Methodology for conducting excursions for children 5-7 years old Article Methodology for conducting excursions for children 5-7 years old
Card file of walks in the second junior group in the spring Natalya Artemova Card file of walks in the second junior group
Lesson on cognitive and research activities in the second junior group of kindergarten Children 3–4 years old have
Small Family #1 Feel free to listen to the pronunciation repeatedly and repeat it loud and clear
The role of theatrical activities Due to the fact that theatrical activities are based on play, it is easy for a preschooler to understand
- What day is today? - Today. - My favorite day! Winnie the Pooh Have you ever thought
Summer is a great holiday time for adults and children. Leaving the city noise and
Preview: Synopsis of NOD drawing in the middle group “According to plan” Educator of the Saransk pre-school educational institution
First lessons We reinforce the concepts: big-small, many-little, identical; Learning colors; Studying opposites using real objects
A simple craft for kids You will need: models of circles from multi-colored double-sided sheets or candy wrappers, glue,