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“Organization of work with a disabled child in a preschool setting” (from work experience) methodological development (senior group) on the topic
In Russia, there has been a law for more than 7 years, according to which kindergartens must create a special
Teaching aid: Lapbook “Fun Math”
What is a lapbook? A lapbook is the newest way to organize educational activities with preschoolers. This
DIY stand: step-by-step description of the creation process and unusual design ideas for kindergarten and school
The presence of a brightly decorated stand in itself attracts attention. In addition, it allows you to
How to methodically correctly prepare an open lesson on familiarization with the environment in kindergarten
Goals and objectives of open classes to familiarize yourself with the outside world in kindergarten Contents
Card index of thematic conversations with children in the 1st junior group.
Card index of thematic conversations with children in the 1st junior group
Card file of thematic conversations with children in the 1st junior group September 1 week. We came
Two ways to teach a child to swim at 6-10 years old and older
In this article I will write about two possible options for teaching a child to swim: “express” (literally
Consultation "Conducting a walk in kindergarten"
Consultation "Conducting a walk in a kindergarten" Walk Organizing and conducting a walk in a kindergarten
A boy and a girl act out the fairy tale “Kolobok”
Synopsis of a theatrical play based on the Russian folk tale “Teremok” (Second junior group)
The importance of theatrical games for children aged 1.5–3 years. A preschooler learns about the world around him through the most interesting
"Organization of thematic weeks in preschool educational institutions"methodological development on the topic
The current stage of development of preschool education is characterized by the rapid pace of introduction of innovative technologies into work practice
Short-term project in the senior group “World of Butterflies”
project on the theme “The World of Butterflies” “The desire to learn more about those animals that you
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