Senior group. Senior preschool age. Children 5-6 years old Summary of a logorhythmic lesson for older children
When we were given the “Geography” set from , my daughter and I began studying our
The structure of the game and the stages of its development. Section 1. Theoretical and methodological foundations of gaming activities
Project on health conservation in the second junior group “Our health is in our hands” Health-improving gymnastics
Nadezhda Privalova Didactic games for teaching sound analysis of words, stage 1. "How many sounds are there in
A simple bird - modeling in the preparatory group First, let's sculpt a simple bird from plasticine.
Educational didactic games At the age when the child gradually moves from babbling to words (1.5-2
Environmental project “Vegetable garden on the window” 2nd junior group Environmental project on the topic “Vegetable garden on
Making the sounds [L], [L'] To make the sounds [L], [L'] use the exercises “Needle”, “Painter”, “Turkey Poults”,
Games and exercises for the development of fine motor skills Natalya Petrovna Bochkareva, teacher of the Zolotaya preschool department