Summary of work activities in the middle group. Lesson plan (secondary group)
Summary of labor activities in the middle group. Lesson plan (middle group) Summary of labor activities
Summary of GCD on life safety in older age “My safety is in my hands”
“Spring is Red” spring holiday in the middle group of preschool educational institutions
MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF Entertainment summary “Spring - Red has come to us!” for the middle group Authors:
Individual work on OO “Physical Development” (preparatory group)
Physical education instructor With subgroups (8-10 people) exercises are carried out that require special conditions (pits
Summary of the open lesson “Experimenting with water”
File of work assignments for the second junior group
Project in the second junior group “Formation of self-service skills” Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution for children
Drawing on the theme “my native country is wide” in kindergarten
On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes Experience working with older and preparatory children
Summary of GCD on fine art in the middle group on the topic: “Beautiful flowers. Summary of art nodes in the middle group
Summary of GCD in the middle group “Beautiful Flowers” ​​GCD for drawing “Beautiful Flowers” ​​Purpose: To teach
How to conduct a lesson on familiarization with the outside world in the senior group of kindergarten
How to conduct a lesson on familiarization with the outside world in the senior group of kindergarten B
Summary of the organization of regime processes during the day in the 2nd junior group “Romashka”.
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