Summary of theatrical activities in the senior group. “Who said “meow” Transcript 1 Summary of theatrical activities
Captions for the slides: Author: Chudina Svetlana Borisovna teacher, MBDOU kindergarten No. 45 “Rucheyok”
Methods and techniques for teaching drawing Elvera Batyrova Methods and techniques for teaching drawing Consultation on
Abstract of the educational activity "The sun is a source of heat and light"" Children remember that in the summer it is necessary
Dangerous games During the summer holidays, parents should take care not only about the availability of
Card index of walks in the middle group for October October Walk 1 Observation of insects in autumn
Forms and methods of developing children’s ethnocultural awareness Preschool childhood is an important stage in the development
ABOUT OUR MAGAZINE The children's magazine "Firebird" is created by our creative team in the traditions of humane pedagogy,