Synopsis of NOD OO "Cognitive Development". Familiarization with the natural world in the second early age group “We’re going to visit the sun”

Early childhood. Cognitive development. 1-3 years. Toolkit

Getting to know your surroundings

The cognitive activity of children, especially infants, is qualitatively different from the cognitive activity of an adult.

Firstly, it is not singled out as a special, specific activity, but is manifested in all the diversity of effective development of the environment, intertwining with other leading lines of child development. This is determined by the development of perception, the formation of basic movements, improvement of hand actions, mastery of speech, acquisition of the first social skills, etc. That is why the task of developing a child’s cognitive activity is no less significant than strengthening his health and creating the necessary conditions for full physical and emotional health. mental development.

Secondly, an adult is able to determine the range of his own interests and, striving to understand the essence of a phenomenon, highlight the main and secondary things in it, reveal the causes, consequences, and patterns. A child of the first year of life is not capable of such complex activities, but a start has already been made: he shows interest in everything around him.

The baby's attention is usually attracted to everything moving, bright, and making sounds. He tries to understand the world that appears before his eyes. But the child shows the greatest interest not in objects, but in an adult who picks him up, carries him from place to place, talks to him, smiles at him, shows him toys, and performs various actions with different objects. It has been established that a person’s face and his speech are the most significant for a child in comparison with all other “signals” from the surrounding world, i.e. already in the first month of life, a child distinguishes a person from all the diverse reality, reacting in a special way to his emotional manifestations, verbal communication, actions.

The first manifestations of a child’s cognitive activity are associated with indicative reactions,

on the basis of which first a response to external influence arises, and somewhat later a kind of manipulative activity with objects. At the same time, the child’s activity is supported by such a property of indicative reactions as the ability to arise with the appearance of each new object. It is no coincidence that orientation reactions are otherwise called “reactions to novelty.” It is this function of the brain that explains the child’s inexhaustible interest in the world around him, which is so large and diverse for him that in the first months the child’s life is a chain of countless, successive orienting reactions.

Children's first knowledge about the world around them develops in the process of mastering the nearby space (crib, playpen, room, playground, etc.), which is why the organization of the subject environment is so important. Indicative reactions occur in a child already in the first month of life and are an objective condition for his full development. Adults notice how the expression of the baby’s eyes changes day after day, with what tenacity and persistence he reaches out to everything that attracts his attention, although he cannot express his desire. And not only because he does not know how to speak, but also because he does not yet realize it (desire).

Let us trace the features of a child’s indicative behavior during the first year of life.


The nervous system and sensory organs of a newborn child provide not only the perception of visual, auditory, tactile, and temperature stimuli, but also an elementary analysis of their quality and strength. This helps the baby to identify everything new and new in the environment, and over time, analyze it more differentiated.

We can say that the first “knowledge” appears in the baby on his ninth birthday, when, as scientists testify, the first conditioned reflex is formed. Based on food and orientation reactions, a relatively complex orientation behavior is formed: as soon as the baby is placed in a position characteristic of feeding (“position under the breast”), he opens his mouth. This is how he behaves when he sees a bottle of food for him. And during the first month of life, the child begins to distinguish, for example, a bottle of water from a bottle of formula, that is, to respond to color.

By the end of the first month, the baby begins to recognize his mother, tries to respond to her smile, and at the end of the third month he reacts to the appearance of his mother with his whole being ( revitalization complex

), expressing her love and desire to communicate. (By the way, such an attitude can be formed in a baby towards any person who cares for him and loves him.)

The emotional reaction of an adult to a child’s need to explore the world around him is very important. If he has lost sight of the rattle he was looking at, do not ignore it: shake or roll the colored balls, and the child will turn his attention to the toy again. (This is how the child reacts not only to toys, but also to household items, pictures, etc.)

A baby who does not yet know how to roll over onto his stomach is already able to occupy himself during waking hours: he examines his hands, “listens” to himself, reacts to changes in the position of his body in space (he is swaddled, laid down, turned over on his side or stomach), to touch your palms to the body, movements of your fingers.

In a child of 2.5–3 months, elementary cognitive activity can already be observed. Show him a bright object without drawing attention to it. The baby will smile, reach out to him, and try to grab him. Unsuccessful at first, but he will do it again and again.

In the development of nearby space, skin sensitivity is of particular importance. The child does not yet know how to hold objects in his hand, but when touching them, he feels the originality of their surface. In the first months of life, the child is not capable of consciously examining an object: he comes into contact with the object, accidentally touching it with his hand, but by 3–4 months he can grasp it with his hands.


- the first action of a cognitive nature available to an infant, associated with the development of the objective world and space. During the first year of life, the actions of the hand constantly become more complex, playing a primary role in cognition of the properties of objects.

When a child begins to sit up independently, the visible world of objects appears before him in a new way. Now it’s more convenient for him to look at everything that surrounds him. The child peers at the actions and movements of adults, at the movement of objects in space. Increasing the sphere of vision helps to intensify cognitive activity, encouraging effective exploration of the world.

Lying on your side, back, stomach; sitting and standing, the child sees the world around him differently. He reveals the diversity of objects: a pyramid, a matryoshka doll look different if you look at them from above, and not from the side.

Many new objects appear before the baby when he begins to walk. Although he is still unsteady on his feet, it is difficult to keep him in place - the desire to get to know the world around him is so strong. Therefore, by changing and arranging objects in new ways, adults encourage the child to take his first independent steps. Every day the world opens its horizons wider and wider to him. Gradually, the baby masters various actions with objects: puts one object on top of another, removes the rings from the rod of the pyramid and puts them on again, etc.

In a child of the first year of life, interest in an object is determined primarily by the possibilities of practical actions with it: he receives pleasure both from the action itself (opening, closing, removing, etc.), and from various changes in the object that arise due to his actions, which and supports the child’s activity and contributes to the emergence of a more sustainable interest in the subject and its properties.

The child’s actions reveal the first cognitive reactions to an object and its properties. It is difficult to understand whether a child is playing or exploring an object when he examines it, turns it over, hits it, puts it in his mouth, etc. He does the same with any toy, so his activity can be called an introductory game, and his actions are exploratory in content. A child can be occupied with an object for quite a long time if more and more new properties are discovered in it. Then a chain of indicative and cognitive reactions follows one after another, which prolongs interest in the subject. This is the uniqueness of early cognitive activity.

Compare the behavior of a 6- and 12-month-old child, and you will see that a one-year-old child is able to play for a longer time and react more selectively to the environment than a six-month-old child: he plays with one toy for 5–10 minutes; he has a favorite toy that he prefers.

While exploring an object, the child often throws it on the floor, knocks it, licks it, and bites it. The desire to “get to know” an object with his mouth arises very often in him, therefore, in the “toy farm” there should be no dangerous objects: prickly, small, painted with harmful dyes, etc. In addition, the set of toys must be age-appropriate, and cognitive activity during examination their properties must be organized, directed and controlled by adults. This is also necessary because the baby has no sense of fear of the unknown.

Communication with adults is a necessary condition for the cognitive development of a child and his mental education.

To help a child grow up inquisitive, an adult must first of all take care of organizing his wakefulness and independent activities. Waking time must be used rationally: talk with the baby, show toys and techniques for using them.


conducted by an adult, should contribute to the timely and harmonious development of the child (physical, mental, moral, aesthetic, etc.). They form in children skills that cannot be developed in the process of independent activity, i.e. in classes they teach what the child cannot master on his own.

Adults need to take care of instilling sustainability in their actions.

child during object-play situations. The baby has not yet developed voluntary attention, and he is quickly distracted from one object to another. (However, you should know that a one-year-old child is able to concentrate on an object for 8–10 minutes, and this is an indicator of normal neuropsychic development.)

What pedagogical conditions contribute to the development of sustainability of actions with objects?

First of all, this is the absence of any distractions at a time when the baby is busy with his “research”, and such factors can be new objects, sharp sounds (loud conversation, noise).

Sometimes an adult considers it possible to interrupt a child’s activities at any moment, not realizing that this is one of the sources of knowledge of the world: it is more important for him to feed him, put him to bed, walk with him, etc. Undoubtedly, providing for the child’s vital needs is necessary, but no less important and his state of mind for his psychophysical well-being. That is why you should be careful about your child’s activities.

If he is able to occupy himself by looking at objects, manipulating them, trying to understand their properties, and can do without the help of adults, he should not interfere in his “affairs.” With such “non-interference,” the adult will contribute to the development of activity and independence of the child.

It's another matter if the child does not know how to act with a new toy. Then you need to get involved and show how to handle the object. But even in this case, you should try to intensify the search actions of the baby himself. There is no need to reveal all the “secrets” at once.

It is advisable to present the toy in such a way that the child has the opportunity to make “discoveries” on his own: let him discover the hidden properties of the toy and options for playing with it. The problematic nature of situations shapes character traits such as determination and perseverance in achieving goals.

An adult must be attentive to all problems that arise in the baby when operating with objects. And if he fails to get a positive result for a long time, if he gets nervous and eventually throws the toy away, then the adult is obliged to “defuse” the situation, that is, to engage in active play actions and help him reach the finale with victory. In this case, it is necessary to praise the baby, and then offer to independently repeat what he did not succeed at first.

Adults should know: the visible result of an activity increases the child’s interest in the subject and the desire to master ways of working with it. Consequently, problem situations are very useful: they contribute to the formation of focus and activity in cognitive activity.

But the child enjoys not only the result, but also the process itself, i.e., the path to achieving it. “Searching” situations attract the baby. It is important that they end successfully and are accompanied by joyful emotions: this will support the desire to continue to examine the object or toy.

You should know: before starting to play with any new toy, the child “examines” it - this is an indicative research activity that precedes play. In other words, before starting to play, the child finds out what can be done with this new toy, based on the properties that he manages to discover in it. Approximate research stage of activity

consists in discovering, researching, ascertaining the game properties of an object.
These actions then move into the second stage - play actions with the toy.
In the conditions of family education, the child has much more opportunities to get acquainted with the environment than in the conditions of public education. Being in the arms of one of the adults, he watches everything that happens around him. As a rule, a child is attracted to bright, shiny, colored objects that contrast with the general background of the room (for example, an iron or a kettle, a colander or can, a table lamp or sconce, etc.). Moreover, these and other objects in the hands of adults change their position in space and appear before the child in different ways. This supports his orienting and cognitive activity, causing interest in the most ordinary things. For example, my grandmother took the iron, and it “moved” across the fabric forward and backward, right and left. Or: a crystal “fountain” (sconce) hanging on the wall lit up with all the colors of the rainbow. A 3-4 month old child looks at the wallpaper design with interest (isn’t this what makes him later enjoy drawing on the wallpaper, despite the prohibitions?!). In the bathroom he looks at bottles, jars, tubes, brushes. He is attracted to the mirror and gazes with interest at its surface and at his own reflection, not realizing that he is seeing himself. In this situation, it is useful to change the child’s position in front of the mirror. For example, if he is sitting on his dad’s shoulder, move him to the other shoulder, raise his hand, wave it, saying: “Where is grandfather? Here's grandfather! Where is Vasya? Here is Vasya,” and point his hand at his grandfather, and then at himself.

The sooner they begin to familiarize the baby with the objects of his immediate environment, the richer his sensory experience will be. However, it is necessary to highlight a number of items that should not be given to a child: these are expensive vases, figurines, gold jewelry and jewelry, indoor plants, tea and table sets, crystal glasses, etc. The child can only look at them from a distance. And this should become the rule for all family members.

When the child begins to sit up independently, he takes a more comfortable position in the arms of an adult - “facing him.” From this moment on, they become partners in getting to know their surroundings. The baby not only looks at what the adult is showing, but also listens to the name, becomes emotionally enriched, feeling the adult’s attitude towards what their attention is drawn to. For example, looking at a figurine, an adult explains: “This is a girl. She is wearing a dress and a scarf. What is the girl doing? She feeds the hen and chicks. Chick-chick-chick! Here are the chickens... Where is the girl? Where are the chickens? Girl...Chicks..." The examination lasts 1–1.5 minutes. The adult speaks concisely, clearly naming objects. His speech is somewhat slow, with pauses.

At 7–8 months, the child is attracted to paintings and books with bright, large illustrations. He examines them with interest, sometimes trying to “study” the material from which they are made, that is, to crumple or tear the picture. An adult must anticipate this and prevent it by strictly saying: “You can’t!” - and taking the book or picture away from the child for a while. Then, together with your child, look at them again, commenting on what they see.

Of particular interest to children are objects of decorative and applied art: wood products (spoons, nesting dolls, various toys - “pecking chickens”, “lumberjack bear”, etc.), fabrics (towels, aprons, embroidered scarves) . Painted scarves (including Pavloposad shawls) can be used for playing hide and seek and for dressing up. First, you should draw attention to the drawing (“Flowers! Where are the flowers?”), stroke it with the child’s hand, throw a scarf over yourself, and ask: “Where is mommy?” Taking off the scarf, exclaim: “Here is mom!” “Where is Vasya?” “Hide and seek” helps the child find out his name (he will remember it a little later - by about one year). Dressing up also helps with this: having dressed the child in a scarf, bring him to the mirror and ask: “Where is mommy?” Where is Olya in the headscarf?”

You can look at the Zhostovo tray with your child, naming what is depicted on it and noting the color. The main thing is to impress the child and enrich his emotional world.

Both Dymkovo and Gzhel toys are useful for this. They are carefully brought to the child and examined with him with the explanation: “This is a horse! And this is a cockerel! Ku-ka-re-ku!

As a rule, children are attracted to television, but it is not recommended for them to be in front of the TV screen. From a distance of 4–5 m, you can watch a cartoon lasting no more than 5–8 minutes, discreetly commenting on what is happening (“The girl is singing,” “The bunny is jumping,” etc.).

On New Year's Day, a 6-7 month old child will definitely be interested in a Christmas tree decorated with toys and colored with lights. Taking him in his arms, the adult brings the child to the Christmas tree and gives him the opportunity to examine it: “This is a Christmas tree, a Christmas tree!” Then he sets some toy in motion: “This is a ball. Red ball. This is a bump. This is a top,” etc. Then you can ask questions: “Where is the ball? Where's the bump? The child responds to the question “where” by looking for the named object with his eyes and showing it with his hand.

At 11–12 months, the child takes his first independent steps. Remember: it should not be left unattended. Interest in the environment can lead a child to injuries: after all, he does not yet know his capabilities, does not suspect some of the insidious properties of things. He may reach for a hot kettle, sharp or breakable objects. This is why in preschool institutions children aged 8–12 months are placed in spaces specially equipped for them (separated parts of the room).

Junior group. Early childhood, nursery. Children 1-4 years old

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Pedagogical experience: “Introducing young children to the world around them through children’s experimentation”

(junior group)

Teacher at MBDOU "Yagodka" . Noyabrsk Eroshko E.M.

I have been working as a kindergarten teacher for 32 years. During my work, I had the opportunity to work with children of different ages. The most crucial period is the child’s adaptation to the nursery group; this is a difficult stage and at the same time interesting. When a crying baby does not want to let go of his mother, you need to gather all your skills, abilities, techniques, and be patient in order to make the baby forget about his mother, get distracted and not cry.

Working with older children has its own peculiarities. Here you need to be an older friend. A friend who is knowledgeable, able, able to help and teach. I try to be a friend to children, to understand everyone’s individuality, not only to give them new knowledge about life. But also to cultivate a positive attitude towards the world around you, towards yourself.

In my work, simply human things come to the fore: to help, to caress, to sympathize, to talk heart to heart.

The main task for me is to move forward, mastering innovative technologies, unconventional methods, but also not forgetting the good old days. I need to fill myself with knowledge to satisfy the curiosity of a modern child. I try to develop in myself such qualities of a modern educator as patience and kindness. After all, I have to work not only with children, but also with parents. Parents of children are like-minded people, helpers, and friends for me. We do one thing together - raise children...

In my work I am based on the following scientific and methodological principles: “People who have learned to observe and experiment acquire the ability to pose questions themselves and receive factual answers to them, finding themselves at a higher mental and moral level in comparison with those who have not undergone such schooling.” " (K.E. Timiryazev).

A preschool child is a researcher, showing a keen interest in various types of research activities, in particular in elementary experimentation. Experimentation permeates all areas of children's activity: eating, playing, studying, walking, sleeping... understanding the importance of experimentation in the development of cognitive activity of preschool children, trying to create conditions for their experimental activities, I began work by building a subject-development environment: arrangement of an experimentation corner, selection of equipment and materials, production of experimental games, developed a long-term plan for experimental activities, compiled a card index of experimental games for experimental activities.

The main issues planned for study are the selection of literature on conducting and organizing research activities in early preschool age in a playful way and using game characters, organization and observation of children’s activities during experimentation classes; according to the thematic plan, a series of classes and a card index were developed experiments.

Not a single educational or educational task can be successfully solved without close contact with the family and complete mutual understanding between parents and teacher. In individual conversations, consultations. At parent-teacher meetings, I convince parents of the need for daily attention to their children’s joys and sorrows.

Parents are constantly consulted on the role of experimentation in the lives of children, and advice has been developed for parents “What experiments can be carried out at home . A photo exhibition of children's experimental activities was created. The topic turned out to be quite interesting for the parents, and they gladly responded to all the suggestions. At the end of the school year, a final parent meeting was held, at which parents were presented with the results of work with children. Parents, in turn, spoke about their impressions. Thus, the efforts of the preschool institution and the family are combined to accomplish the assigned tasks.

Intensive development of children's experimentation in all its types and forms is a necessary condition for the successful development of a preschooler's personality, the development of cognitive interest, and the nurturing of the need for a holistic perception of the world around him.

At the first stage, I drew up a thematic plan for experimental activities, taking into account the age characteristics of children and gradually increasing the complexity of cognitive tasks (Appendix 1).

Work was also carried out to create a subject-development environment in the group: equipment for conducting experiments and experiments (Appendix 2).

According to the thematic plan, a series of lessons (Appendix 3) and a card index of experiments (Appendix 4) were developed.

Preschool teachers were shown the presentation “Experimental games in the younger group” (Appendix 6)

Annex 1.



Topic: “Learning about the world around us through play and experiments”

(junior group)

Goal: development of the cognitive sphere of children through inclusion in the process of experimentation.


  • form ideas about the properties and qualities of the objective world;
  • deepen understanding of living and inanimate nature;
  • promote children's participation in research and generalization of experimental results;
  • develop independent activity skills.

Appendix 2

Creating a developmental environment with the aim of developing children's experimentation in a group:

1. Experimentation corner for independent free activity and individual lessons, the content of which is:

  1. A variety of vessels from various materials of different volumes and shapes;
  2. Natural material collected together with children (pebbles, clay, sand, shells, feathers, cones, etc.);
  3. Waste material (fabrics, wooden, plastic and iron objects, etc.);
  4. Different types of paper, plasticine;
  5. Food and non-food dyes;
  6. Assistant devices (magnifying glasses, scales, magnets, etc.);
  7. Medical materials (pipettes, flasks, measuring spoons and cups, etc.);
  8. Other materials (various cereals, flour, salt, sugar, sieve).
  9. Children's aprons;
  10. Towels, rags, brush and dustpan;
  11. Experimental schemes.
  12. Long-term lesson plan for the year in the following sections:
  13. Properties of water;
  14. Air and its properties;
  15. Solid: stone; sand
  16. Paper properties

Appendix 3

Lesson notes on familiarization with the environment

Lesson 1

Program content: Introduce children to the properties of sand: sand is many grains of sand; sand can be dry or wet; wet sand takes any desired shape.

To cultivate cultural and hygienic skills, curiosity and the desire to play together.

Evoke positive emotions.

Equipment: Robes for the teacher and children, several containers with dry sand, watering cans with water, sand molds, a sheet of paper.

Vocabulary work: sand, wet, dry, dirty

Preliminary work: playing with sand while walking; examination of plot paintings on the topic: “Children are walking” ; d/games: “More or less” , “Collect in a basket” ; observations in nature

Methodological techniques: questions to children, teacher's story, experiment with sand, practical activities of children.

Progress of the lesson

Guys, Professor Znaykin again invites us to visit his laboratory. Let's go to? Let's all put on our dressing gowns, and the professor will show us a lot of new and interesting things. The children get dressed and go through.

1. Guys, what’s in my glass? (the teacher pours sand of different sizes into a slide). Sand. Right. I'll take a white piece of paper and sprinkle some grains of sand on it. Look how small they are. Each of them is clearly visible on a sheet of paper. How many grains of sand do you need to make a big pile of sand? A lot of. (children's answers). How many grains of sand are there in the sandbox? A lot of. Sand consists of many grains of sand.

Conclusion: Sand is made up of many grains of sand.

2. Guys, let's touch the sand. What kind of sand? Dry. Put your hands in the sand and then pull your hands out. Are our hands clean or dirty? Children's answers. Clean.

Now let's do an experiment with sand. Children water the sand. What happened to the sand? The sand became wet. Guys, put your hands in the sand. Get your hands out. What are your hands like? Hands are wet and dirty. Why are your hands wet? Children's answers: Because we poured water on the sand.

Sand can be dry, but if you pour water on the sand it becomes wet. Our journey through Professor Znaykin’s laboratory continues. There are two basins in front of you, one with dry sand, the other with wet sand. Now we will make pies using molds.

Let's try to make pies out of dry sand. It turns out? No. And why? The sand is dry and you can’t sculpt with it. (Children's answers). Now let’s try to sculpt from wet sand. It turns out? Yes. Why? The sand is wet. (Children's answers).

Conclusion: You can sculpt from wet sand, but not from dry sand.

Guys, it's time for us to return to the group. Let's say goodbye to Professor Znaykin.

Lesson 2

Program content: To introduce children to stones and their properties: to give an idea that stones are heavy and light; hard; can be cold or warm.

Continue teaching children to group objects by color.

Cultivate a desire to help loved ones.

Evoke positive emotions.

Equipment: Overalls; large and small stones; multi-colored small pebbles from the aquarium and matching buckets; wonderful bag; foam rubber

Vocabulary work: light, heavy, warm, cold, soft, hard

Preliminary work: looking at stones while walking; d/games: “Put it in a basket” , “Wonderful bag” ; "What colour?"

Methodological techniques: questions to children, teacher’s story, experiment with stones, practical activities of children

Progress of the lesson

Guys, Professor Znaykin came to visit us. Znaykin invites us to conduct experiments again, put on your robes. Children put on their dressing gowns and go to the table. There are stones of different sizes (large and small) on the table.

Guys, look, what is this? Stones. Take them in your hands and examine the stones. Which stones are heavy or light? Children's answers. Now let's determine whether stones are heavy or light. Children's answers. Guys, stones can be heavy and light.

Now let's play with the stones. I have two bags, we will put stones in them. We will put one bag on the windowsill, and the other bag will put it on the radiator.

Finger gymnastics is carried out.

Guys, now let's touch the stones from the bags. What kind of stones are in this bag, cold or warm? Children's answers. Children touch stones and answer the teacher’s questions. Guys, now let's try to compress the stones, the stones are compressed. No. And I have cotton wool. Let's try squeezing the cotton wool. Does cotton wool shrink? Yes. Cotton wool shrinks because it is soft, but stones are hard and cannot shrink. Guys, look, our stones are of different colors. What color are the stones? Yellow, green, red and blue. Children's answers. Let's sort the stones by color. Children arrange stones by color. Well done guys, you did a good job. What did you learn today? Let's say goodbye to the professor.

Lesson 3

Program content: Introduce children to the properties of water: water can be clear, cloudy; with the properties of paper: paper can be thick, thin, torn, wrinkled.

Give an idea that air is invisible.

Develop cognitive interests, imagination, attention, thinking.

Enrich your vocabulary.

Evoke positive emotions.

Equipment: telephone, bathrobes, glasses, cap, hippos, glass of water, glass of flour, spoons, glass bowl, plastic bags, thick and thin paper.

Vocabulary work: transparent, cloudy, light, thick

Preliminary work: examination of different types of paper; d/game: “Hide the toy” ; breathing exercise “Butterflies”

Methodological techniques: questions to children, teacher’s story, demonstration, practical activities of children

Progress of the lesson

The phone rang, Professor Znaykin is calling. He again invites us to visit him in his laboratory. Let's put our robes back on. Children wear dressing gowns. Guys, look what's on my table. There is a glass of water on the table. Is the water in the glass clear? Children's answers. Let's play a game with you: add a spoonful of flour to a glass of water and stir. What is the water like? Children's answers. Cloudy, dirty, not transparent. And why? We added flour to the water. Guys, look, I have small balls, let's put one in clear water and the other in muddy water. In what kind of water can you see the ball? Children's answers. Now guys, we know that water can be clear and cloudy.

Guys, we also don’t see the air in our room. Air is everywhere. To see it, you need to catch it. Now we will try to catch the air. The teacher distributes bags to everyone. The teacher shows the children how to catch air. Children repeat. Touch the package. What's in it? Air. The bag is full of air and looks like a pillow. Anya, what's in the bag? Now I will release the air from the bag. Why did the package become thin? Children's answers.

Well done guys, now we know that we don’t see air, but it is everywhere.

Guys, now we will play with paper. Everyone will take the paper in their hands and place it on their palm. Breathing game "Blow" . We've played, and now let's do an experiment with paper.

Take a piece of paper in your hands. Touch the paper with your hands, what kind of paper? Is the paper thin or thick? Children's answers.

Now let's try to crumple the paper, show us what happened. The paper was crumpled. Try tearing the paper. It broke, why? The paper is thin. That's right, the paper is thin, it tears.

Do the same with thick paper.

Conclusion: Thin paper tears, but thick paper does not. Thin paper wrinkles, but thick paper does not.

Guys, you liked the experiments with Professor Znaykin. Children repeat what they did today. They say goodbye and take off their dressing gowns.

Appendix 4

Card index of experiments

Experiments with water

Topic: “What will happen?”

Purpose: To give an idea that some substances dissolve in water.

Equipment: Two glasses of water, some sand and sugar.

Procedure: The teacher invites the children to see what happens if they put a spoonful of sand in a glass of water and stir it. Then he demonstrates it. Sand mixed in a glass of water made the water opaque and cloudy. But after a while it settled to the bottom of the glass, and the water became clear again. Next, the teacher does the same with sugar, drawing the children’s attention to the fact that the sugar did not cloud the water and did not settle to the bottom, but disappeared. What happened? Sugar dissolved in water, but sand did not.

Conclusion: Some substances dissolve in water, and some do not.

Experiments with sand

Topic: "Traces"

Purpose: To give an idea that marks and prints remain on wet sand.

Equipment: Container with sand, jug with water.

Procedure: The teacher invites the children to leave handprints on dry sand. Are the prints clearly visible? (No). The teacher wets the sand, mixes it, and levels it. He suggests leaving handprints on the wet sand. Is it working now? (Yes). Look, every finger is visible. Now we will make the footprints. What do you see? Why were there handprints and footprints? (Because the sand was wet).

Conclusion: Traces and imprints remain on wet sand, but not on dry sand.

Experiments with air

Topic: “Let’s drown the toys”

Purpose: To give an idea that air is lighter than water.

Equipment: Container with water. Rubber toys.

Progress: The teacher shows the children a rubber toy. Then he presses it several times, directing the stream of air coming out of the hole of the toy towards the child so that he feels it. Why is this happening? (Because there is air in the toy). The teacher invites the children to lower a rubber toy to the bottom of a basin of water. What's happening? (The toy floats up.) This happens because there is air in the toy, and air is lighter than water.

Conclusion: Toys filled with air do not sink because air is lighter than water.

Experiments with stones

Topic: “Light - Heavy”

Purpose: To give an idea that stones can be heavy and light.

Equipment: Three stones of sharply contrasting size.

Progress: The teacher invites the children to look at the stones. What are they? (Big and small). Then the teacher asks the child to take the smallest stone. The baby picks it up easily. The teacher draws the children's attention to the fact that the stone is light. Next, the teacher suggests taking a larger stone. The child picks up a stone, the teacher draws attention to the fact that the stone is heavy and not easy to lift. Then the child is asked to pick up the largest stone. The child cannot complete the task. Why? (Because the stone is very heavy).

Conclusion: Stones can be heavy or light. It depends on their size.

Experiments with paper

Topic: “Paper leaves”

Purpose: To give an idea that the paper is light.

Equipment: Sheet of paper, container with water.

Procedure: The teacher shows the children a piece of paper and asks them to determine whether it is heavy or light. Then he suggests checking it out. The teacher places a piece of paper on the child’s palm and invites him to blow on it. What happened? (The leaf flew off the palm.) Why? (Because it's lightweight). Next, the teacher lowers a sheet of paper into a container of water. What happened? (The leaf floats). Why didn't the paper sink? (Because it's light).

Conclusion: The paper is lightweight, deflatable and does not float in water.

Appendix 5

Parent meeting script

Topic: Experimental and experimental activities of young children

Form of the meeting: workshop-seminar

Purpose: To form an idea among parents about the experimental activities of young children and its significance.

Equipment: Five transparent glasses, gouache in 4 colors, a brush, a container of sand, a container of water, pebbles, a feather, a notebook sheet and a sheet of thick cardboard.

Meeting plan

  1. Theoretical material. Message for parents "Little Explorers" .
  2. Practical part. Carrying out basic experiments together with parents.

Progress of the meeting

1 part.

"Little Explorers"

Many children’s actions can cause bewilderment to adults: “He hid grandma’s umbrella!” I fed the cat with a spoon! I poured water into my grandfather’s galoshes and put my hat on the dog!”

But if you analyze such situations, you will notice that these are not just pranks, but actions of active experimentation in understanding the properties of the surrounding world. There was an indicative and exploratory orientation in the baby’s behavior early on. But now he is interested not only in the purely external characteristics of things, the baby is trying to establish some hidden features of the observed object.

Why is grandma's umbrella hidden? Firstly, this is a thing that, at the press of a button, turns into a dome, which, you see, is no less interesting than playing with a “singing” top. In addition, I would like to see how my grandmother will look for him and say: “Oh, I’m old! Again I put my umbrella somewhere and I can’t find it! Alyoshenka, look with your sharp eyes, where is my umbrella? This is real social experimentation.

Why did the baby decide to feed the cat with a spoon? Because in yesterday’s game he fed the toy Kotofeich with a spoon, watered him from a cup, and now it seems unfair to him that the family’s favorite cat Vaska is deprived of such attention. This action is a game by analogy, transferred to a new situation, which indicates the high intelligence of the baby.

Why did you pour water into grandfather’s galoshes? Grandfather boasted about his galoshes: they are old, but they don’t get wet! The kid tested the item for its functional suitability, and these were the results. The teacher encourages children to formulate their own conclusions. Part 2.

Elementary experiments:

Multi-colored water"; "Sand" ; “Let's let the air out of the glass” ; “Let’s wash the pebbles” ; “Thin - thick” , “Coloring water”

Appendix 6

Consultation for parents “Small steps into a wonderful world!”

Early age is a period of active experimentation of a child with the objective world. Everything that surrounds the baby - things that belong to adults, toys, animals, plants, water, sand and much more - arouses his interest. He loves to explore new objects, experiment with various substances and materials: water, sand, snow, clay, paints. Adults often doubt that young children can seriously learn “important” things. However, it is not. In the process of such research, the baby’s curiosity develops, his ideas about the world around him expand, the child gains rich sensory experience, and receives a powerful impetus for the development of intelligence.

It is important to remember that the formation of a child’s intellectual sphere is carried out not only with the targeted guidance of adults, but also in free, independent practical activity. In the process of free experimentation, the child receives new, sometimes unexpected information, establishes practical connections between his own actions and the phenomena of the surrounding world, and makes some kind of discoveries. Experimentation stimulates the child to search for new actions and contributes to the development of flexibility of thinking. Independent experimentation gives the child the opportunity to try out different methods of action, while removing the fear of making mistakes and the constraint of thinking with ready-made action patterns. The role of parents in this process is not to immediately show how to do it correctly, but to stimulate the child’s interest in subjects, encourage independent research, and support his curiosity.

A child’s pronounced curiosity is the most important indicator of his successful mental development. It manifests itself in the fact that the baby:

  1. actively strives for new experiences, loves to observe others;
  2. quickly discovers new things and strives to immediately explore them;
  3. participates with interest in games with water, sand, and experimenting with various substances suggested by adults;
  4. spends a long time experimenting with enthusiasm on his own, imitating an adult and inventing new actions;
  5. rejoices at his discoveries and strives to share them with adults.

It is imperative to keep in mind that a child’s full mastery of objective activities occurs only in the process of communicating with adults.

There is an experimental laboratory in which all the necessary equipment for conducting experiments is collected.

  • Appendix 7. Presentation “Experimentation in the younger group”

Experiments with water

Game "Bulbochki" . Children put rubber toys into the water and watch how air bubbles come out of the water.

“Air bubbles” - using a straw you can make bubbles in a glass

“Coloring water” - it’s fun to make colorful water with your children using a brush and gouache.

“From empty to empty” - Children love to pour water from one vessel to another. Shampoo bottles and jars of different shapes and sizes are used for this game.

“Balls in the Water” – Train fine motor skills

Experiments with sand

To give an idea that sand is many grains of sand.

Sand can be dry or wet. Dry sand may crumble, wet sand

takes any desired shape.

“Games with turntables” “Let’s make a breeze”

"Blow up the balloons"

"My funny ringing ball"

“Blow up the balloons” “My funny ringing ball”

Give an idea that the ball jumps high because there is a lot of air in it.

"Boat, sail"

Give an idea that objects can move with the help of air

  • Perfection of self-education:
  • Getting acquainted with modern techniques on the topic of children's experimentation

— I take part in pedagogical skills competitions and innovative project competitions.

  • Cooperation with kindergarten teachers and parents.

I annually conduct consultations on the topic of children's experimentation, business experimental games, seminars on problem situations, open viewings of experiments and classes, individual conversations on the topic of environmental education and the role of the family in solving experimental problems. I also annually organize various competitions: competitions for crafts made from natural materials, a competition for crafts made from “waste materials”

Visual information for parents is constantly updated.

When working with children, I always try to promote the development of cognitive activity, curiosity, and the desire for independent knowledge and reflection. Every little child is a little explorer, discovering the world around him with joy and surprise.

My task is to not let this desire fade away.

Literature studied:

  • “Cognitive and research activity as a direction for the development of a preschooler’s personality. Experiences, experiments, games. compiled by N.V. Nishcheva 2013
  • “Experimental activities in preschool educational institutions” L.I. Odintsova 2013, methodological manual.
  • “Sand Games” , Igor Pelinsky
  • "Experimental activities in preschool educational institutions" . Lesson notes for different age groups. N.V. Nishcheva
  • “Project method in organizing cognitive and research activities in kindergarten . N.V. Nishcheva;
  • Martynova E.A., Suchkova I.M. Organization of experimental activities for children 2-7 years old: thematic planning, recommendations, lesson notes
  • Activities of preschoolers in a children's experimental laboratory. M.P. Kostyuchenko, N.R. Kamalova, publishing house "Teacher"
  • “Elements of sand therapy” - development of young children N.V. Zelentsova-Peshkova
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