Developmental activities for children from 1 to 3 years old
Developmental activities for children from 1 to 3 years old - are they needed and how?
Development of a child’s speech through different types of children’s activities
Development of a child’s speech through different types of children’s activities Lyudmila Eromova Development of a child’s speech through
DIY crafts on the theme of state symbols of Russia
DIY crafts on the theme of state symbols of Russia
Paper application for Russia Day On the twelfth of June, citizens of our country will celebrate the day
What to do with your baby at home: games and entertainment for children from one to five years old
What to do with a year old child - “Where is the fish?..” Learning new subjects. Can be hung on
Modeling for children from 3 to 4 years old. Lesson Notes (3 pages)
Didactic modeling games for preschool children
Didactic modeling games for preschool children “Candy for dolls” Purpose: to reinforce techniques
Summary of dominant music lesson
Dominant lesson on musical creativity for the preparatory group “Flower Girl”
Magic box Summary of a dominant music lesson for children of the preparatory group using music-didactic
Lesson notes for the senior group “Mom’s Helpers.”
Abstract of GCD on the topic “Household labor. “Helpers and assistants” MADOU CRR “Kindergarten No. 152”
Development of memory in children of senior preschool age
It is very important to develop a child’s memory always, from birth and so on in stages.
Notes on drawing in the preparatory group on the topic: “Horses are grazing.”
On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes Collective work of children of the senior group. completed in
Fruits and berries: cards for children
Summary of a game lesson in the junior group “Cooking soup”
Cooking compote The goal of the game is to develop the skill of distinguishing fruits and consolidating them in memory
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