Stages of development of ideas about integration in education Integration entered pedagogy in the early 1980s
Card file of experiences and experiments on a walk with children of the second junior group Maria Zaitseva Card file
Report to the teachers’ council “Teacher’s speech is an example to follow” Svetlana Aleksandrovna Averyanova, speech therapy teacher
Senior group. Senior preschool age. Children 5-6 years old Master class for parents “Development of fine motor skills
ICT in kindergarten Information and communication technologies in preschool education (ICT) is a complex of educational and methodological
Consultations for parents of the senior group “Spring without vitamin deficiency” Consultations for parents of the senior group “Spring”
Hello, dear colleagues and everyone, all my beloved readers. With you, as always,
Card index of role-playing games for preschoolers Natalya Yartseva Card index of role-playing games for preschoolers Game development
Consultation for teachers on the topic: “How to write an article, note” consultation on the topic Consultation “How to write