Middle group. Junior preschool age. Children 4 - 5 years old Notes on "Dangerous Objects"
Fire safety project “Young firefighters” for children of the senior group Svetlana BORODINA Project on
Visiting the Sun One day a large cloud covered the sky. The sun didn't show for three days.
Literacy lesson in the middle group “Forest Journey” Author: Abramchuk Elena Aleksandrovna. Educator
Experimental activities at an early age Dear friends, we are pleased to once again introduce you to Sukhanova Lyubov
“There is no aspect of upbringing, understood as a whole, that is not influenced by the situation,
Card index of games for emotional development in the middle group Inna Likhacheva Card index of games for emotional
Poem about planets for children Children's poems: for kindergarten | about nature |
Development of a lesson on ecology Subject, object, tasks and methods of environmental science. Development