A modern preschooler, what he is like. Interesting facts on the topic
Modern preschoolers. What are they? Modern preschoolers, what are they like? Today they write and talk a lot about
Seminar-workshop “Federal State Educational Standards of Education: Methods of Effective Interaction with Children”
Pedagogical activities aimed at the comprehensive development of the child’s personality will be more effective if
Summary of an open lesson of the Federal State Educational Standard for the senior group on the topic: Victory Day!
MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF GCD in the senior group. Topic: “May 9 - Victory Day” Municipal budget
Summary of the final lesson in the preparatory group “Looking for a surprise”
Complex classes in the preparatory group of a preschool educational institution Educator: - Hear, someone is knocking on the door. What
Planning on the topic sorceress water senior group
Water in different states Purpose: to create conditions for children to become familiar with the properties of water. Tasks:
Integrated lesson in the senior group “Wild animals in winter”
MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF State budgetary preschool institution kindergarten No. 45 of a combined type, Kirov region
Short-term educational practice (SEP) “Magic palms”. For children of the 2nd junior group.
CEP in an early age group on the topic “Toys” Project in an early age group (1–3
Presentations by speech therapists, defectologists, teachers and kindergarten teachers
The use of multimedia presentations in the correctional work of a teacher-speech therapist Galina Borisovna Korkeganova The use of multimedia presentations in
“Use of lapbooks to form ideas about a healthy lifestyle among preschool children”
MAGAZINE Doshkolnik.RF Lapbook “Healthy lifestyle” Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 5
Literary leisure in the middle group “Visiting your favorite fairy tales” outline of a lesson on speech development (middle group) on the topic
Entertainment for children of the middle group “Journey through fairy tales.” specialist in art therapy Entertainment for
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