Sports entertainment "Small Winter Olympic Games"

Sports entertainment "Small Winter Olympic Games"


“Pole, skis, fast running. The snow glistens under the bright sun.

We hit the targets accurately. The sport is called BIATHLON.

5th Biathlon Relay

(2 teams on skis. Run to the basket, take the ball, throw it into the second basket, standing 2.5 m further. If you throw the ball, then go back immediately, if you miss, go through the penalty circle. Teams of 4 people participate.)

6th Relay “Ski Racing”

"(Seven people from a team are participating, the skis are felt boots. You need to run to the stand and back in one felt boot and pass the baton to another participant. You can take part in the relay for fans.)

7th Relay

“Olympic Rings” (5 people per team participate. You need to put the Olympic symbol from hoops on the floor in the correct order)

2nd VED:

And now the jury will have to sum up the results of the Small Olympic Games. Meanwhile, children, let’s solve riddles about sports:

Two metal brothers, how they grew together with their boots, wanted to go for a ride, Top! — onto the ice and off we went. Ay, yes brothers, ay, easy! What are the brothers' names? … skates.

I put two wooden arrows on my feet. I wanted to go down the mountain, but I fell head over heels. That was a laugh, From that dump: They are on me, And on top of the sticks! ( Skis


There, in armor, everyone is on the ice platform, Fighting, grappling in a sharp fight. The fans shout: “Hit harder!” Believe me, this is not a fight, but... hockey.

One hit with the racket - the shuttlecock flies over the net. Although Seryozha hit hard, Volanchik hit the net. Anton won today. What were they playing? In... badminton.

Vanechka came out onto the ice and hit the goal with a puck. Is Vanyushka hitting the puck with a stick? No! Not with a stick. This is... a stick.

Remove the snowball from the playground, fill the skating rink with water, my friend. And on these winter days, wear skates instead of felt boots. Hit the puck if you want to play! Drive her! Where? At... the gate.

The field has two halves, and baskets hang along the edges. Either a ball flies over the field, or it gallops between people. Everyone hits him and the ball is angry, and they play basketball with him .

Everyone hits the ball with their feet, kicks it, like hammering a nail into a goal, everyone shouts with joy: “Goal!” The ball game is called... football.

My little Anton saw how they played badminton. The athletes each have a racket. What was flying above the net? Not an eagle or a cormorant! It's with feathers... shuttlecock.

In winter, the floor on the site is cold and smooth. But the hockey players are happy with the slippery, smooth, clean floor. The one who will hit himself with a bump is the one who suddenly plops down on... the ice.


All participants are great! They showed a sporting character, a will to win, demonstrated their skills in various sports, and most importantly, showed a sense of camaraderie in team sports, received a charge of vivacity and good mood. After all, the Olympic Games, even though they are small, are always a holiday.

Sports festival for primary classes “Small Olympic Games”

Kasimova E.N., physical education teacher

Extracurricular sporting event

Topic: Small Olympic Games.

Goal: development and popularization of winter Olympic sports among school students, promotion of a healthy lifestyle.


  1. Educational: enrich children’s knowledge about the Olympic movement, increase the functional capabilities of students’ bodies;
  1. Developmental: develop dexterity, strength, endurance, resourcefulness, intelligence, ability to interact in a team;
  1. Educational: fostering strong-willed qualities, cohesion and friendship, observing safety precautions;
  2. Wellness: strengthening the health of younger schoolchildren;



-Hello guys! Do you know what the Olympic Games are? Once every four years, athletes from all over the world come to the Olympics to compete: who is the strongest, who is the fastest, who is the most dexterous .

The first Olympic Games took place in 776 BC in Ancient Greece and were dedicated to the supreme god Zeus.

Today our school will host the Small Olympic Games.

The main God of Olympus came down here to greet all participants in the Olympiad. Meet us!


Attention! Now the main god of Olympus, Zeus himself, will speak to you.


Oh, glorious citizens of the school country under heaven. Knowing about your desire to become more perfect, I descended from heaven to a sports festival And now I announce the Olympic Games! Be strong and agile! And agile and fast! Athletes, remember:

You must defend both your honor and the honor of the school. Only worthy teams will win! Be successful, and the gods will help you with this. I wish you all to become even more perfect, and to strengthen your desire for victory in your life!


The Olympic Games are friendship between people of 5 continents. This is world peace! This is evidenced by the Olympic flag, which contains the colors of all the flags of the world. The best athletes carry the Olympic flag. Today, the best athlete of the school, Kristina Koloznikova, is entrusted to carry the flag of the Small Olympic Games. -Stand at attention for the removal of the Olympic flag! Bring in the Olympic banner!

Phonogram “Hymn of the Olympic Games”


On the highest Mount Olympus in Greece, fire from the sun's rays arose and became a symbol of the Olympic Games. The Olympic torch is in the hands of the best athlete Alexander Mezhuev today. The flame of the Small Olympics calls us to the beginning of the Olympic starts.

Phonogram “Hymn of the Olympic Games”

Student (Vika)

: Olympic flame

The ritual of lighting the sacred fire originates from the ancient Greeks and was revived by Coubertin in 1912.

The torch is lit at Olympia by a directed beam of sunlight formed by a concave mirror. The Olympic flame symbolizes purity, the attempt to improve and the struggle for victory, as well as peace and friendship.

The Olympic torch is delivered to the main stadium of the Games during the opening ceremony, where it is used to light a fire in a special bowl in the stadium. The Olympic flame burns until the end of the Olympics.


Before the start of the competition, all athletes take a solemn oath in which they undertake to follow the rules of the game and honestly fight for championship. Let us also not deviate from the traditions of the Olympians and take an oath.

Children take an oath

On behalf of all athletes, I promise that we will participate in these Olympic Games respecting and abiding by the rules under which they are held, in a true spirit of sportsmanship, for the glory of sport and for the honor of our teams.” (Everyone) We swear! ( 3 times)

Student (Vadim

): The emblem of the Olympic Games consists of five interlocking circles or rings.

This symbol was designed by the founder of the modern Olympic Games, Baron Pierre de Coubertin, in 1913, inspired by similar symbols on ancient Greek objects. It is believed that the five rings are a symbol of the five continents

Every country's flag has at least one color from those featured on the Olympic rings.

Blue Europe Blue
Black Africa Black
Red America Red
Yellow Asia Yellow
Green Australia Green


The symbols of the Olympic Games in Sochi came to us for the holiday: Teddy Bear, Bunny and Cheetah.

Student (Luda):

In the Arctic Circle, a polar bear lives in an icy igloo. In his house, everything is made of ice and snow: a snow shower, a bed, a computer and even sports equipment.

The polar bear was raised by polar explorers from early childhood. It was they who taught him to ski, skate and play curling. But most of all the white bear liked to ride a sled. He became a real luger and bobsledder, and his friends - seals and fur seals - watch his victories with pleasure. Now they organize competitions in these sports together, and they never get bored during the long polar night!

Student (Nastya)

The bunny is the most active inhabitant of the winter forest. Her friends are always surprised - how does she manage to do everything!? After all, Bunny not only manages to study at the Forestry Academy with excellent marks, help her mother in the family restaurant “Lesnaya Zapruda,” but also participate in various sports competitions. Bunny assures her friends that she has no secret: she just loves sports very much. She also loves to sing and dance.


Mountain rescue climber Leopard lives in the crown of a huge tree that grows on the highest cliff in the snow-capped Caucasus mountains. He is always ready to help and has more than once saved a nearby village from avalanches. Leopard is an excellent snowboarder, he taught this sport to all his friends and neighbors. Leopard has a cheerful disposition, he cannot live alone and loves to dance.


I consider the Small Olympic Games open

The opening of the School Olympic Games is completed by the following readers:

ABOUT! The joy of the Olympic movement, blessed land preserve! Olympus - God's great creation! The sports world is one family!

We see friendly faces here, We feel the sports spirit around us. Everyone here has the heart of an Olympian, Everyone here is a friend to sports and art.

ABOUT! The joy of our meeting is boundless, Oh, the happiness of seeing sincere friends! We believe that everyone will perform well and become stronger and stronger in spirit.

We are opening the Olympic Games. We invite everyone to this holiday! We wish you health, happiness, joy, May Olympic success come to you!

Competition program

1 relay race. "Hockey with a ball »:

teams line up in a column, one at a time, dribble the ball between the chips with a stick, and back, dribbling in a straight line. At the start, the ball and club are passed to the next participant.

2nd relay.
“Fun biathlon”:
the 1st participant runs on “skis” to the control flag and throws balls at the target, comes back, passes the baton to the next one.

3rd relay.
“Sled relay races”.
Teams are lined up in pairs. First, the first participant pulls the sled with the second participant to the chip, then they change roles and return. The sled is passed on to the next pair

4 relay.
"Figure skating"

Participants stand in pairs - a boy and a girl. The pair stands at the start, raising their left leg. At a signal, he begins to jump on his right leg to a certain mark, where he changes legs and jumps back on his left leg.

5th relay.
"Ski race".
The competition takes place at the school stadium. There are 2-3 participants per team. First team 1 runs, time is noted, then 2, and -3

Closing of the Small Olympic Games.


Olympic participants, line up! Be equal! Attention!


Let's start the awards ceremony
Enter Olympic awards
Zeus awards)
(As soon as the last medal is awarded, the Russian Anthem sounds)
Appendix No. 1

Presenter 1:

Friends, let's remember what winter sports are included in the program of the Winter Olympic Games?8) RIDDLES ABOUT WINTER SPORTS 1) The athlete gets up on skates and rushes forward quickly. (Speed ​​skating, Short track) 2) Here are the athletes on skates. They dance like that - just “Ah! "(Figure skating) 3) There was a game in the yard in the morning, the kids played out. Shouts: “Puck! ", "past! ", "Hit! “So there’s a game there -... . (Hockey) 4) My question is not easy, What do they call it when athletes on sleds slide down a chute? (luge, bobsled, skeleton) 5) There is such a sport in the world, It is popular in winter. You run on runners, hurrying after your opponent. (Ski racing.) 6) It’s difficult, no matter what you say, Rush at speed down the mountain! And there are obstacles - There are a whole row of flags. The skier needs to go through them. There is a reward for victory. (Alpine skiing) 7) You could name this athlete right away! And he is an excellent skier, and he is an accurate shooter! (Biathlonist) I've heard a lot about this sport: Aerial acrobat On skis. (Freestyle) 9) Springboard - the mountain is steep, so high. From it, faster than a bird, an athlete races on skis (Ski jumping) 10) He looks like one board, But he’s proud of his name, He’s called... (Snowboard) 11) I’ll throw a stone across the ice into the “house”, And with a brush I’ll sweep out the path for him . (Curling)

Competition protocol

Relay race Content bear Bunny Cheetah
1 relay race. "Hockey with a ball »: teams line up in a column, one at a time, dribble the ball between the chips with a stick, and back, dribbling in a straight line. At the start, the ball and club are passed to the next participant.
2nd relay.
"Fun biathlon":
The 1st participant runs on “skis” to the control flag and throws balls at the target, returns back, passes the baton to the next one.
3rd relay.
“Sled relay races
Teams are lined up in pairs. First, the first participant pulls the sled with the second participant to the chip, then they change roles and return. The sled is passed on to the next pair
4 relay.
"Figure skating"
Participants stand in pairs - a boy and a girl. The pair stands at the start, raising their left leg. At a signal, he begins to jump on his right leg to a certain mark, where he changes legs and jumps back on his left leg.
5th relay.
"Ski race".
The competition takes place at the school stadium. There are 2-3 participants per team. First team 1 runs, time is noted, then 2, and -3
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