Notes on teaching literacy “Sound N. Letter N”. (school preparatory group)

NNOD move:

Introduction to the topic

– Guys, do you like fairy tales? Who is your favorite fairy-tale hero? Today a fairy-tale hero will also come to us. And you will find out who it is if you guess the riddle:

Blue hat, Yellow pants, In the city of Flowers - The main braggart.

This Shorty tried to rhyme, But he did not become a True poet.

Many adventures happened to him, But it’s worth admitting, This boy is cute.

Who is this? Guess it! The baby's name is . (Dunno)

Children sit at tables and open their workbooks.

Game "Give me a word"

- Dunno, he wants to play the game “Give me a word” with you. Listen carefully, find the clue in your notebooks and circle the clue picture.

And the rooster with the prickly hedgehog cuts the lard with sharp edges. (With a knife)

Who alone has a horn? Guess it! (Rhinoceros)

– What is the first sound in the words “KNIFE” and “RHINO”? (“N”).

Working with mirrors. Characteristics of the sound “N”

– Say the sound “N”. In what position are the lips, teeth, tongue? What prevents sound from coming out? Tell Dunno, what sound is this? The sound “N” is a consonant, voiced hard or soft. What color do we use to indicate the consonant hard sound “N”? (blue). What about the soft consonant sound “Нь”? (green)

Game “Locate the place of the sound in the word”

– Name the pictures, emphasizing the “N” sound. Dunno does not know where the sound “N” is located in the word “ELEPHANT”. Let's give him a hint and draw a blue square in the appropriate place in the diagram.

Using tactile exercises

The child’s tactile sensations also need to be connected when learning the letter n. After all, these exercises activate the brain of a small person.

  • Draw a symbol on the baby’s palm, ask the child to say its name – “en” with his eyes closed.
  • Draw an “H” with your palms parallel to each other and your thumb placed perpendicular.
  • Draw a symbol on a sheet of white paper with a finger dipped in watercolor paint or gouache.
  • Make a letter from plasticine or salt dough and decorate the resulting figure.
  • Draw the letter H with the crumbs' finger on the cereal, scattered in a thin layer on a horizontal surface.

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