The first stage of speech development This is the most important and most difficult period. It starts with crying
Project on cognitive development on the theme “Spring is red” Passport for the project “Spring is
Patriotic education of children 2-3 years old in kindergarten Social and moral education of young children as
Parenting and modern technology Remember the good old days when “watching TV” meant Saturday
GCD summary for drawing on the topic “Adult Labor” Fatimet Yakhutl GCD summary for drawing
Project “Spiritual and moral education of children of the middle group (4–5 years old)” Olga Rakina Project “Spiritual and moral education of children
Card index of didactic games for children of the 2nd junior group Kiryanova Lyudmila Card index of didactic games for
Walks in the fall in the junior group of kindergarten. Notes Walk in autumn for children 2-4 years old
Natalya Levanova Lesson notes with sand (middle group) Lesson notes on experimental activities in