Happy birthday greetings to those born in July - women, men, girls born in July
The use of this part of the subject-development environment is aimed at: developing discipline and the ability to complete what has been started; improvement
Principles of cooperation pedagogy The need to use new forms, methods and technologies of cooperation in pedagogy was
Scenario “Spring Festival” April 23, 2019 International and All-Russian competitions All-Russian competition of pedagogical excellence
Parent meeting in junior group 1 “This amazing early age” Parent meeting in junior group 1
Ryazan prince Georgy Yudin. Dobrynya Nikitich's campaign against the fierce serpent. Illustration for the epic. Year
Long-term planning for life safety in the senior group Long-term planning for life safety in the senior group
Daily planning in the first junior group Elena Krivoshta Daily planning in the first junior group
Long-term plan for the education of cultural and hygienic skills in the middle group Transcript 1 Long-term plan for