Library “Programs of education and training in kindergarten” Under the general editorship: Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences
Application in the senior group Contents Introduction 1. The importance of application in the upbringing and development of a preschool child
Books about family for preschoolers 4-7 years old Agnia Barto At Home; His family; Into the empty
MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF Summary of a lesson on fine motor skills for children with intellectual disabilities Kopytova Ekaterina
so UNT / Preschool education / Technological map of organized educational activities for seniors
On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes Date: February 21, 2012 Participants:
Svetlana Krivego Ecological week in the junior-middle group Project of an environmental week in the junior-middle group
Drawings about sports, step by step Option No. 1: Gymnast Draw several approximately identical circles on a sheet of paper.
Middle group. Junior preschool age. Children 4 - 5 years old Short-term development project