Let's bring the fairy tale to life: why does a child need a home puppet theater on the table?

Interesting facts about tabletop children's theaters

Tatyana can't sleep. Despite the order being placed, I want to know something more about the tabletop theater for children. She searches Yandex and Google until midnight. The picture is interesting, it turns out:

  • Tabletop theater also refers to other types of children's theater: finger theater, shadow theater, puppet theater, and bench theater.
  • The tabletop theater appeared much earlier than the table that we are used to seeing at home, and which we cannot do without.
  • The tabletop children's theater is slightly younger than the classic theater for adults. Children attended performances for adults, and then played memorable scenes and events. We can say that the tabletop theater was invented by the children themselves.
  • A drawn paper doll with clothes among the sheets of a school notebook is a prototype of the flat tabletop theater of Soviet children.
  • When a child takes a toy in his hand and begins to perform some actions and give lines for it, this is already a table theater. Despite the fact that the child can play under the table.
  • Characters and scenery can be very diverse: flat, three-dimensional, semi-voluminous. They can stand on a table, be worn on a hand, suspended or attached to a support.
  • The general standard for characters is the height of the figures, which is recommended to be no more than 30 centimeters.
  • Characters and scenery do not have to be purchased. You can make them yourself from quite ordinary materials that are always at hand: paper, cardboard, fabric, yarn, natural materials (pebbles, twigs, cones).
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