Home A preschool child is growing in your family! And the questions, problems and joys of his upbringing, education
Creating a flower card Before starting work, you should prepare a sheet of thick cardboard, colored paper, glue
Summary of the event for the Children's Day holiday “Journey to the Land of Childhood” Goal: enrichment of ideas
Publications about the preparation and conduct of classes on fire safety. We strengthen children's knowledge about the causes
What it is? In pedagogy, the artistic and aesthetic development of a preschooler is understood as the formation of the ability to perceive beauty
The fox and the jug A woman went out into the field to reap and hid a jug with
DIY art corner. Design ideas Larisa Savchuk DIY art corner.
Age norms for speech development at 2-3 years Each age has its own vocabulary, defined
Preparatory group. Senior preschool age. Children 6-7 years old Performance “The Origin of the Shadow Theater” in the preparatory school
What are self-care skills? First, let's understand what is included in the concept of self-care skills. IN