Long-term plan for drawing in the senior group Zhanna Yuryevna Stakanova Long-term plan for drawing
Junior group. Early childhood, nursery. Children 1-4 years old Project “Dangerous Objects” for children 2–3
Project “My Favorite Toy” Information card of the project: Type of project: creative, group. Project duration: short-term (2
Educational activities in special moments in the senior group. Card index Tatyana Pivovarova Educational activities in
Methodological recommendations for preparing group documentation; methodological development on the topic Family Social Passport Date of completion
Parent meeting in the second junior group No. 1 “Joy” at the beginning of the school year. Child's separation
Card file of problem situations for preschool children How to see air? Where is the water hiding? Breathe
MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF Topic: “Modeling the world around us with little people” State budgetary preschool educational institution for children
A book is a holiday for the soul Resource circle “I know a lot of good books...” Conclusion Working on