Methodological work based on diagnostics To optimize the management of preschool educational institutions, it is necessary to increase the efficiency of methodological work
Perhaps every modern person has heard about photographic memory - the ability to instantly remember large volumes
1. Learn the concept of “many - little”. 2. Closer to three years - master the concept
Abstract of the educational activity “My city is St. Petersburg”. Author: Grekhova Olga Vyacheslavovna Educational institution: GBDOU Children's
Working with children before bedtime - goals and methods Sleep is necessary to restore physiological
Summer. Summer sports relays and Fun starts Contained in sections: Scenario of a summer sports event
Individual work in the preparatory group: a card index with goals Contents of the article: When a child moves from
Project “Heroes of the Russian Land” September 7, 2020 Competition “Children’s Project - 2013” Nomination “First
Leisure summary for the senior group of kindergarten “What is kindness?” Summary of extracurricular activities in
Do-it-yourself shadow theater in kindergarten Master class “Do-it-yourself shadow theater” Author: Seyitmedova