Non-traditional parent meeting in the middle group of the kindergarten Academy of Parent Education. “Harmony of childhood. Not
MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF Objectives: Educational: Continue acquaintance with the types and genres of fine art. Educational: 1)
Games on life safety in a preschool educational institution “If a stranger knocks on the door” Game training
Card file: Household work in the middle group card file (middle group) on the topic Card file: Household work in
“Ladybugs” Material: cards with the image of ladybugs with a number on the left wing; numbered
Non-traditional drawing techniques at an early age Zueva Svetlana Vasilievna Non-traditional drawing techniques at an early age
In kindergarten, the teacher has the opportunity to use a wide variety of ways to teach coherent speech,
Project in the preparatory group “My toy” Project passport Project name My favorite toy Type