Open literacy lesson “Sounds M, M. Letter M"
Target. Teach children to highlight the first consonant sound in a word; introduce the letter Mm; learn
Summary of individual speech therapy sessions. "Automation of the sound [R] in words and sentences."
Progress of the lesson Progress of an individual speech therapy lesson on sound automation [R]: Organizational point Good afternoon!
Summer sports festival for children of primary and secondary preschool age
A selection of outdoor games for the little ones To plan an activity, use a selection of outdoor games that
Summary of joint activities with children of the preparatory group Topic: “Travel to Africa”
Summary of joint activities with children of the preparatory group Topic: “Travel to Africa” Completed by: teacher of the first
Using developmental learning ideas in preschool education
Technologies of developmental education for preschoolers Olga Kamartdinova Technologies of developmental education for preschoolers TECHNOLOGIES OF DEVELOPMENTAL
“COGNITIVE AND RESEARCH activities of older preschoolers” WORK EXPERIENCE
Thematic card index of play massage and self-massage
Rails, rails... Rails, rails (draw one, then another line along the spine) Sleepers, sleepers (draw transverse lines)
General parent meeting “The beginning of the school year is the beginning of a new stage in the life of the kindergarten, parents and its students”
Speech by a senior teacher at a general parent meeting “Preschool educational institution – family – ways of cooperation” General
Conversation on the topic: “Mushrooms - edible and not edible.”
Game 3. Grammar game “Mushroom basket. Count the mushrooms" In this speech game the child will learn
From the experience of work “Mathematics around us: the use of a developmental environment for the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in preschoolers” (Antonova A.S.)
Mathematical development of preschoolers in the context of the Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) Consultation on mathematics on the topic Mathematical development of preschoolers
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