out in a friendly manner. The child himself must want to do what the kindergarten program offers. Teachers should pay special attention to relationships in the children's team. It is extremely important here that children feel psychologically comfortable and cozy - this is the main condition for staying in kindergarten.

If you notice any problems in the team or any psychological pressure on the child from teachers or peers, you should think about changing kindergarten.

Today many gardens are open, both private and public. And if you are worried at any point, do not waste time, because the psychological health of your son or daughter should come first.

Division by specialization

At preschool educational institutions, teams are formed not only by age and time of presence. Groups of children are often divided according to specialization in kindergarten. As a rule, pupils of such units need research from specific medical specialists. Divided into the following:

  • health or sanatorium-type groups - children who often get sick and have weakened immune systems attend. When visiting institutions, children are sent to physical therapy. The menu for them is developed individually. They are constantly provided with medical care and monitoring;

  • speech therapy teams - the division is considered the most common. Such groups differ from ordinary ones only in that speech therapists systematically and purposefully work with them, solving problems and correcting speech;

Video: Does a child need a speech therapy group?

  • groups with disabilities are heterogeneous in composition. Children with visual, auditory, and musculoskeletal disorders, as well as developmental delays, Down syndrome, and autism attend classes. The peculiarity of the educational process lies in the competent selection of teaching methods and technologies.

The division of preschoolers, as can be seen from the article, occurs according to several principles. The most common distribution is by age. But if the baby has any health problems or the parents cannot part with him for a long time, it is recommended to consider institutions where the children's team is divided according to specialization and length of stay.

Senior group in kindergartens

State kindergartens and senior groups are open every day from Monday to Friday from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm. Children 5-6 years old attend the older group.

Usually the senior group includes those children who have already graduated from the junior and middle groups. It turns out that they can already do and know a lot, but continue to develop their skills in the older group.

As a rule, classes last no more than 25 minutes and end with “physical education minutes” so that children can switch their attention, relax and get distracted.

What classes are held in the senior group?

  • acquaintance with the outside world continues (children already know a lot at this age and are able to communicate on any topic: about family, about nature, share impressions about a cartoon they watched or a story they read)
  • speech development (at this age, children absolutely understand what adults want from them, they can independently express their thoughts, draw conclusions and even argue)
  • acquaintance with literature (here children learn to analyze and discuss not only children's works, but also discuss fairy tales with subtext, epics and recognize the main idea of ​​the work);
  • math classes (at this age, children learn the principles of addition and subtraction, and also try to come up with problems on their own and look for solutions);
  • appliqué and modeling (besides the fact that children adore such activities, they also develop a sense of beauty, learn to complete any task, express themselves, develop perseverance and accuracy);
  • drawing (of course, this type of activity develops a sense of beauty, painting and graphics especially help);
  • musical classes help the child develop musical and creative abilities and learn to emotionally perceive any piece of music;
  • manual labor and making crafts from improvised means and natural materials. Here all available items are used: cotton wool, sticks, tubes, cones and acorns, fallen leaves, paper and cardboard.
  • physical education helps to further develop your baby’s physical abilities.

Note to parents

At the age of 5-6 years, each child already develops basic qualities and character traits:

  • intelligence develops. Many parents notice that their child’s views and judgments change. They are now more balanced and logical, and the child wants to regularly explain his words and actions;
  • strong-willed qualities appear (the child begins to understand the difference and meaning of words and phrases, such as “I want”, “I can” and “necessary”;
  • the child learns to take responsibility for the words spoken and his actions;
  • social relationships are formed with friends and the team. The child shows interest in his peers; the child wants to be friends, the first sympathy appears;
  • the child forms his own opinion regarding any topic and the child actively seeks to express his personal opinion;
  • the child learns to analyze and his memory properties change. At this age, the child can concentrate his attention longer, especially on those subjects that seem interesting and useful to him.

Mistakes of parents and educators

The main mistake parents make when moving to a preschool is trying to influence the child without paying attention to the obvious demonstration of negative reactions.
Many children are literally brought to the kindergarten by force - in tears and hysterics. For a child, such circumstances become psychologically traumatic.

Most parents are seriously busy with work, but this is not a reason to show disinterest, not communicate with the child on the way home, or not ask about the day spent in the garden.

Kids want and need:

  1. share emotions;
  2. experience;
  3. receive approval from others.

The teacher must find an individual approach to each child, because subsequently the teacher becomes a second mother for the children, a significant adult to whom they can always turn for help.

If a child is aloof and uninitiative all day, it is important to give him special attention. The fundamentally important task of any teacher is to tirelessly monitor the behavior, mood, and well-being of each child.

A negligent attitude towards their physical or mental health can provoke the development of serious disorders.

Preparatory group in kindergartens

At 6-7 years old, children attend a preparatory group. The working hours of this group are the same as the previous ones: Monday to Friday from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm. This is the final year in kindergarten, and the next year the child already goes to school.

In the preparatory group, children prepare for school, therefore, they study literature, mathematics, reading and drawing. In addition, children become familiar with the rules of the road. Complex classes will be especially useful here.

A distinctive feature of such classes is that different types of activities are combined in one lesson. This helps the child maintain concentration longer, despite the fact that even at 6-7 years old children are quite mobile and active;

Costume theatrical performances with songs and dances are also held here. And the prom symbolizes farewell to kindergarten and the entry into a new stage of growing up.

What do children do in the preparatory group?

At this age, the child already has a daily routine in the kindergarten and children try to stick to it even when they are at home with their parents.

Approximate daily routine in the preparatory group:

  • the child comes to kindergarten and changes clothes;
  • while the group is gathering, the child is engaged in independent activities;
  • morning exercises;
  • breakfast;
  • games at your own request;
  • classes according to the methodological plan;
  • outdoor games;
  • dinner;
  • dream;
  • getting up, going to the toilet;
  • afternoon snack;
  • games at your own request;
  • games and walks outside;
  • dinner;
  • packing home

Such a daily routine helps organize and prepare children for school preparation. At the same time, children socialize and play outside a lot, but also study literature, mathematics and writing. Children are taught what a traffic light is, how to navigate and behave correctly on the street.

Note to parents

Parents often ask the question: at what age should they send their child to school? Some people want to send their child away at 6 years old, while others think that the child should spend another 1 year in kindergarten.

Psychologists say that a child must be physically and mentally prepared to go to first grade.

If you see that your baby is still uncomfortable and unusual in leaving the kindergarten and he is only 6, then it is better to leave him in the preparatory group. If a child goes to school at age 7, he will lose absolutely nothing. In addition, this will help the child avoid psychological stress.

Age characteristics of children in the preparatory group

At 6-7 years old, every child dreams of learning something important and useful. The child rather perceives activities in the kindergarten as a game, where the child tries in every possible way to demonstrate himself and his best qualities and abilities. He especially wants to distinguish himself from others and earn praise.

You should not be silent at this time. Praise your son or daughter even if they are not doing well yet. You show him that you appreciate his efforts and successes. This is how the child develops self-esteem and healthy self-esteem.

The child's intelligence becomes noticeably higher. Ideas about the world also change and become broader.

As you can see, kindergarten plays an important role in raising a child and developing him as a person. But we should not forget that both boys and girls need regular attention and care from both the father and the mother. Both at 2 and 7 years old, tell your child how much you love him, that you are always on his side and what a great guy he is for trying.

What schemes exist?

Practice has made it possible to develop certain schemes for including children in the nursery group. Each parent must decide on the appropriate option, based on the personal characteristics of their baby.

Preliminary preparation

Many parents begin to live according to the kindergarten regime long before the first day of their stay:

  • early rise;
  • similar menu;
  • lunchtime nap;
  • familiarization with different types of activities;
  • organizing interaction with peers (for example, on the playground);
  • leaving the child with other relatives or close friends.

The advantage of this approach is that the child gradually gets used to the alternative reality in advance. He understands that home and mother, familiar toys are not the only thing in this world. The baby readily begins to show cognitive interest in an unobtrusive environment .

The disadvantage of this adaptation scheme is expressed in the confusion of concepts - the baby will not see the difference between being at home and in a nursery if he begins to live according to a 24-hour schedule. Psychophysical relaxation after visiting kindergarten is also important and necessary.

Visiting mode

Some parents prefer to introduce their baby to a new environment gradually - going a couple of times a week for several hours . On the one hand, the child will feel comfortable this way, on the other hand, there will be capriciousness, unwillingness to follow the rules, regime, and any requirements that contradict their own wishes.

Other adults prefer to place the child in a nursery for the whole day and take him to preschool systematically, without absences or absenteeism for a good reason.

Of course, such actions will shorten the adaptation period, but they can also cause irreparable harm to the child’s mental health.


Some parents prefer to be nearby. Thus, children, seeing the presence of an adult in close proximity, certainly experience being in a new territory more easily. However , this does not exclude the aggravation of the situation when joint attendance at kindergarten naturally stops.

When choosing a particular behavior strategy, you should rely on the individual characteristics of the baby. If a child is energetic and active, explores the world around him with enthusiasm, and has experience communicating with peers, there is no need for overprotection.

If the baby is reserved, avoids everything new, and is overly attached to the mother, then the adaptation process should be approached with understanding and everything should be done to make the baby as comfortable and calm as possible.

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