Non-traditional parent meeting in the middle group of kindergarten
Non-traditional parent meeting in the middle group of the kindergarten Academy of Parent Education. “Harmony of childhood. Not
Summary of GCD for application in the middle group “Doctor Aibolit”
MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF Objectives: Educational: Continue acquaintance with the types and genres of fine art. Educational: 1)
Didactic games on safety card index on life safety on the topic
Games on life safety in a preschool educational institution “If a stranger knocks on the door” Game training
Card file: Household work in the middle group card file (secondary group) on the topic
Card file: Household work in the middle group card file (middle group) on the topic Card file: Household work in
Summary of educational activities for speech development "Description of a toy" middle group
Didactic games on number composition for preschoolers
“Ladybugs” Material: cards with the image of ladybugs with a number on the left wing; numbered
Non-traditional drawing techniques in an early age group
Non-traditional drawing techniques at an early age Zueva Svetlana Vasilievna Non-traditional drawing techniques at an early age
Calendar and thematic planning of the work of the “Theater Arts” circle
“Creative storytelling of a familiar fairy tale with the addition of new characters” Summary of educational activities for speech development
In kindergarten, the teacher has the opportunity to use a wide variety of ways to teach coherent speech,
Abstract of the GCD on the topic “My favorite toy” outline of a lesson on speech development (senior group) on the topic
Project in the preparatory group “My toy” Project passport Project name My favorite toy Type
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