The very first song Once upon a time there lived an iguanodon, weighing eighty tons, and he was friends with the bird Pterodactylyceum.
Progress of the lesson. Educator: Today, guys, together with you we will tell and show a friend
Preview: Summary of educational activities for theatrical activities in the senior group “We are actors.” call
Summary of an open lesson on application in the senior group “Be careful pedestrian, here is a road crossing” Purpose:
Card index of entertainment for children of the preparatory group for school Alena Afanasyeva Card index of entertainment for children
Musical and sports entertainment in the 2nd junior group. Scenario Scenario of entertainment in the younger group Musical and sports entertainment
Project “Health Week” in the second junior group 11 Transcript 1 Project motto: “Healthy image
Fitball-gymnastics in kindergarten January 26, 2013 Competition “My Pedagogical Initiative - 2012” Nomination