Cuisenaire rods and language teaching Cuisenaire rods are widely popular as teaching material
Long-term work plan for social and communicative development in the middle group Nina Savelyeva Long-term work plan
Abstract of the GCD on the topic “Birds are our friends.” Senior GCD group in the senior group “Birds”
CHILDHOOD-GUIDE Summary of the entertainment “Fun Fair” for children of senior preschool age Sabira Mamedovna Akhmedova, teacher
Goal: to expand children’s ideas about the world of theater, about theatrical professions, to stimulate their interest in
Outline of a modeling lesson on the topic: “My Home” (preparatory group) Productive activity “Modeling” Outline
Design of a sensory corner in an early age group Marina Karyakina Design of a sensory corner in a group
Pedagogical project “We play games, develop sensory skills.” He pinches his fingers in his sleep.” Change of hands "Rather"