Interactive lapbook folder in working with children with speech impairments
Using a laptop in the work of a speech therapist author: Kazbanova Svetlana Vladimirovna Teacher - speech therapist MBDOU "Children's
Training to unite teachers in kindergarten “Together we are strong”
My kindergarten Author: Maria Sergeevna Shpet, teacher-psychologist, MAOU Secondary School No. 30
Motivation to study
Motives of behavior of children of senior preschool age - Types of motives typical for preschool age
Every parent at some point is faced with the fact that their child loses desire
Summary of entertainment according to traffic rules “Summer of Safety” for the senior group
Home / “Safe Summer” preventive measures / Posts / Road safety / “Safe Summer”
Notes on drawing in the senior group “Portrait of a Mother”
Drawing mom with a pencil The easiest option is to draw a portrait using a simple pencil. First we depict
Poems about space for children 5-6 years old
16 poems for children about the solar system, planets and satellites. Card file on fiction (preparatory group)
It's a holiday for the astronauts! Poems about space, astronauts and the Universe The astronauts have a holiday! Special day
Road traffic rules and safety - compliance with precautions and requirements
Plan of class notes on the topic "Traffic Rules"
2.1. The driver of a power-driven vehicle is obliged to: (Article: 2.1. The driver of a power-driven vehicle is obliged to:) 2.1.1.
Summary of a psychologist's lesson in the middle group “Becoming kinder, becoming smarter!”
Summary of a psychologist's lesson in the middle group “Becoming kinder, becoming smarter!” Summary of the integrated lesson in
Family project at a preschool educational institution “Little discoveries in my big family”; methodological development on the topic
Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution “General developmental kindergarten No. 2 “Luchik” in the village of Letno-Khvalynskoye Spassky
DIY math games
Master class: “Making manuals for the development of mathematical concepts in children with your own hands” methodological development in mathematics (senior, preparatory group) on the topic
Do-it-yourself math games Elena Margelova Do-it-yourself math games Game “Collect a Fly Agaric” Goal:
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