Article “Game as a method of playful education and training in preschool educational institutions”
Journey to the TV show “My Family”. GCD in the preparatory group
Summary of educational activities for FCCM in the preparatory group “My Family” Summary of educational activities “My Family” Purpose:
Long-term planning “Social and communicative development” in the senior group
Social and communicative development in the senior group of preschool educational institutions Author-compiler: Ramazanova Khadizhat Gazibekovna, teacher of MBDOU "DSKV" Zolotoy
Observation as the main method of environmental education for preschool children
Observation as the main method of environmental education for preschool children Observation as the main method of environmental education
Organization of a communication and creativity center in a group
"Centers for the development of children's creativity in the preschool group" Consultation for teachers at the preschool educational institution "Development Centers"
Summary of a lesson in the senior group on familiarization with nature “The Earth is our common home”
Educational activity “Migratory birds in spring” lesson plan on the surrounding world (senior group) on the topic
Goal: to consolidate students’ knowledge about spring and spring signs. Objectives: Educational: continue to teach students how to educate
A series of classes on the development of communication skills in older preschoolers lesson plan (senior group)
Summary of a lesson on communication in the senior group Publications on the topic: Final lesson in the senior group
Summary of the music lesson “Autumn Mood”
Summary of the lesson “Soon to school” (preparatory group)
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