QUIZ “There are many professions in the world...”. class hour (3rd grade) on the topic

What else is important to consider?

A few more secrets to successfully choosing a future profession:

  1. Realize that the time has come to make an adult, informed choice. By the way, being an adult does not mean impulsive and reckless.
  2. Set yourself up for victory, believe in yourself.
  3. Give yourself the right to make mistakes. As a last resort, you can always pick up your documents and enroll in another institution for the next year.
  4. a profession first , and then see which universities can offer the appropriate field of training.
  5. It is worth exploring the choice of professions and specializations. Usually there are much more of them than a person thinks.
  6. Build long-term career goals and stick to them. This will help you stay motivated throughout the learning process.
  7. Don't make any decisions under pressure.
  8. Enlist the support of significant adults.
  9. Carefully collect information, study the profession, reference books, descriptions, websites.
  10. Take advantage of opportunities for professional development. For example, participate in student internship .
  11. Don't forget to rest and take care of your own mental health. It is necessary in order to maintain your own performance for many years.

Thus, choosing a profession is a complex, serious and responsible decision. Not everyone manages to immediately go where they want and not be disappointed in their choice. That is why you should devote more time to this, and do not be afraid to ask for help.

What to do if you have no ideas?

Many people find it difficult to choose a profession because they don’t know what they really want. Time passes, and the fear of making the wrong choice only increases. What should I do?

  1. Study the profession market, understand what is in greatest demand today.
  2. Refuse stereotypical thinking. For example, that people with complex specialties earn more. This is wrong. Today, an eyelash extension artist earns more than a physicist, the time has come.
  3. Separate your own dreams from reality. Assess your own connections and capabilities.
  4. Seek help from significant others, teachers or career guidance specialist

Attention! If the situation is completely difficult, then there is no point in enrolling in an educational institution. You can take a year off, work, participate in volunteer programs, and understand yourself.

What exactly should you not do?

  1. Treat the profession as something inevitable that cannot be changed in any way. The labor market is very flexible; new professions and specializations are constantly appearing on it. You can graduate from college and not get a job based on your diploma. In addition, psychologists advise changing your field of activity every 7 years to avoid professional burnout.
  2. Rely only on the prestige of the profession . If you focus only on it, you can get a profession that will only irritate you in the future and will not bring any pleasure. Taking into account prestige, of course, is important, but only after assessing what the applicant himself wants.
  3. Choose the same profession as your comrades . It’s hard for yesterday’s schoolchildren to part with classmates and comrades; they want to preserve the former members of the team and some community. Of course, you should focus on your peers, too, but don’t blindly follow them.
  4. Transfer a profession to a specific person . Teenagers often go to drama school because their idol is a famous actor. But they only see one side of the coin. Behind the creation of a stage image is painstaking daily work, for which not everyone is ready. And this applies not only to acting.
  5. Identify a profession with only one school subject. For example, if a person wants to become a linguist, he will not have to study only languages. At a college or university, he will have a lot of interesting and exciting courses (psychology, professional ethics, speech culture, etc.).
  6. Ignore your own capabilities and health status. There are a number of professions that may be contraindicated for a person due to his health status. It is advisable to familiarize yourself with this list in advance, especially if you have any acute or chronic diseases.
  7. To be disrespectful to a number of professions. There are no important or unimportant professions in the world. They are all valued equally. A journalist and a psychologist are no better than an electrician and a machinist.
  8. Focus on the convenient location of the educational institution. It may be convenient to go or travel to college, but there may be specialties that are completely uninteresting for a particular applicant. The result is disappointment and expulsion of your own free will.
  9. Blindly obey parents and teachers. Of course, they have certain life experience, but only the applicant himself will be able to clearly understand what he wants from life.

How to choose a future profession?

Before applying to a school, it is important to think carefully about the following:

  1. Make a detailed list of your own skills and abilities . Include literally everything from high typing speed to the ability to remain calm in difficult situations.
  2. Think about your interests and hobbies . Don't just stop at what works well. You can also include in the list what you simply like and would like to study in the future. By the way, work can be exciting and interesting. Ideally, this is what we should strive for.
  3. Decide what kind of benefit you want to bring to society. It won’t be possible to formulate this right away; it’s important to give yourself time to think about it.
  4. When choosing a profession, focus only on your feelings and desires . Family, friends and teachers can help. However, they will not go to work instead of the applicant and will not live his life for him.
  5. Find online tests on school subjects or vocational aptitude tests and take several at once. They identify strengths , analyze his weaknesses, help narrow the range of specialties and settle on something more specific.
  6. Explore different areas of activity . It is important to take a closer look at specific positions on the labor market, the level of promised wages, the schedule and proposed places of work.
  7. Think about whether you can get into your future profession. However, it is difficult to draw such a conclusion without practice. If possible, it’s worth signing up for an internship , even if it’s free.
  8. Don't focus only on money. When a person goes to work solely for the sake of money, but does not love his job, his mental health can seriously deteriorate.

Quiz with answers for elementary school students on the topic “Professions”

Quiz for younger schoolchildren “Professions”
Author: Khamidulina Almira Idrisovna, primary school teacher at the MBOU gymnasium “Kristina” in Tomsk Description: this Quiz was compiled on the topic “Professions”, the correct answers are highlighted. Purpose: the quiz will be useful for primary school teachers when preparing for a lesson, for an extracurricular activity, as well as when preparing events at a summer camp. Goal: generalization of knowledge about professions. Objectives: - develop speech, thinking, observation skills;
- develop interest in the future profession. Quiz “Professions”
1. Prepares delicious food: • master; • cook; • dentist; 2. What profession is this proverb talking about: “It’s hard for the hammer, it’s hard for the anvil?”:blacksmith; • combine operator; • tractor driver; 3. Who did Pechkin work from the book about Uncle Fyodor?postman; • stove maker; • carpenter; 4. Plays a role in the play: • director; • designer; • artist; 5. How can the listed professions be called differently: • doctor; • barber; • dentist; 6. Name the extra word:dog handler; • film critic; • film actor; • movie camera; 7. Who helps people of other professions manage equipment? • teacher; • engineer; • sculptor; 8. An actor who performs difficult and dangerous stunts while filming a film? • double; • stuntman; • cartoonist; 9. A driver who drives a truck or heavy-duty vehicle and travels long distances? • navigator; • forwarder; • truck driver; 10. A specialist in this profession can easily translate foreign oral or written speech into our native language: • linguist; • journalist; • translator; 11. He is not an artist, but he always smells like paint. He is not a master of pictures - he is a master of walls!painter; • driver; • hairdresser; 12. What was Uncle Styopa’s profession? • postman; • policeman; • stylist; 13. Who did the steadfast tin soldier fall in love with? • singer; • artist; • dancer; 14. What professions (name at least two) could Winnie the Pooh choose? 15. Another name for this profession is “farrier”:blacksmith; • singer; • builder.

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