Methodological development “Lapbook “Winter” (from work experience) Bibliographic description: Simon, S. N. Methodological development
Summary of a lesson on cognitive development in the senior group. Water and its properties Synopsis of the joint
Physical education “Fun Starts” in the middle group. Goal: To attract children to a healthy lifestyle
Greetings to everyone who is interested in pedagogical issues! Your Sukhikh Tatyana continues to inform you about the subtleties
Preschoolers need to receive at least minimal information about anatomy and be able to name the parts of their body.
The pages of the book discuss the organization of family reading as a method of additional education and upbringing of a child.
In kindergarten, children’s life activities proceed in accordance with a scientifically based regime. He teaches
Individual approach to teaching preschoolersmaterial Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten "Ryabinka" Individual
The emphasis in modern education of preschool children is on developmental education. Math classes are not
On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes to continue to teach children to reflect their ideas about