Home Airplanes Today there are quite a lot of different aircraft, but not every one
A selection of copybooks for children of preschool and primary school age for home study. Preparing for
Application “Merry Round Dance” Olga Smirnova Application “Merry Round Dance” to develop children’s aesthetic perception, imagination,
Summary of GCD on cognitive development with children of the preparatory group “Types of transport” GCD in the preparatory
Summary of GCD for drawing in the middle group. Portrait of the sun Summary of educational activities in drawing,
The most complex form of speech activity is connected speech. In the process of speech development of the baby
Summary of GCD in the 2nd junior group: Wild animals of GCD in the second junior group of children
Quest entertainment for preschoolers in the summer Quest - entertainment for children 5-7 years old “Let's help out the sun”
Game forms are a universal means of development for preschool children. They contribute to the formation of cognitive processes,
How did crosswords come about? The first crosswords were published back in 1913 in the American press.