Summary of educational activities for theatrical activities in the middle group “Playing theatre”
GCD summary for theatrical activities in the middle group “Playing theatre.” GCD summary for
Experimental activities in kindergarten
Summary of a lesson on speech development in the senior group
From the author Successful implementation of program tasks depends on a number of factors and, above all, on
The theme of the week from May 12th is “Lake, don’t be stingy with water” - for early age group No. 1
Preview: Objectives: to arouse interest in the image of streams. Learn to draw wavy lines (along
Creative project with pupils of the preparatory school group “100 button ideas”
Interesting topics of creative projects in preschool educational institutions are now very relevant in kindergarten, since
Lesson on speech development in the preparatory group: “Native language experts”
Lesson notes on familiarization with the outside world in the senior group.
Summary of a lesson on familiarization with nature in the senior group Summary of a lesson for senior children
“Sound and letter “B”. Summary of a lesson on teaching literacy in the preparatory group
Continue the phrase Don’t be afraid, it’s a goose, I’m afraid of it myself... (I’m afraid). At my father's
Article: “Organization of work on studying traffic rules in kindergarten.” article (middle group) on the topic
Article: “Organization of work on studying traffic rules in kindergarten.” article (middle group) on the topic State
Development of cognitive and research activities of preschool children
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