Objectives of teaching design in the middle group of kindergarten
Tasks of teaching design in the middle group of kindergarten Tasks of teaching design. Middle group Educational
Three models for organizing the educational process in preschool educational institutionsconsultation on the topic
TARGET SECTION Explanatory note Goals and objectives of the Program implementation Determined in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard
Child-parent project Russian folk tale “Turnip” in the first junior group
Educational and gaming project “Turnip” Bibliographic description: Burtseva, S. E. Educational and gaming project “Turnip” / S. E.
Summary of the game on traffic rules in the senior group “Road Rules”
Summary of a lesson-game on the rules of the road. Plan-summary of a lesson on life safety (grades 3, 4) Municipal budget
Organization of play activities for children of senior preschool age
Organization of play activities for children of senior preschool age Introduction Relevance of the work. Successful problem solving
The image of a teacher of a preschool educational institution as an attribute of business relations and professional success
Features of the profession Being a teacher is not only an honor, but also very responsible! After all, exactly
Material on physical education “Card index of outdoor games and game exercises during a walk in the second junior group”
Consultations for parents (presentations) 2020-2021
Explanatory note The Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education defines targets at the completion stage
Long-term planning in the senior group (sculpting-applique) September-October
MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF Program “Magic Modeling” for the senior group Goal: Development of creative abilities in children
Summary of a lesson on familiarization with the objective world “Torn off button”
Summary of educational activities for familiarization with the outside world in the senior group. Theme “My small Motherland”
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