A collection of homework assignments on the lexical topic “Furniture. House"
Equipping a speech development center in a preschool educational institution in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education
On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes Recommendations for teachers on equipping the center are presented
Long-term plan for constructive activities in the second junior group
Features of the organization of constructive-model activities of preschool children of the MDOU IRMO “Mamonovsky kindergarten of a combined type” Topic: “Features
Abstract of GCD in the senior group “Travel through the Country of Transport” “
Notes on speech development “Transport” Topic: Transport Purpose: to generalize and systematize the idea of ​​transport,
Report: Objectives of work on interaction of preschool educational institutions with families of pupilsmaterial
Goals, objectives and forms of interaction with the family ⇐ PreviousPage 13 of 19Next ⇒ Goal
Card file of experiences for a walk; experiences and experiments in the world around us (senior group)
A card file of experiences on a walk at different times of the year Galina Satosova A card file of experiences on a walk
Final integrated lesson in the 2nd junior group.
Summary of an integrated lesson in junior group 2 according to the Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) Synopsis of an integrated lesson in 2
Summary of the open lesson: “Regular moment: preparing for breakfast, breakfast”
Article: “SUMMARY OF THE MORNING MEETING IN THE PREPARATORY GROUP” Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten
intellectual quiz in the preparatory group “Clever and smart girls”
MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF Summary of the intellectual game “Clever and Smart Girls” on the topic: “There are many
Summary of a lesson on the topic “Space” in the preparatory group “Space Travel”
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