Work program of the circle on the application “Skillful Hands” work program (middle group) on the topic

Work program of the circle on the application “Skillful Hands” work program (middle group) on the topic

Municipal preschool institution kindergarten No. 44 of the urban district of the city of Neftekamsk of the Republic of Bashkortostan

Work program for the appliqué club

"Skillful Hands"

Educator: Ermakova N.I.


“The sources of children's creativity and talent are at their fingertips. In other words:

the more skill in a child's hand,

the smarter the child"

V. A. Sukhomlinsky.

Explanatory note

A child learns the world through manipulation, that is, actions with various objects that allow him to recognize and study their properties, while learning his creative abilities and changing what he touches. One of the child’s assistants in this most important task for his development is working with paper.

Applique is one of the simplest, most exciting and effective types of artistic activity. Children enjoy working with paper because it is easy to process. Non-traditional techniques for working with paper and non-traditional materials are especially attractive for children: torn, crumpled paper, paper napkins, cotton pads, etc. An unusual combination of materials and tools, accessibility, and simplicity of execution techniques satisfy the research need for them, awaken a feeling of joy, success, and develop labor skills.

Applique (paper plastic technique) is a synthesis of different types of visual activities: modeling, appliqué, drawing, designing from paper. Images in paper plastic are made in a semi-volume version; all parts and details are glued onto cardboard, which serves as a color background, which allows children to create bright individual and collective compositions.

By creating beautiful applications with their own hands and seeing the result of their work, children experience positive emotions. Working with paper gives children the opportunity to show patience, perseverance, imagination and artistic taste, show creativity, and acquire manual skills that allow them to feel independent. All this has a beneficial effect on the formation of a healthy and harmoniously developed personality.

The goal of the program: the development of manual skills in children through strengthening fine motor skills of the fingers and organizing joint visual creativity of children and adults.

Main goals:

  • developing the ability to convey the simplest image of objects and phenomena of the surrounding world through three-dimensional appliqué;
  • teach basic techniques in the “paper plastic” appliqué technique (tearing, crumpling, rolling into a ball); ability to work with glue, glue parts, attaching one to another;
  • learn to work in a given space (gaining basic experience in composing a composition);
  • enrichment of sensory impressions (at the level of sensations, the child learns the texture, density, color of paper);
  • development of fine motor skills, coordination of hand movements, eye;
  • development of speech skills;
  • development of creative imagination, aesthetic and color perception;
  • developing skills for accurate paper handling;
  • nurturing the desire to participate in the creation of individual and collective works.

The program is designed for children of middle preschool age (4-5 years old)

This is due to the fact that at this age it is characterized by a significant increase in physical capabilities, especially the active development of small muscles of the hands, a change in the psychological position and the feeling of “adulthood” by preschoolers, the desire to show their individuality and creative abilities.

Club classes are held once a week for 20 minutes in the afternoon, in subgroups. The duration of productive activities with children can vary depending on the situation and the desires of the children. A flexible form of organizing child labor in leisure activities allows taking into account the individual characteristics of children, desires, health status, level of mastery of skills, being at a certain stage of the implementation of the plan and other possible factors. Each child works at his own level of difficulty, starting work from where he left off.

Classes are held in the form of a game; to play out a certain plot, poetic forms, fairy tales, movement and finger games, characters (toys and dolls from various theaters, images of a particular character who is played out) are used.

The duration of the program is 9 months.

Expected results:

Solving the problems of this program will help children master the basic techniques in the “paper plastic” technique: tearing and crumpling paper, coordinating their efforts and actions, conveying the image of an object, a phenomenon of the surrounding world. Mastering the skills of working with glue, and most importantly, will develop manual dexterity and fine motor skills, when the movements of both hands become more coordinated, and the movements of the fingers are differentiated.

The result of the program is exhibitions of children's works in kindergarten.

Literature: I.V. Novikova “Volume application in kindergarten”

I.V. Novikova “Working with non-traditional materials in


A.N. Malysheva, N.V. Ermolaeva “Applique in kindergarten”

Internet resources

Subject Tasks Material
"Orchard" Teach children to carefully tear small pieces of paper from large ones and carefully glue them onto cardboard. Learn to crumple paper, roll it into lumps, dip them in glue, and glue them to cardboard. ½ white cardboard with a picture of a tree, colored paper (green, brown), red paper napkins, glue brush, napkins.
"Autumn Leaves" Teach children to carefully tear paper into pieces of different sizes and shapes, glue pieces of paper to cardboard, create an image of leaf fall, and continue to get acquainted with “warm” colors (yellow, orange, red). Landscape sheet with a picture of a tree, colored paper (yellow, orange, red), glue, brush, napkins.
"Rowan Branch" Continue learning to roll small pieces of paper into a tight ball and make a bunch of rowan berries from them. Cultivate a desire to make appliqué and finish what you start. Strengthen your hand and develop fine motor skills. ½ sheet of cardboard, red paper napkins, glue, brushes, napkins.
"Autumn bouquet for mom"


Reinforce the rolling technique, gently press the plasticine flagella, glue the yarn onto the piece of paper, and continue to form the desire to do something nice for your mothers. Whatman paper, plasticine,

Multi-colored yarn,

Blanks of maple leaves, glue, napkins.

"Cockerel - a golden comb" Practice clumping and rolling strips of paper napkins into flagella. Continue to develop appliqué skills (gluing paper flagella onto the silhouette of the tail, lumps on the body) ½ tinted album sheet with a silhouette of a cockerel, paper napkins, glue.
"Bear Cubs" Continue to teach how to carefully tear paper into pieces of different sizes and glue pieces of paper to cardboard. ½ cardboard with an outline image of a bear, glue, napkins.
"Drifts, snow on trees"


Strengthen children's ability to carefully tear paper into pieces of various sizes and shapes, carefully glue it to a base (on the crown of trees, on the ground), spatial mastery of the sheet, and development of imagination. Continue to learn to act together. ½ tinted sheet of whatman paper with images of trees, sheets of white paper, glue, napkins.
"Winter picture" Practice techniques for working with different materials: paper, cotton pads. Create your own composition

placing tree and snowman on leaf

Application sample,

Background (1/2 landscape sheet) blue, blue or purple paper;

Glue, cotton pads,

Simple pencil,

Felt pens, scissors,

Strips of white and brown paper,


"The little white bunny is sitting" Strengthen the ability to cut round and oval shapes from other geometric shapes

(a circle from a square, an oval from a rectangle);

Create an image of a hare.

Hare is a toy,

Black paper (1/2 landscape sheet) – background

White blanks sizes 6x4 cm, 3x4 cm, 1.5x1.5 cm

Strips measuring 1x6 cm, 1x4 cm, scissors, glue, simple pencil,


"New Year tree" Teach children to make an applicative image of a Christmas tree from ready-made shapes (triangles), with partial overlap. Continue learning how to roll small pieces of paper into balls and use glue carefully. ½ landscape sheet, green paper blanks (triangles of different sizes), double-sided paper in bright colors, candy wrappers, glue, napkins, brushes.

(break applique)

Continue to teach children to tear small pieces of paper from a large one and carefully glue it onto the cardboard. ½ tinted album sheet, white paper, cotton pads cut into pieces, glue, brushes, napkins.
"Valentine" Practice working according to a template, cutting along the contour line Sample, heart template, red cardboard 10x10cm.

A square of white paper 4x4cm, a circle with a diameter of 2cm, scraps of green paper, glue, scissors, a simple pencil.

"Bullfinch on a Rowan Branch" Create a voluminous applique using rowan berries in the form of lumps and techniques of tuck and partial gluing of the bullfinch’s wing. Practice cutting paper into narrow strips. Practice techniques for working with templates. Sample, bullfinch figure templates, 1/2 landscape sheet for the background, red tissue paper, scissors, glue, brown paper for the branch, felt-tip pens.
"Tumbler, pyramid" Exercise children's ability to carefully tear paper into pieces of different sizes and glue pieces of paper along the contour. Reinforce your knowledge of primary colors. Cultivate a caring attitude towards toys. ½ landscape sheet, colored paper (red, yellow, blue, green), glue, brushes, napkin. Tumbler toys, pyramid.
"Let's decorate the mittens" Make your own pattern in the middle and along the edge of the product; choose decoration elements, develop creativity and imagination. Mittens with decoration options, colored strips of paper, scissors, glue.
"Planes are flying" Strengthen the ability to compose an object from several parts of different shapes and sizes (rectangles, strips). Use glue carefully and spread over the entire mold. ½ tinted album sheet (in the shape of the Russian flag), blank airplanes made of colored paper (rectangles, strips).
"Flowers as a gift to mom" Teach children to create a beautiful arrangement of flowers (bouquet) using mixed media: plastic paper + torn paper, develop aesthetic perception, and form a figurative idea. Cultivate a caring attitude towards mother, a desire to please her. ½ tinted album sheet with an outline image of a twig, yellow napkins, green and red colored paper, glue, brushes, napkins.
"The sun is looking out the window" Continue to teach children to work in mixed media: plastic paper + torn paper, add missing details if desired, develop imagination, sense of color and shape. Landscape sheet with a picture of a window, yellow paper napkins, yellow paper, glue, napkins.
"Cat and Mouse" Exercise children in twisting flagella of different sizes from paper napkins and using them in appliqué, creating images of animals. Sample. Background – dense

Paper 1/2 landscape sheet, paper napkins of different colors, scissors, glue

"Decorative tray" Introduce children to Zhostovo painting, name the elements of the pattern, traditional color shades; make decoration elements from colored paper. Oval and round tray silhouettes, colored stripes, scissors, glue, samples.
"Space" Practice papermaking techniques. Gluing paper balls onto a prepared dark background. black cardboard, yellow and white paper napkins, glue, napkins.
"Willow Twig" Continue to develop the ability to roll small pieces of paper into a tight ball, tear small pieces of paper from a large one, and carefully glue them onto cardboard. ½ colored cardboard, Yellow paper napkins, brown colored paper, glue, napkins.
"Ladybugs" Continue to develop the ability to tear pieces from a sheet of paper and paste them onto the prepared picture. Cultivate a caring attitude towards insects. ½ green cardboard with an outline image of a ladybug, red and black colored paper, glue, napkins.
"Dandelions in the Grass"


Strengthen children's ability to carefully tear paper into small pieces, partially glue the workpiece so that it becomes voluminous (leaves). Develop the ability to work accurately. There is a desire to work together. ½ tinted sheet of whatman paper, blanks for leaves made of green paper, yellow paper, glue, brushes, napkins.

Options for combining figures in an application

Using colored cardboard or paper, you can prepare mugs in advance; it is easy to involve a child in such work. A circle is a fairly simple shape, but a preschool child may have problems cutting out even shapes from very dense material.

A variety of photos of finished crafts will help you evaluate the possibilities of making circle applications using paper or felt. You can replace individual elements with half circles; in more complex crafts, different parts of the circle, cut by hand, are used.

Techniques for making circle appliques

Using a pre-selected template, you can create various applications using circles and semicircles:

  • flat applications. Such compositions can depict any objects, while the elements themselves remain flat due to their complete gluing to a cardboard or paper base;
  • voluminous applications. More complex crafts are made by partially gluing individual elements to a base and folding, folding or filling the internal space of the parts.

Separately, we should highlight applications using the mosaic technique, when selected segments of the overall composition are filled with circles of a certain color.

Beautiful crafts for the holiday

For an upcoming holiday of any theme, the child, together with his parents, can make beautiful and original greeting cards:

  • for the New Year. The snowmen and Santa Claus presented in the catalogue, made from cotton pads, will perfectly complement a hand-made postcard for the New Year holidays;
  • for Mother's Day. A vase with flowers, daisies and callas, tulips from half a circle or lush peonies can be used as an idea for creating a gift for your beloved mother or grandmother;
  • by March 8. An original postcard with a picture of a blossoming sakura branch, a mimosa made of yellow circles with a figure of eight circles will be an excellent gift for loved ones or kindergarten teachers.

Round geometric shapes or small circles are used to fill different shapes and can be used to easily make any appliqué. Without holding back your child’s flight of imagination, you can provide him with an exciting activity, which in many educational institutions is part of the learning process.

Decorative decorations for cards

A simple circle appliqué technique helps to realize a huge variety of ideas and make a large number of crafts:

  • berries and fruits with recognizable shapes such as flat applications or voluminous crafts;
  • New Year's balls, they can be used for painting or forming garlands;
  • a gradient of circles to create beautiful and original paintings or installations.

After the child has mastered the skills of creating flat applications, you can make a three-dimensional craft with several elements.

A circle of colored paper, familiar to many, opens up new spaces for creativity and creating original and beautiful compositions. A master class with a step-by-step description of the creative procedure will help diversify home activities and leisure time spent with a preschool child.

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