Features of constructing the organizational and motivational stage of GCD in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards in preschool educational institutions Features
Next riddle The purpose of the master class: to provide the opportunity to use TRIZ methods for composing riddles using reference
MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF Summary of the parent meeting in the school preparatory group “Preschooler’s readiness for school”
Features of the artistic and aesthetic development of children of primary preschool age At the same time, the aesthetic properties of a person are not
(Translation from Bulgarian) “Master, why should I sit in a cage on a perch, and not
From the author Anyone who deals with raising preschool children knows the famous child’s saying “I
Abstract of educational activities on the formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in the senior group of kindergarten.
Presentation “Federal State Educational Standards before and quality of preschool education” Inga Vladimirovna Presentation “Federal State Educational Standards before and quality
Progress of the lesson. Educator: Look who came to our lesson. (Dolls). This doll
Hardening of preschool children Hardening is an important element of a healthy lifestyle for a person at any age. But