MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF Educational - brain-ring game program “We want to be healthy” (preparatory group B “Stars”)
Card index of outdoor games for children 5–7 years old viktor yarkov Card index of outdoor games for children
Formation of ideas about time in children in the older group Formation of ideas about time in
Short-term project in the middle group “Magic Caps” Short-term project “Magic Caps” in the middle group
Lesson 1. Goal Cubes. Teach children to paint with stamps using wooden figures;
Long-term planning for the second junior group in traffic rules. Teacher MBDOU Kindergarten No. 11
Organization of active recreation for children in preschool educational institutions. Health days and holidays Bibliographic description: Kukushkina, M.
List of pots (for the pearl group, etc.). Beautiful template for designing a list of pots for