Methodological development on the topic “Parents meeting in preschool educational institutions”

Notes and plans for parent meetings

Contained in sections:

  • Working with parents. Interaction with families 11906

Includes sections:

  • Gender education. Parent meetings 42
  • Final parent meetings 449
  • Master classes for parents 3303
  • Traffic rules Parent meetings 337
  • Minutes of parent meetings in kindergarten 487
  • Parent meeting at the beginning of the year, introduction 289

By groups:

  • Senior group
  • Preparatory group
  • Middle group
  • Junior group

Showing publications 1-10 of 14849. All sections | Parent meetings in kindergarten



The best

Summary of the parent meeting “There is no limit to imagination.” Children should live in a world of beauty, games, fairy tales, music, fantasy and creativity.” V. Sukhomlinsky. The format of the meeting is a round table. Master class: “Creating compositions from colored paper using the tearing method”

Preparing the environment for the meeting : - consultation for parents ...
Seminar - workshop for parents of the preparatory group “Are you ready for first grade?” Hello, dear parents ! In just a few months, your children will become first-graders. And, of course, each of you is concerned about how comfortable the child will be in his new capacity. I would like the children to adapt quickly enough, to perceive the educational material with...

Forms and methods of holding parent meetings in preschool educational institutions material on the topic

In our BDOU Kindergarten No. 127, the following is practiced: together with the children, we make invitations to parent meetings for each parent in the form of applications, drawings, and crafts. Meetings are held in the form of discussions, heated discussions on one topic or another; “Brainstorming”, “Spicy Dish”, and crossword puzzles are held with parents. Scenes with children are also used. Our parents like these forms of parent-teacher meetings.

Parent conferences

The main goal of the conference is to exchange experiences in family education. Parents prepare a message in advance, and the teacher, if necessary, provides assistance in choosing a topic and preparing a speech. A specialist may speak at the conference. His speech is given “as a seed” to provoke discussion, and if possible, then discussion.

The conference can be held within one preschool institution, but conferences on city and regional scales are also practiced. It is important to determine the current topic of the conference (“Caring for the health of children.” “Introducing children to national culture”, “The role of the family in raising a child”). An exhibition of children’s works, pedagogical literature, materials reflecting the work of preschool institutions, etc. is being prepared for the conference. P. The conference can be concluded with a joint concert. children, preschool staff, family members.

Round table with parents

The purpose of such events: in a non-traditional setting with the obligatory participation of specialists, discuss current problems of education with parents. Parents who have expressed in writing or orally a desire to participate in a discussion of a particular topic with specialists are invited to the round table meeting.

Forms of joint activities: various promotions, theme evenings, family living rooms, family day, family clubs, various joint holidays and leisure activities, walks and excursions of teachers and parents, project activities of teachers, children and parents. An action is an action taken for some purpose (charity, expression of civil protest, improvement of a kindergarten, etc.). Its initiators in preschool educational institutions can be both employees and families of pupils. For example: preparing the site for Health Day, parents purchasing air purifiers for kindergarten premises, improving the gym, etc. The family living room is an alternative to the parents’ meeting, in which pedagogical tasks are solved in the form of free communication between families of pupils and teachers. May end with tea drinking and include leisure moments. Family Day is a special date in the calendar that focuses society’s attention on a healthy, complete, morally strong family that raises worthy children, independently resolves its problems and successfully overcomes emerging obstacles. Family clubs are informal associations of parents created to solve practical problems of education. They are usually organized by a group of enthusiasts: teachers and parents. The activities of family clubs are based on voluntary principles. In family clubs, critical parents become aware of not only the shortcomings, but also the strengths of their own children, and the children gain valuable experience in communicating with people of different characters. The topics of such meetings may be the following: Traditions of family physical education, Healthy outdoor activities, Healthy eating recipes, etc. Project activities of teachers, children and parents allow us to cultivate new forms of community, solving various problems of raising a child, both in the family and in the kindergarten garden.

a) Visiting families

Pedagogical assistance to parents should be based on a thorough and comprehensive study of each family and each child. Work with parents will have a specific, effective nature, promote mutual understanding and mutual interest between parents and educators, if the following tasks are implemented in unity:

1. Familiarization with the material living conditions of the family, its psychological climate, and the characteristics of the child’s behavior in the family.

2. Determination of the level of pedagogical culture of parents.

3. Identifying difficulties experienced by parents.

4. Studying the positive experience of family education with the aim of disseminating it.

5. Implementation of collective, differentiated and individual pedagogical influence on parents based on a thorough analysis of the data obtained about each family.

These problems can be solved using various methods of working with parents, but the most effective form for this is visiting families.

A professional social teacher will see from the first visit to a family what kind of relationships prevail between its members, what is the psychological climate in which the child develops. At each subsequent visit to the family, the educator or social teacher must determine in advance specific goals and objectives related to the characteristics of the child’s development and upbringing and the type of family. For example, when visiting the home of a young child’s family, the following goals and topics of conversation are put forward: “Conditions for the development of the child’s objective activities”, “Compliance with the daily routine of a young child”, “Pedagogical conditions for the formation of cultural and hygienic skills and independence of the child”, etc. The goals of home visits for older preschoolers are different: “Work assignments and responsibilities of the child in the family,” “Formation of initial skills in the educational activities of the future schoolchild in the family,” “Cultivating interest in books,” “Selection of toys,” etc. For example, visiting a low-income family, you can find out what specific difficulties they are experiencing; think about how a preschool educational institution can help the family (free visits to kindergarten, buying toys, etc.). A clearly stated purpose of the visit ensures that the teacher is ready for the meeting with parents and that it is focused.

To make home visits more effective, it is necessary to inform parents not only about the time of the visit, but also about its main purpose. Practice shows that in this case the conversation and observations are more effective. It should also be noted that at home, a conversation with parents can be more frank; there is an opportunity to get acquainted with the opinions and views on the upbringing of all family members who daily influence the development of the child. Based on conversations with all family members and observations, the teacher can clearly determine further tasks regarding education.

Also, during home visits, the teacher notes what can be learned from the positive experience of family education. You can invite parents to share this experience at parent-teacher meetings or write a short article for a binder.

b) Visual propaganda.

When carrying out pedagogical propaganda, you can use a combination of different types of visualization. This allows not only to introduce parents to issues of education through materials from stands, thematic exhibitions, etc., but also to directly show them the educational process, advanced methods of work, and provide parents with the necessary pedagogical information in an accessible and convincing manner. You can constantly set up group stands of the “For you, parents” type, containing information in two sections: the daily life of the group - various kinds of announcements, routines, menus, etc., and the current work on raising children in kindergarten and family.

At the beginning of the year, as a rule, the annual work plan is discussed at the teachers' council. Then the teachers inform about the tasks of education for a certain section for the quarter, inform the program content of the classes, and give advice to parents on how the work carried out in kindergarten can be continued in the family. Under a general heading, for example, “What did your children do today,” are extracts from calendar plans and brief statements about the implementation of the program.

With great pleasure, parents look at the children’s work displayed at a special stand: drawings, modeling, appliqués, etc.

In the “Advice and Recommendations” section, under the guidance of a psychologist and social pedagogue, recommendations are placed on various issues, reports from members of the parent committee on visits to families, and on duty.

The theme of the stand materials should depend on both age characteristics and family characteristics. In the preparatory group, the stand materials can be devoted to the following topics: “What children in the preparatory group for school should learn,” “Joint preparation of children for school in the family and kindergarten,” etc. For families with disabled children, you can set up a stand with practical recommendations from a psychologist, social teacher, or defectologist. You can also include a list of authorities where parents can get the necessary help and support.

Great importance should be attached to the design of general thematic stands and exhibitions. Usually they are prepared for the holidays: “Hello, New Year!”, “Mom has golden hands,” “Soon to school,” etc., and they are also dedicated to certain topics, for example: “Love, friendship, mutual respect - the basis for the normal development of children” (for large families), “Cultivating hard work in the family”, “Myself”, “The world around us”, etc.

Various materials are used at exhibitions. For example, at the exhibition on the theme “The Joy of Creativity” you can display works of children and parents from natural materials, drawings, appliqués, embroidery, macrame, etc., at the exhibition “Parents for Kindergarten” - doll clothes made by parents, various crafts and etc.

It is advisable to design exhibitions on topics related to various aspects of education (labor, aesthetic, etc.): “We work, we try,” “Beauty and children,” “We and nature,” etc.

The design of exhibitions may vary depending on the topic. At the exhibition on the theme “Goodbye, kindergarten, hello, school!” you can place items necessary for a first-grader: pens, pencils, pencil case, notebooks, backpack, etc., photographs of various options for a schoolchild’s corner in the family, advice on the life of a schoolchild, etc.

When introducing parents to physical education in the family, the exhibition can use photographs, text material about the benefits of physical exercise, and a list of basic movements that preschoolers should master.

Parents show great interest in how children live in kindergarten and what they do. The best way to introduce parents to this is by holding open days. Great efforts must be made by methodologists, social educators, and psychologists to carry them out. Preparations for this day should begin long before the scheduled date: prepare a colorful announcement, think through the content of educational work with children, organizational issues. Before starting to watch classes, you need to tell your parents what kind of class they will be watching, their purpose, and the need for it.

Open screenings give parents a lot: they get the opportunity to observe their children in a situation different from the family situation, compare their behavior and skills with the behavior and skills of other children, and learn teaching techniques and educational influences from the teacher.

Along with open days, parents and members of the parent committee are on duty. Ample opportunities for observation are provided to parents during children’s walks in the area, on holidays, and evenings of entertainment. This form of pedagogical propaganda is very effective and helps the teaching staff overcome the superficial opinion that parents still have about the role of kindergarten in the life and upbringing of children.

When working with parents, you can use such a dynamic form of pedagogical propaganda as mobile folders. They also help with an individual approach to working with families. In the annual plan, it is necessary to foresee the topics of the folders in advance so that teachers can select illustrations and prepare text material. The topics of the folders can be varied: from material relating to labor education in the family, material on aesthetic education to material on raising children in a single-parent family.

For single-parent families, you can create a folder on the topic “Raising a full-fledged child”:

1) recommendations of a psychologist;

2) consultation for parents;

3) articles on the topic;

4) where to find support in a crisis situation (recommendations from a social educator).

Here, for example, is what materials can be placed in a folder on the topic “Children’s play as a means of education”:

1) statements by classics of pedagogy about the purpose of games for the development and education of preschool children;

2) what toys a child of a given age needs, a list of toys and photographs;

3) how to organize a play corner at home;

4) a brief description of the types of play activities at different ages, its role in moral education, examples of role-playing games;

5) recommendations for managing children's play in the family;

6) list of recommended literature.

In the moving folder on the topic “Joint work of kindergarten and family in physical education” you can select the following:

1) text material about the importance of physical education for preschool children;

2) consultation for parents on a specific topic;

3) recommended exercises for preschool children;

4) plans and notes for physical education classes;

5) recommendations, advice on organizing physical activity in the family;

6) photographic material reflecting physical exercises in kindergarten;

7) newspaper and magazine articles.

Mobile folders should be mentioned at parent meetings, it should be recommended to familiarize yourself with the folders, and give them home for review. When parents return the folders, it is advisable for teachers or social workers to have a conversation about what they have read, listen to questions and suggestions.

One should take this form of work as visual propaganda seriously, correctly understand its role in the pedagogical education of parents, carefully considering the content and artistic design of folders, striving for the unity of text and illustrative materials.

The combination of all forms of visual propaganda helps to increase the pedagogical knowledge of parents and encourages them to reconsider the wrong methods and techniques of home education.

c) Parent meetings.

Usually, parent meetings are held traditionally - a report from the teacher on some topic and a discussion of organizational issues. As a rule, parents are not active at these types of meetings. And passivity is an indicator of either disinterest or the fact that the very form of the meeting is not conducive to statements on the part of parents. This suggests that there is an urgent need to review the forms of parent-teacher meetings.

But still, many preschool educational institutions use innovative forms of implementation.

To improve the conduct of the event, it is necessary to organize workshops, at which it is worth considering the issues of preparing and holding parent meetings, and ways to increase the activity of parents. You can also discuss the recommendations that are given on these issues in the manuals, and determine the general requirements for preparing and holding a meeting.

Some parent-teacher meetings can be made open so that teachers from other groups can attend. Together with the methodologist and social pedagogue, a plan of activities to prepare for the meeting is discussed, a questionnaire for parents and a memo are drawn up. The meeting should be announced in advance - one to two weeks before it takes place.

Questionnaires can be of different types, with approximately the following content:

“Dear moms and dads!

We ask you to take an active part in preparing for the group parent meeting on the topic “. . . . . . .” (indicate the topic of the parent meeting).

We invite you to think about the following questions:

1. . . . . . . . . . .

2. . . . . . . . . . .

3. . . . . . . . . . .

etc. (questions are drawn up taking into account the topic of the event, taking into account the social, pedagogical, psychological aspects of education).

It is also clear in advance who can speak at the meeting.

The methodologist and social educator places material on the information board under roughly the following headings:

1. “Our successes”: implementation of a program on any type of education (depending on the topic of the meeting), the level of knowledge of the children.

2. “Our tasks”: tasks to be solved together with parents.

3. “Consultations”: a brief summary of the topic of the meeting, its significance in raising children.

4. “Literature on the topic of the event”: list of references with brief annotations.

5. “Children's fiction”: a list of literature with annotations and recommendations for its use in one or another aspect of educational activity (labor, aesthetic, physical, etc.).

6. “Our problems” (depending on the topic of the meeting).

In addition to such an information board, you can create a folding screen or an exhibition of literature for parents.

An active meeting of parents involves showing classes and conversations, then discussing what they saw, and distributing reminders on the topic of the meeting.

By organizing parent meetings according to this scheme, you can achieve results in a short time: parents become more interested in the life of the kindergarten and more active in its work. This form allows parents to get to know their child anew by observing him in a kindergarten, when pedagogical problems are discussed in a free conversation, helps to increase the sense of responsibility for raising children, unites the team of parents, and has a positive effect on the relationship between the kindergarten and the family.

d) Business games.

A business game gives room for creativity. It brings the game participants as close as possible to the real situation, develops the skills of quickly making pedagogically correct decisions, and the ability to see and correct a mistake in a timely manner.

There is no specific, narrowly targeted scheme for conducting business games. Everything depends on the competence, abilities and creativity of the leaders.

The approximate structure of the game is as follows:

1. Preparatory stage, which includes determining the goal, objectives of the game, organizational rules governing the course of the game, choosing the character(s) in accordance with the roles, preparing the necessary visual material and equipment

2. The course of the game, which consists in the fulfillment of the necessary rules and actions by all participants in the game.

3. The outcome of the game, expressed in the analysis of its results.

The purpose of business games is to develop and consolidate certain skills and the ability to prevent conflict situations. Roles in business games can be distributed in different ways. Educators, managers, social teachers, parents, members of the parent committee, etc. can participate in it. A referent (there may be several of them) also takes part in the business game, who monitors his object using a special observation card.

The theme of business games can be different conflict situations.

e) Questions and answers evenings.

Evenings of questions and answers provide concentrated pedagogical information on a wide variety of issues, which are often controversial in nature, and the answers to them often turn into heated, interested discussions. The role of question and answer evenings in equipping parents with pedagogical knowledge lies not only in the answers themselves, which in itself is very important, but also in the form of these evenings. They should take place as relaxed, equal communication between parents and teachers, as lessons in pedagogical reflection.

Parents are notified of this evening no later than a month in advance. During this time, methodologists, educators, and social educators must prepare for it: collect questions, group them, distribute them among the teaching team to prepare answers. At the evening of questions and answers, it is desirable for the majority of members of the teaching staff to be present, as well as specialists - doctors, lawyers, social educators, psychologists, etc., depending on the content of the questions.

How to organize questions from parents? Typically, methodologists and educators use parent meetings, questionnaires, and all kinds of questionnaires for this. At parent meetings, they announce the time for the question and answer evening, provide the opportunity to think through the questions and record them on paper, and parents also have the opportunity to think through the questions at home and present them to the teacher later.

f) Round table meetings.

Round table meetings broaden the educational horizons of not only parents, but also the teachers themselves.

The decoration of the event is of great importance. The assembly hall should be especially decorated, the furniture should be specially arranged, and attention should be paid to the musical arrangement, which should encourage reflection and frankness.

The topics of the meeting may vary. The conversation should be started by activist parents, then a psychologist, doctor, defectologist, educators, social teacher, and other parents should join in. You can propose for discussion various situations from family life, problems that arise when raising children in different types of families (Appendix II), which will further activate the meeting participants. What is noteworthy about this form of work is that almost no parent is left on the sidelines; almost everyone takes an active part, sharing interesting observations and offering practical advice. A psychologist or social educator can summarize and end the meeting.


To create favorable conditions for raising children in the family, parents first of all need to master the full scope of certain psychological and pedagogical knowledge, practical skills and abilities of pedagogical activity.

To implement a differentiated approach to working with parents, it is necessary to comply with such general pedagogical and specific conditions as family structure, social status, style of family relationships, etc.

To identify the level of pedagogical culture and the degree of parental participation in raising children, the following socio-pedagogical methods can be used: questionnaires, testing, individual conversations, visiting families, observing children and parents, etc.

Depending on the categories of parents, such new active forms of work as “round tables”, auctions, quizzes, pedagogical kaleidoscopes, debates, interest clubs, competitions, “Question and Answer Evenings”, etc. are used.

Before each meeting, viewings of classes are organized, according to the topic. The various forms of influence used must be based on trust. The organization of interaction should be aimed at implementing the pedagogy of cooperation between educators and parents, at increasing the professional level of educators themselves in working with parents, taking into account modern requirements of pedagogical propaganda.

Identification of all categories through socio-pedagogical methods, the use of active forms of work with parents, taking into account the types of families and the level of their pedagogical knowledge, abilities and skills, communication skills with children, organizing the work of a preschool educational institution as an open system, active support for communication with neighborhoods, brings significant results .

and if we add to this some changes in the structure of preschool education, then more can be achieved. In my opinion, the introduction of preschool educational institutions operating on an open system into the preschool education system will only improve the quality of work of teachers of preschool institutions in the city with parents, strengthen the connection between kindergartens and neighborhoods, ensure a more prompt and effective dissemination of advanced pedagogical experience, and help more actively carry out work on pedagogical education of parents of preschool children.

It is necessary to further improve the forms of work with parents, taking into account their social status, social status, family category, and social situation in society. And the main leading role in this should be taken by a social teacher, using all the knowledge acquired at the university in practice in working with teachers of preschool institutions, and most importantly - with the parents of children

Non-traditional forms of holding parent meetings: “Pedagogical laboratory”, “Reader’s conference”, “Auction”, “Lecture-seminar”, “Heart-to-heart conversation”, “Master class”, “Talk show “There is an opinion””, “Pedagogical council” ", "Pedagogical skit."

Pedagogical laboratory.

Such meetings are held at the beginning and end of the year. At the beginning of the year, educators and parents discuss educational and training programs and discuss parental participation in various events. The teacher invites parents to fill out the “Parent – ​​Child – Kindergarten” form.

1.Last name, first name, patronymic of the child. 2.What is the affectionate name for a child at home? 3. Does the child have brothers and sisters? 4.What can a child do independently? 5. Does the child show aggression, if “yes”, then in what cases? 6.What characteristics of your child do you consider necessary to inform the teacher about? 7.What do you think is the most important thing to teach your child? 8.What roles can your child be assigned in performances and matinees? 9.What kind of assistance could you provide in carrying out activities in kindergarten? 10. Does your child additionally engage in music, sports, or in other clubs or sections (specify which ones)? 11.What is your child offended by? How can I calm him down?

Discuss the events that will be held throughout the year: intellectual games, themed holidays, quizzes, performances, competitions, fun lessons, sports (relay races, fun starts, Olympic games). For each event, an initiative group is selected, which, together with the teacher, will be responsible for its preparation and implementation. At the beginning of the year, the number of events, content, etc. are determined.

At the end of the year, the “pedagogical laboratory” sums up the results: the teacher and parents analyze the past year, the knowledge, skills, achievements and mistakes acquired by the children.

Activities vary depending on the age characteristics of the children, the wishes and capabilities of the parents.

"Readers' Conference"

Two weeks before the meeting, parents are given materials on the topic of the meeting, and the teacher asks parents to comment on this or that statement, then covers the essence of the topic and asks questions during the discussion. The teacher places the most successful advice, quote, answer to a question on the “Piggy Bank of Parental Advice” stand. The topic of the meeting can be chosen based on the age characteristics of the group, the wishes of the parents, or you can choose a topic that interests everyone.

As an example, consider the topic “Punishment”.

Materials for discussion: the teacher can read books to several parents that cover the topic “Reward and Punishment” (D. Dobson “Raising a Child with the Makings of a Strong Personality”, D. Windell “50 Reliable Ways to Raise Children”, E. N. Korneeva “Why Are They Like This” different?”, etc.). But with working parents in mind, we suggest handing out quote sheets.

“If, by constraining a child with many rules at once, you force him to violate one or another of them, then you yourself will be to blame if the habits you set do not take root.”

K.D. Ushinsky

Punishment is what you do towards a child, and education is what you do for him.

D. Dobson

Almost every child willingly responds to requests if he is treated with respect, patience and has a sufficient degree of psychological flexibility.

S. Sergeev

A spanked child is unlikely to decide to repeat the offense, so as not to receive a second portion, but he will obey only out of fear. In this way, children learn the difference not between “good” and “bad,” but between what they will be spanked for and what they will not be spanked for. And they rarely learn self-discipline techniques.

Young children do not yet know how to stop their emotional outbursts, so their actions often look wild and go against house rules. A parent's strictness is good because it keeps the child from bad behavior and at the same time carries an element of protection.

Rewards and privileges require variety so that you can keep your child interested so that he doesn't get bored with the same rewards. If you know how your son or daughter lives and what he is interested in, then awards and privileges will sink into the child’s soul, will delight him and will undoubtedly strengthen your mutual understanding.

D. Windell.

The discussion takes 30–40 minutes.

Effective parenting begins with parents who say no without fear, enforce rules early, and set boundaries for behavior. Rules express our beliefs and requirements; they teach children to cooperate with us, and in the future with other people. What punishments do you consider acceptable in a preschool educational institution? What to do if all the proposed disciplinary methods do not work? What can you be punished for in a preschool educational institution?

Discussion 15-20 minutes.



The parent meeting takes place in the form of offering useful advice on a chosen topic. For example, we will consider the topic “Ready for school?”

10 days before the meeting, the teacher asks parents to discuss the following questions with their children:

— What do you know about school?

— Do you want to go to school (if not, why)?

Then it is necessary to analyze what the child can do (read, write, solve logical problems) well, averagely and not at all. The teacher asks parents to select several examples of the development of attention, memory, and logical thinking, and choose the ones they like best to offer them to other parents. The advice with the most points is placed on the “Treasury of Parental Experience” stand.

It is advisable for the teacher to decipher concepts such as adaptation, attention, imagination, thinking.

The teacher recommends books that will help the child prepare for school, copy books, books of fun tasks, etc. Individually, the teacher can recommend that parents pay attention to the characteristics of their child, his successes and failures. Parents can share information about schools with each other.

The teacher should draw the parents' attention to how important it is to develop in the child the child's attention, imagination, and the ability to finish what he has started, to do the work carefully, clearly, and to follow instructions. Develop a friendly relationship with peers, the ability to play, resolve conflicts, and act in a team. The most important thing is to organize the child’s work.

Lecture – seminar.

To conduct a meeting in the form of a “lecture-seminar”, it is necessary to determine its topic and leader. The meeting can be chaired by a teacher, parents, or invited specialists. Let's consider the topic “Fears” without involving specialists.

10 days before the meeting, parents should be asked to draw a picture “My Fear” with their children, discuss the child’s fears, find out if the child is afraid of anything in kindergarten.

At the meeting, discuss the causes of children's fears and ways to overcome them, based on the reasons for their occurrence.

Sincere conversation.

This meeting is not intended for all parents, but only for those whose children have common problems: aggressiveness, problems communicating with peers, if the child is left-handed, if he does not cope well with developmental tasks, etc.

The teacher warns parents about the meeting a few days before the meeting and asks them to prepare to discuss a particular problem. He reads relevant literature about the problem, prepares to listen to parents’ questions and answer them.

Master Class.

This is a meeting at which parents demonstrate their achievements in the field of raising and educating children. A master class can be both theoretical and practical. Two weeks before the meeting, the teacher proposes a topic to several parents and instructs each to teach a small lesson in which they will have to explain to all the assembled parents how to teach their child to read, wash, behave in transport, etc.

Talk show “There is an opinion”.

A meeting in the form of a talk show involves discussing one problem from different points of view, detailing the problem and possible ways to solve it. The teacher, parents, and other specialists can be invited to the talk show. Parents may have a similar opinion on the issue under discussion, but the teacher suggests considering the problem from different points of view, giving reasons for them.

Pedagogical council.

This is a meeting at which the problems of upbringing and education are discussed in order to choose the most appropriate methods, games, and activities that suit the different ages of children.

A methodologist and specialists working at the preschool educational institution should be invited to this meeting.

Pedagogical skit.

This is not a meeting as such, but an event that brings together educators, children, and parents. It can be like a fun concert.

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