Cyclic observations; methodological development on the topic Cyclic observations. In addition to the content, it is extremely important to determine the organizational and methodological form
Card file of work assignments in a corner of nature. Card file of the world around us (junior group) Card 29 “Getting to know each other
Organization of control in preschool educational institutions and the educational process In the matter of control and correction of the educational process,
Summary of a winter walk in kindergarten in the middle group “Zimushka-Winter” Summary of a walk for children
MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF Use of innovative pedagogical technologies in preschool educational institutions, taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard Every year
Summary of educational activities for preparing for teaching literacy in the senior group on the topic “Sounds [a],
Senior group. Senior preschool age. Children 5-6 years old GCD on spiritual and moral education in
Game “Masha-Rasteryasha” Purpose: to train attention, the ability to see resources for solving problems. Previous stage: familiarization of children
Abstract on fine arts in the middle group “In the world of warm and cold colors” (Children perform