Choreography for children, children's dances, performances in the middle group

Dance "Snowflakes" for the New Year middle group

this dance of girls for the New Year with particular ease; with frequent training, they will cope with all the characteristic movements without much difficulty.

But you need to start with choosing costumes. A suitable option that does not require much hassle would be to select a white dress for each girl, which is decorated with tinsel or paper snowflakes are attached to them.

Preschoolers can perform this dance to any of the following songs:

  • "Silver Snowflakes";
  • Tchaikovsky “Dance of the Snowflakes”;
  • “A blizzard is swirling.”

Having selected the musical accompaniment, you can move on to studying dance sequences, which include a number of movements:

  • whirling;
  • running in circles;
  • wave your arms.

Middle group. Junior preschool age. Children 4 - 5 years old

Dance of the Snow Maiden and snowflakes for children of the middle group Dance of the Snow Maiden and snowflakes for children of the middle group Any number of girls in snowflake costumes participates. Musical accompaniment - song “Waltz of the Snow Maiden and Snowflakes”

The girls stand in a circle facing the audience. Introduction: The Snow Maiden walks in a circle with light steps, touching...

ORU complexes for the middle group “At the bird market” and “In the rhythm of Russian dance” ORU “AT THE BIRD MARKET”
The onlooker goose saw a crayfish, opened his mouth - swallowed the steamer!
I.P. – o.s. hands below. 1-raise your right leg, arms to the sides, open your mouth. 2-in i.p. 2 with the same left foot. Rep. 8 times. “Chicken”
The hen teaches the chickens, Teaches the little guys: “You chickens...

Dance "Dolls" for the New Year middle group

Kindergarteners can also reproduce this dance without much difficulty, since all the movements are simple. Most often, this choreographic work is performed by girls, they wear identical dresses (you should think about sewing or renting in advance) and multi-colored wigs (similar to Malvina).

In such costumes, a newly formed choreographic ensemble can perform to numerous musical compositions, but today Zhenya Lyubich’s song “Lullaby of Silence” is very popular. You can also find many songs from unknown artists called “Doll”.

Among the characteristic movements the following are noted:

  • stamping;
  • whirling;
  • clapping hands;
  • jumping.

Hot summer dances.

Summer is a period of activity, vitaminization and good mood. And this fun season opens with the holiday of Summer and Childhood on June 1st. At a fun event, the dance ensemble gives its audience a charge of positive emotions and solar energy by performing a dance on Summer Day .

During this period, many holidays and comic competitions take place, including dancing for the summer. How else could a fun time come, so you have to greet it cheerfully.

The summer dance has many varieties of performance, costumes and songs. While preparing it, children become a single team, make decisions together, learn movements and think through costumes.

Children's summer dance is a play of sun rays on stage, filling the entire space with sparks of joy, bright colors and enchanting emotions.

It will be interesting to prepare a dance for children and parents; this non-standard approach will unite them and help overcome misunderstandings.

The best summer dances for a full-fledged holiday concert:

  • dance about summer
  • summer colors
  • dance summer
  • live healthy
  • dance summer heat
  • once palm

And in general, the name and movement are not the most important thing, a dance to the song summer can be invented by anyone, if only there is desire and imagination. The older the children. The faster and more varied they will prepare the act.

As for the basic movements, they include: flapping the arms, depicting butterflies, circular movements, squatting, round dances, depicting the sun, steps in place, clapping and jumping.

Costumes for girls can include bright sundresses and wreaths on their heads. And the boys have colorful shirts, shorts and caps.

The stage decoration is, of course, daisies and other types of flowers, bird figurines and balloons. In good weather, at the end of the holiday, balloons can be launched into the sky, it will turn out very colorful, or distributed to the participants of the holiday to prolong their good mood.

Watching summer dances performed live is incredibly colorful and fun. And in order to prepare such a masterpiece in the absence of ideas, videos on the Internet will help, there are a large number of them and for any age category.

Each video has its own selection of movements, costumes, melodies and scene design. By combining several ideas into one, you will create a new bright and cheerful room.

Dancing in the summer for children is a charge of vivacity, activity, celebration and fun. And closing the next summer season, all participants will retain bright and pleasant memories for many years.

Dance "Bunny" for the New Year middle group

of preschoolers can learn this New Year's dance for boys The peculiarity of this choreographic work is that it is performed in costumes of panty bunnies, so you should think about sewing or renting them in advance.

If there are not enough boys, then of kindergarteners, consisting of boys and girls, will perform a common dance for the New Year The piece can be performed to the following songs:

  • "Dance of hares with carrots";
  • Zvezdochki group “Bunny Dance”.

Among the movements included in the dance are the following:

  • jumping in place;
  • whirling;
  • swaying hips;
  • heel-toe movement.

If you add another movement such as a boat, then of guys is also able to reproduce a couple dance for the New Year

Choreography for children, children's dances, performances - Dance "Valenki" for children of the middle group

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Dance for children's entrance to the New Year's holiday "Ice Palms" for children of the middle group Dance for children to enter the New Year's holiday "Ice Palms" for children of the middle group. The dance is performed to the song “Ice Palms”, music and lyrics by Marianna Gabueva, Sergei Kharin. To lose, children enter the hall and walk in a circle. 1.Snow, frost and Christmas tree with light bulbs, heel,…

Dance composition “Kapitoshka” for children of the middle group of preschool educational institutions

A playful, cheerful and light dance for an autumn matinee with Kapitoshka - “a drop”. This composition cannot be used as a dance for show, for example, the hero Kapitoshka, because the dance is complex and it takes a month or two to “fix” the basic movements. The whole group can participate in the dance and...

Dance for boys of the middle group “Vanka-Vstanka” Vanka-Vstanka Lyrics by Z. Petrova music. Y. Slonova Boys in Russian shirts stand in a line with a small interval, hands behind their backs. 1. We are Vanka-Vstanka’s toys. The boys sing while standing still. We are very proud of ourselves. Take a look and see - any good fellow! Take a look and see...

Performance of the dance “Dwarves” for children of the middle group of preschool educational institutions

Dance “Dwarfs” in kindergarten for children of middle preschool age (2 options)
Author: Rukavishnikova Olga Leonidovna music director of MKDOU d/s “Spikelet” p. Kalinino, Malmyzh district, Kirov region. On the eve of the New Year holidays, I would like to offer you two dance options for one musical composition “The Cheerful Dwarf” (Lel) Purpose: This dance development can be useful for both music directors and educators. Description: Dance can be included in musical and rhythmic classes, as well as in the program of holidays and entertainment, such as “New Year”, “March 8”, “Toy Festival”, etc. Objectives : To improve coordination and synchronization of movements, the ability to move in accordance with energetic character of the music. Develop a sense of rhythm, expressiveness of movements, imagination. Cultivating interest and love for playing music.

Sequence of movements:
First option (Children stand in a circle, bell in hand). Verse 1: Along the forest path, the gnome walked to his home. ... - (walk freely in a circle, hands on the belt) Chorus: Ding-ding - ding, my bell ... - (stop facing the circle and ring the bell)
You are my magic bell, You ring tirelessly, Give a fairy tale to the children!
You ring tirelessly... - (they circle around themselves and continue to ring the bell) Verse 2: The gnome walked from afar... - (they walk into the circle, narrowing it)
But of all the miracles to him... -
(diverge from the circle
Verse 3: The gnome is very small in height , — (squat down)
But brave and daring.
- (put your hands on your belt)
He boldly walks forward -
(they march in place) Losing is a free dance, as anyone wants. Verse 4: Along the path, along the forest, the gnome walked to his home... - (they walk freely in a circle)
Ding-ding - ding, my bell... -
(they stop facing the circle and ring the bell)
You are my magic bell, you ring tirelessly , Give a fairy tale to children!
You ring tirelessly - (they circle around themselves and continue to ring the bell)
Give a fairy tale to the children!
Give a fairy tale to children! - (slightly tilt the torso forward, spread your arms to the sides) Second version of the dance (Children stand scattered, facing the audience, a bell in their right hand). Verse 1: Along the path, along the forest, the gnome walked to his home.– (turn 90 degrees to the right, 8 steps)
He walked and sang a song, the bell rang.–
(turn 180 degrees, 8 steps to the left) Chorus: Ding-ding - ding, my bell, - (turn to face the audience and ring the bell)
You are my magic bell, You ring tirelessly, Give a fairy tale to children!
You ring tirelessly... - (they circle around themselves as they run and continue to ring the bell) Verse 2: The gnome walked from afar - (4 steps forward)
I saw the distant edges, -
(look right - left, the palm of the free hand above the eyebrows, like a visor)
But to him of all the miracles -
(turn 180 degrees, run back to the place, turn to face the audience)
The green forest was miles away -
(put your hands on your heart and sway left and right) Verse 3: The gnome is very small in height - (squat down)
But he is brave and daring.
- (put your hands on your belt)
He boldly walks forward... -
(8 steps forward) Loss - they run in a circle (around the Christmas tree) and ring the bell, stand in their places. Verse 4: Along the path, along the forest, the gnome walked to his home.- (turn 90 degrees to the right, 8 steps)
He walked and sang a song, the bell rang.-
(turn 180 degrees, 8 steps to the left) Chorus: Ding- ding - ding, my bell - (turn to face the audience and ring the bell)
You are my magic bell, You ring tirelessly, Give the children a fairy tale!
You ring tirelessly - (they circle around themselves as they run and continue to ring the bell)
Give a fairy tale to the children!
Give a fairy tale to children! — (slightly tilt your torso forward, spread your arms to the sides)
Note. In the second version of the dance to lose, you can also use the free dance of children. I tried to describe all the movements in detail. I have two middle-aged groups, so I want the dances to be a little different. The kids love to perform in front of each other. Both groups may perform at general entertainment or concerts. I will be glad if my dance compositions make someone’s work easier. Thank you for your attention.

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